【精编】天津市第一中学2019届高三英语下学期第四次月考试题.doc 下载本文

精品 教育 试卷 习题 文档 60. Would you like to be a vlogger in the future? Why or why not? (No more than 25 words)

第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)

假定你是谢飞,你所在城市的图书馆开设的“英语角”正在招募志愿者,每周六下午 2:

00-4:00 帮助中学生了解英语文化和提高用英语交流的能力。请你用英语给你在你市做 交换生的美国朋友 Linda 写封电子邮件,询问她是否愿意加入。 要点包括:1. 英语角的时间,地点和目的 (英语文化,语言交流等);

2. 志愿者的职责(练习口语,组织活动等)。 注意: 1. 词数不少于 100;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

精品 教育 试卷 习题 文档 参考答案 I.单项选择 1-10 ACBBB II. 完型填空 16-20 DAACB 31-35 ACDBD III. 阅读理解 36-40 CABDB 51-55 BDCDA IV. 阅读表达

56. The “dream job” of young people (aged between 16 and 25) in Britain is

a vlogger.

Many young people put vlogger as their first career choice. 57. Communicating.

58. Being a vlogger means gaining fame and fortune. A vlogger can gain fame and fortune.

It’s easier for a vlogger to be rich and famous.

59. He can express his passion for running and learn something in the process. His job offers him an experience / chance / opportunity to learn and express his passion.

60. Yes, I’d like to. By working as a vlogger, I can share my hobbies with others and exchange ideas with them.

No. I don’t have a talent for acting and prefer to keep my life to myself. (60 题答案不唯一) V. 书面表达

Sample writing: Dear Linda,

Our City Library has just set up an English Corner, for which volunteers are badly needed. I’m writing to ask if you are interested in it. The details are as follows.

41-45 CDDBA

46-50 DBACB

21-25 CABDC

26-30 BCABD

6-10 ABCDC

11-15 CDABD

精品 教育 试卷 习题 文档 The English Corner is open to middle school students from 2pm to 4pm every Saturday. Aimed at improving their communication in English, the Corner also contributes to raising the students’ awareness of English culture. The duties as a volunteer involve helping them practice spoken English and organize activities, which can not only increase their ability to express themselves but also offer a channel for them to get close to the culture.

精品 教育 试卷 习题 文档 I believe the experience will also be beneficial to you, making your life as an

exchange more colorful and rewarding. I’m looking forward to your reply.

(128w) Yours

Xie Fei
