The Good Doctor《良医》第三季第7集完整中英文对照剧本 下载本文

He wants to be left alone.

-不 你想一个人呆着 -但我们不还在这儿

- No, you want to be left alone. - And yet here we are. 早熟的青少年失明

Precocious pre-teen going blind.

拜托 那是克莱尔牌猫薄荷 你得和他谈谈

Come on, that's Claire catnip. You have to talk to him. -他安排什么检查吗 -没有

- Did he have any tests scheduled? - No. 没有人见过他 听到他 闻到他

No one's seen him, heard him, smelled him. 我打电话给保安 I'm calling Security.

-等等 -你在干吗

- Hold on. - What are you doing? 查理呢

Where's Charlie?

发生什么事了 他没事吧

Did something happen? Is he okay? 他在成像室 He's in imaging.


We'll have him back very soon. 他十五分钟前叫了车

He ordered a ride 15 minutes ago. -去哪里 -很近

- To where? - It's close.


We could have him back before anyone knows he's gone. -你疯了吗 -说得对

- Are you insane? - You're right. 我们最好还是回去把那两个

It's much better if we go back in there 已经担惊受怕的父母再吓破胆

and freak out two already-freaked-out parents, 在你这么做的时候 向安德鲁斯解释 and while you're at it, explain to Andrews 你没有按他说的去做

that you didn't do what he asked you to do. 是哪个表情符号 Which emoji was it? 把它发给我好了 Just send it to me. 你告诉我必须要回复

You told me I have to respond.


There is no response to...

好吧 我想卡莉是在说她想你了

Okay, I think Carly's saying she misses you 她想知道你也想她

and wants to know that you miss her, too. 你是从一张假脸上知道这些的

You know all of that from one fake face?

回她短信好啦 说些随便点 调情的话 Just text her back something flirty, casual. 比如 「我也一直在想你」

Say something like, \我今天已经很多次没有想她了

I have stopped thinking about her many times today. 别发那个给卡莉 Do not text Carly that. 我得走了 I have to go. 通话结束 好吧 Okay.


This popcorn is terrible.

我们得在你父母担心前 We have to get you back 把你送回医院

before your parents start to worry. 我们会晚三年五个月

We're gonna be three years, five months too late. 这比赛真无聊 所以 我们现在就走 The game is a blowout. So, we leave now 她叫什么名字 What's her name? 什么 What? 我不知道 I dunno.


The only words I've ever said to her are, 「能给我来杯冰沙吗」 \我只想最后见她一面

I just wanted to see her one last time.

-去打个招呼 -你疯了吗 - Go say hi. - Are you crazy? 我刚才也这么问过她

I was asking her that earlier.


Tell her you think she's the most beautiful girl 最漂亮的女孩

you've ever laid eyes on,

在你能看见的最后几个小时里 and with your last few hours of sight, 你想再看看她的脸

you wanted to see her face one more time. -就算这样很有爱... -别扫兴

- As lovely as this is... - Don't ruin the moment. 坏死的碎片完全包裹住了

The necrotic debris has completely encased


the visceral pleura.

内窥镜跟上 我可不想出漏子

Follow me with the camera. I don't want to spring a leak. 感染组织把她的肺粘在胸壁上了

Tissue's fused her lungs to her chest wall. 我需要凯撒钳

I need the Kaiser Forceps.

该死的 组织太厚了 没法穿过端口

Damn it. Tissue's too thick to fit through the ports. 我们需要开胸手术

We need to do a thoracotomy. 我们不能在气密室里做开胸

And we can't open her up in an air-tight chamber. 如果我们要烧灼出血点

If we have to cauterize a bleed,


the whole thing could explode. 我们得把泡泡女孩带出泡泡

We have to take our Bubble Girl out of the bubble. -我们出来得太久了 -冷静点

- We've been gone too long. - Calm down. 这孩子要十五秒钟才会临阵退缩

It'll take the kid 15 seconds to chicken out. 或者更短 Or less. 我真没用 I'm a wuss.

大多数孩子根本就不敢过去 你很棒了

Most kids wouldn't have gone over at all. Good for you. -我能... -不行 - Can I... - No.

-我只想... -不行 - I'm just -- - No. -最好尽快 -什么

- It better be fast. - What?

我们只是让一位快要失明的可怜孩子 We're giving a sad, nearly blind kid 在阳光下多待几分钟

a few more minutes in the sun. 好人会有好报的

We could get an award for this. 每二十分钟换一次手套

Change gloves every 20 minutes. 动作要快 但又要非常仔细

We need to be fast, but extremely careful. 手术刀 Knife.

这是被一只北美飞鼠咬的 It's a Northern flying squirrel. 它们的飞行更像是在滑翔 They don't fly so much as glide.

你很幸运伤口没有感染 You're lucky it's not infected. 这是个神奇的物种

Well, it's a fascinating species.

作为夜行的啮齿类动物 它们异常灵敏

They're uncommonly high-strung for a nocturnal rodent. 那只松鼠就在包里吗 Is the squirrel in the bag?

是的 Yes.

-我到哪都带着亨利 -不不不

- Henry comes everywhere -- - No, no, no, no, no. 这样就行 不用给我看

That's okay. I don't need to see him. 好吧 Okay.


Has he bitten you before? 怪我自己 我激怒了它

It was my fault. I provoke him.