The Good Doctor《良医》第三季第7集完整中英文对照剧本 下载本文


Because you've been keeping him under lock and key. 我是在保护他 I'm protecting him.


We have to stay strong.


I think Charlie knows you're strong. 而且他知道你们爱他

And he knows you love him.


But the moment you all heard the word \查理人生中的一切都变了

everything in Charlie's life changed.

而且我觉得他必须明白 在某一刻

And I think he needs to know that, at some point, 他会感觉自己就像重生了

it's going to start to feel like his life again. 我父母以前经常搞一种活动叫做

My mom and dad used to do these things called 所走就走家庭探险日

spontaneous family adventure days... 缩写是SFAD SFADs.

都很没劲 但他们会让我不去上学

They were pretty lame. But they let me skip school. 去看棒球赛

Got to go to baseball games, 开着喧闹的音乐到处兜风

drive around with blaring music. 吃无机食品和

I got to eat food that was inorganic


and genetically modified. 有时甚至可以熬夜到凌晨

Sometimes I even got to stay up past midnight. 现在我们却只能去看医生

Now we go to doctor's appointments. 妈妈会列很多清单 为我流泪 And my mom makes lists. And cries. 爸爸则无言以对 And my dad's...quiet. 再停一小下

Just one more quick stop.

摩根 安德鲁斯希望我们...

Morgan, Andrews is expecting us to -- 求你们了 只要二十分钟就行 Please, just 20 more minutes.

十五分钟 15.

朴跟我说你拒绝了他那个基因疗法的主意 Park told me you rejected his gene therapy idea. 我们不能因为恐惧而放弃看似合理的治疗方案

We can't dismiss plausible treatment options out of fear. 不是恐惧 It's not fear.


It's a reasonable degree of caution. 你从什么时候开始谨慎了 Since when are you cautious?


The benefit of the cure may be worth the risk. 让朴跟她说

Let Park take it to her. 不 这样做不值得 No. It's not worth it.

从短期来看 这种疗法是风险很大 The cure is riskier in the short term, 但长远来看 好处要远远大于风险 but the long-term upside is much greater. 我们可以让你有机会拥有 We can give you the chance 长久 健康 正常的人生

to live a long, healthy, normal life. 不 你们不能 No, you can't.


I've been a freak my whole life. 一直在治病

And curing my disease, 让我呼吸一口新鲜空气

letting me take a breath of fresh air, 并不会让我变得正常

it's not gonna make me normal. 把输氧量增加到十五升

Increase the oxygen to 15 liters. 开始给她静脉注射免疫球蛋白 Start her on the IVIG.


We need to let her rest. 我也是个怪胎 I'm a freak, too.


People have called me that 因为我不是神经正常的人 because I am not neurotypical. 而且我以前也常常独处 And I used to be alone, 跟你一样 like you.

有时独处反而能让我更轻松 Sometimes that was easier.


Because it is hard to be around people 并不容易

when you're not like them. 但现在 我有格拉斯曼医生 But now I have Dr. Glassman, 还有位室友 是个女孩

and a roommate who is a girl,

还有女朋友 她只是有时比较烦人

and a girlfriend who is only annoying some of the time. 而且我觉得这样总比独处好

And I think it is better than being alone. 如果你痊愈了 If you're...cured,

你可以参与「户外运动」 you can be...\就像你父母那样 like your parents.


Or you can stay inside and have phone sex. 你自己选

It will be your choice.

下次你越过我做决定 就是你最后一次了

The next time you go over my head will be the last. 给她准备做基因置换

Prep her for the gene replacement. 干得好 肖恩 Nice work, Shaun. 不 不可能 No. No way.

他就要瞎了 He's going blind.


It's his last chance to see a naked woman. 你是个女人 You're a woman.

我猜你衣服下面 也是裸女

I bet under those clothes, you're a naked one. 我是他姐姐 I'm his sister. 我给你五十元好处费 I'll slip you 50 bucks.


我的预算报告 等你批准

My budget proposal, for your approval. 尼尔·梅伦德斯医生 手术案例 等你审核

Surgical cases, for your review. 都要在明晚董事会之前看完

Before the board meeting tomorrow night. SJSB手术报告 那个怀孕的女人

The pregnant woman...? 尼尔怎么样了

How's Neil taking it?

等五分钟 我和利姆医生在谈事 Five minutes, please. I'm with Dr. Lim.


I see there's a new member on the clinic team. 怎么样了

How's that going?

才半天 我们正在慢慢解决问题

Well, it's been half-a-day. We're working out the kinks. 如果今天结束前还是顺风顺水

Well, if it's still smooth-sailing by close of business, 告诉我你的秘诀

let me know your secret.


I guess that answers my initial question. 他一直告诉我他没事

He keeps telling me he's fine.

如果他有事 也会最后一个告诉你

You're the last person he'd tell if he weren't. 我会是倒数第二个知道的