商务英语写作问答题 下载本文

A Short Quiz (Lecture 3 & 4)

Section A: Questions and Answers

1. Why is the form of a business letter important? It is the first impression in business letters.

2. In what situation will you start your letter by addressing your reader as “Dear sir or madam”?

When I don’t know the name and gender of the person I am writing to. 3. In what situation will you address your reader as “Dear sir”?

When I want to appear cold(or very cold) to the person I am writing to. 4. In what situation will you address your reader with his/her name? When I am on first name terms with the person I am writing to.

5. What are the three paragraphs contained in the body of a business letter?

(1) An introduction or an acknowledgment of the previous correspondence if any

(2)Give / Inquire about information

(3)Express a hope or refers to further action either by writer or reader.

6. How shall the style of complimentary close match that of a salutation? Examples should be provided.

Your complimentary close should be carefully chosen to agree with the

salutation in tone and manner. Eg.

Salutation Dear Mrs. Wilson/Dear Ms. Hemsuchl Dear Sir or Madam/Dear Sir Dear David Complimentary close Yours sincerely Yours faithfully Best withes

7. A signature is not just a line, what is it? A signature is a block.

8. Why shall we have optional parts in writing a business letter? What optional parts are usually contained in a business letter?

Because sometimes we need to send a letter to a specific person under a specific


Six Parts: (1)The attention line (2)The subject line /Heading (3)The post scriptum (4)The reference initials (5)The enclosure notation (6)The copy notation

9. In what situation will you add an attention line to your letter?

(1)Don’t know the exact name of the person, but know the position. (2)I want this letter to be sent to the person as quickly as possible. 10. How to write an enclosure notation? What do we mean by “Encl.: a/s”?

Enc(l).:X Encls:X Enclosure(s)(X) Encl.:a/s 附件较多时使用Encl.:a/s a/s: as stated

11. What is the appearance of a block style? What is the appearance of a modified block style?

(1)All its lines from the date line begin at the left margin.

(2)All its parts begin at the left margin except the dateline, complimentary close

and signature.

12. What is the feature of a simplified style? What is the advantage of this style? Feature: Abides by the same rules as block style.

Advantages:(1)Emphasize contents over complimentary aspects of the letter. (2)Save writer’s time.

13. What is supposed to be the disadvantage of writing a letter in modified block style?

More difficult than block styles.

14. There are two kinds of punctuation styles, what are they? (1)Mixed punctuation (2)Open punctuation

15. What is the importance of establishing business relations in international trade? In international trade, if you want to maintain or expand your business scope,

you should cope with more business companies, especially those abroad. 16. How many channels are there to establish business relations? Four: (1)Writing: communication in letters

(2)Attendance: all kinds of commodities fairs (3)Exhibitions: held at home and abroad

(4)Visits: Mutual visits by trade groups and delegations

17. What are the main contents of the letter concerning establishing business relations?

(1)How you know their name and address (2)Why you are writing to him

(3)Introduction of your business scope (4)Hope for future relations

18. How to get some necessary information about a new client with whom you want to enter into business relations?

We can get information from Periodicals, advertisements, market investigations

or self-introduction by merchants themselves.

Also we can get information from Banks, chamber of commerce, commercial

attache of a foreign embassy or branches, agencies or sales representatives.

Section B: Translate the following sentences into English

(1) 我们从我方在荷兰代理人处得悉你们的地址,现特去函希望能与贵公司发展


We have your address from our agents in Holland and are now writing to you

to develop cooperative relations.

(2) 我们公司专营各种家用电器的进口业务。

Our company specializes in the import of all kinds of household appliances. (3) 信内附有我公司最新的带插图商品目录。如有兴趣,请即与我公司联系。(if

any of the terms interests you, … )

We enclose our latest illustrated catalogue. If any of the terms interests you,

please contact us at an early date.

(4) 我们的开户银行是中国银行南京分行,该行可向贵公司提供我们公司的资信


Our bank is the Bank of China Nanjing Branch and it can provide credit

situation of our company to your company.

Section C: Translate the following letter into English 先生们:



目前,我们对贵公司的无绳电话感兴趣,盼望尽快收到回函。 敬上

* (1) 与……巧合:coincide…with…; (2) 无绳电话:cordless phone Dear Sirs:

We have learned on the Internet that we coincide the same business scope with each other, so we are writing to you for the establishment of business relations.

We have gotten in the electrical industry for several years and now we are one of the biggest Importers in this field in Nanjing. As to our credit situation, you can consult from the Bank of China Nanjing Branch.

Now, we are interested in your cordless phone.We look forward to your immediate response.

Yours faithfully,

Section D: Fill in the blank with the proper forms of the given expressions and translate the following sentences into Chinese. Be of interest; refer to; enter into; fall within; enclosed; in the line of (1) We are pleased to find that the articles you require _fall within________

our lines. 我们很高兴的通知您,您所需要的文章

(2) We have been _in the line of_______chemicals for more than ten years and

now one of the largest exporters in China. 我公司已进军化工行业超过十年了,现在是中国最大的出口商之一。 (3) Should any of the items ___be of interest_______to you, please let us

know. 如有兴趣,请尽快与我们联系。

(4) We desire to __enter into_____ mutual beneficial business relations with


我公司希望能与贵公司发展互惠互利的贸易关系。 (5) The __enclosed_______ is a copy of our latest catalogue. 随信的附件是我们的最新的产品目录。

(6) As to our credit standing, you can __refer to______ the Industrial and

Commercial Bank of China Guangzhou Branch.


Section E: Write a letter of establishing business relations with the following particulars:

(1) Tell the receiver that you wish to establish business relations with him

(2) Tell the receiver what your business scope is (business scope: export of leather products)

(3) Stress the advantages of your products (4) Send the latest catalogue

(5) Express your hope for future relations