The Good Doctor《良医》第三季第7集完整中英文对照剧本 下载本文

亨利是个好孩子 Henry's a good boy. 这不怪你

It's not your fault.

你不能把它从我身边带走 You can't take him from me. 它不能伤害你

He's not allowed to hurt you. -已经12点47了 -谢谢 - It's 12:47. - Thank you.

你12点30的预约已经晚了17分钟 You're 17 minutes late for your 12:30 -- 我要和普莱斯太太谈一下

Mrs. Pryce and I need to have a little talk. 没事的 我和亨利都很好 It's okay. Henry and I are fine. 亨利是谁 Who's Henry?


You hesitated before cutting her open. 一旦切开切口就要迅速完成

We had to work fast once I made the incision. 我要先在脑子里把流程都过一遍

I was running through the procedure in my head. 虽然输得很惨但也没必要觉得丢脸

There's no shame in needing to process a tough loss. 你应该找个人谈谈

You should talk to someone.


I'd prefer to focus on my current patient 而不是上一位病人 rather than my last one.

布朗医生 我的病人去哪里了 Dr. Browne, where's my patient? 别跟我提「在造影室」

And before you say, \我知道你在撒谎

I already know that's not true. 他跟我和摩根在一起 He's with me and Morgan.

他只是有点事情要处理 一切都...

He just needed to process a few things. Everything's -- 小心

Watch out!

发生什么事了 What's going on?

摩根刚才没及时转弯 她开车技术很差

Morgan just missed a turn. She's a terrible driver. 不 我们马上回来

Uh, no, we're on our way back now. -尽快 -好 - Hurry. - Okay.


How long was I out in the open? 十三分钟 13 minutes.

我们切除了所有感染的组织 We got all of the infected tissue. 真烦人

That's annoying.

为了救你的命 这是必须的 It was necessary to save your life. 不 我是说你的手机 No, I meant your phone. 是的 Oh. It is.


I bet it's your girlfriend.


How did you know?

只有烦人的女朋友才会发那么多消息 Only annoying girlfriends text that much. 我以前也整天给我男朋友发消息 I used to text my boyfriend all the time. 他也觉得很烦

It annoyed him, too.


I am supposed to flirt with her, 但我不知道该怎么说 and I don't know how.


Did your boyfriend break up with you 你很烦人吗

because you were annoying? 不 他死了 No. He died.


That's the downside of outliving your prognosis.

你也会比身边的人活得长 You outlive everyone else's too. 这是缺点吗

That is a downside? 把手机拿出来

Get out your phone. 我告诉你该回她什么 I'll tell you what to type. 我真的很擅长电话性爱 I'm really good at phone sex. 我也只能这样做爱

It's the only kind of sex I can have. 我们还没做过爱 We haven't had sex. 那我只教你前戏部分 I'll stick to foreplay.

不 谢了 No, thank you.

你给父母发消息吗 还是他们也死了

Do you text your parents? Or are they dead too? 我父母在丹佛

My parents are in Denver.

他们因为我爸的工作搬去了那里 My dad's job transferred them there. 他们一直都想生活在有雪的地方

They always wanted to live near the snow. 他们喜欢户外运动 而我却不能出门 They're outdoorsy, and I'm, you know, not. 我跟父母也不亲近

I am not close to my parents either. 我有自闭症 他们没有

I have autism, and they don't. 我要听你的肺音

I need to listen to your lungs. 我只是头很晕

I just got really dizzy. 怎么了

What's going on? 你发生了感染

You have an infection.

体温39.8度 血压80/50

Temperature is 103.6. BP is 80/50. 她表现出败血症的早期症状

She's showing early signs of sepsis.


Start her on a course of IV immunoglobulin therapy, 腺苷脱氨酶替代疗法和 ADA-enzyme

粒细胞巨噬细胞刺激因子治疗 replacement and GM-CSF. 好 Okay.

我觉得除了治疗感染 我们还能做些别的 I think we can do more than treat her infection... 基因替代疗法

Gene replacement therapy.

我们获取她的干细胞 用逆转录病毒载体

We harvest her stem cells and use a retroviral vector 把她的DNA转换为改良的腺苷脱氨酶基因

to transduce her DNA with the modified ADA gene. 如果这种疗法有效 她会痊愈 If it works, she's cured. 但如果无效 她就会死

And if it doesn't work, she dies. 她的身体有一半的可能 There's a 50% chance


her body will have an acute toxic reaction.


We're going to treat the infection. 她下次还会出现感染 没完没了

She'll get another infection. And another, and another, 最终 她还是会死于感染

and eventually, one of them will kill her.

不一定 她已经比预期活得长了

You don't know that. She's already beaten the odds. 代价是与世隔绝

By cutting herself off from the world. 传统的治疗方法更为稳妥

Traditional treatment is the safer course. 他只是发泄一下

He's blowing off steam.

他和医生们在一起 很安全 He's with the doctors. He's safe. 他很害怕 不知所措

He's scared and overwhelmed, 而且很显然他觉得不能告诉我们

and obviously he felt like he couldn't tell us --