组合数学中常见的计数方法 下载本文


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在做论文的过程中,王明远同学给予了我许多帮助,在此对他表示衷心感谢! 感谢我的亲人,是他们给了我经济上的支助和生活上的关心,才使我静下心来学习,在我成长的道路上他们付出了最博大无私的爱!我在这里向他们真心地道声:谢谢!







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附录A 英文原文

Combinatorial Mathematics Analyses

Combinatorial mathematics, also known as discrete mathematics, is the study of the science of discrete objects. Combinatorial mathematics is the computers after appearing rapidly develop a branch of mathematics, along with the development of computer science, combinatorial mathematics the importance of increasingly prominent. The electronic computer process information is only use \or is the code in this digital information. So the processing of discrete objects became the core of computer science, and combinatorial mathematics is the study of the science of discrete objects. Modern mathematics research content mainly includes two aspects: on the one hand, it is the object of continuous research, such as analysis, algebra, etc, on the other hand, is the study of the discrete objects combination mathematics.

Combinatorial mathematics research accord with certain condition configuration object, counting and structure, etc. Discrete configuration problems are the combination of mathematics research content, mainly including: (1) the existence of the configuration; (2) the structure of the configuration of sexual problems; (3) the count of configuration; (4) the configuration optimization problem.

In 1666, the combination of art, \the milestone, in the next three hundred years, combinatorial mathematics has made rapid development, especially since the 1940 s, the wide application of electronic computers to combinatorial mathematics has had a huge impact, combinatorial mathematics and computer science in combination won the broad space for development, and also for computer science laid a theoretical foundation. Combinatorial mathematics not only computer technology in network optimization, coding and cryptography has an important application value, in the enterprise management, traffic laws row, financial analysis, etc all have important applications. In the 2 l century, combinatorial mathematics will close with computer science to move forward, ZuGeLun skills will be computerized, and the solution for all the important