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While it's the books that make a library, being in lovely surroundings may provide inspiration and help you to work a little bit harder. Here are some of the coolest libraries of the world.

The Library of Birmingham—Birmingham, U.K.

The new Library of Birmingham is said to be not only Britain's biggest public library, but also the largest in Europe. Designed by Dutch architects, this replacement for the Birmingham Central Library was opened in 2013 and has a wealth of resources within its walls, including adult and kids' libraries, music collections, a Shakespeare Memorial Room, and even a gym. Gardens crown the roof, while the changing seasons bring variations in the shadows and reflections inside.

The National Library of France—Paris, France

The National Library of France, which now contains an astonishing collection of 30 million, dates back to the 14th century and this royal library was set up at the Louvre Palace by King Charles Ⅴ. The library was moved to Rue de Richelieu site in 1868, with major design work carried out by French architects Henri Labrouste and, following his death, Jean-Louis Pascal. Here, the reading rooms are elegance themselves. There are more than just books to be found.

The State Library of New South Wales—Sydney, Australia

The public State Library of New South Wales holds the honor of being the oldest institution of its kind in Australia. It was originally set up as the Australian Subscription Library in 1826, but it wasn't until 1942 that its permanent home was ready. Designed by Sydney architect Walter Liberty Vernon and completed in 1910, the magnificent sandstone Mitchell Wing is one of the architectural highlights.

Seattle Central Library—Seattle, Washington, USA

Seattle Central Library's distinctive design ensures it stands out. Architect Rem Koolhaas is one of the names attached to its design. Architects sought to envelop the 11-story building with “a layer of transparency”, using a skin of glass and metal. The public library houses about 1.45 million books and other things, as well as more than 400 computers available for public use. The building, which opened in 2004, was included on the American Institute of Architects' list of Americans' 150 favorite structures in 2007.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了四个世界上最棒的图书馆,重点介绍了这些图书馆的发展历史、图书特点以及规模大小等。

1.Which of the following libraries has the longest history? A.The Library of Birmingham. B.The National Library of France. C.The State Library of New South Wales. D.Seattle Central Library.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“The National Library of France, which now contains an astonishing collection of 30 million, dates back to the 14th century and this royal library was set up at the Louvre Palace by King Charles V.”可知,法国国家图书馆的历史可以追溯到十四世纪;由此可知,这四个图书馆中法国国家图书馆的历史最长,故B项正确。


2.What can you do in the Library of Birmingham? A.Attend a concert. B.Act in a play. C.Take some exercise. D.Enjoy new technology.

解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“Designed by Dutch architects, this replacement for the Birmingham Central Library was opened in 2013 and has a wealth of resources within its walls, including adult and kids' libraries, music collections, a Shakespeare Memorial Room, and even a gym.”可知,这座由荷兰建筑师设计的图书馆于2013年开放,其内部资源丰富,包括成人和儿童图书馆、音乐作品集、莎士比亚纪念室,甚至健身房。据此可推知,人们可以在伯明翰图书馆里进行体育锻炼,故C项正确。


3.What do the National Library of France and Seattle Central Library have in common? A.They have computers available. B.They were moved to a new place. C.They won awards for architecture.

D.They were designed by more than one person.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的“with major design work carried out by French architects Henri Labrouste and, following his death, Jean-Louis Pascal”和尾段第二句“Architect Rem Koolhaas is one of the names attached to its design.”可知,法国国家图书馆和西雅图中心图书馆的共同之处是它们由不止一名设计师设计完成,故D项正确。



Many romantic legends (传说) have been inspired by Sacagawea, the Shoshone Indian woman who accompanied Lewis and Clark on much of their expedition (远征) of 1804-1806.

One of President Jefferson's major purposes in commissioning (委托) Lewis and Clark to

explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory had been the establishing of friendly relations with Indian tribes (部落). Indian chiefs were to be given Jefferson peace medals at these historic first contacts with white men.

In the winter of 1804, Lewis and Clark arrived in the North Dakota country of the Mandan Indians. Living among the Mandans were a French Canadian fur trader, Touissaint Charbonneau, and his young Indian wife, Sacagawea. When the expedition left Mandan country, the couple went with it. Charbonneau was hired as an interpreter and Sacagawea carried her newborn baby on her back. Sacagawea's main reason for accompanying the explorers was a longing to see her own Shoshone people again. Five years earlier, at the age of 12, she was forced to leave her home.

Sacagawea was of great value to the expedition in her role as negotiator with Indian tribes. Clark said of her, “Sacagawea persuades all the Indians to understand our friendly intentions.”

Across the Missouri River, Lewis and Clark were faced with the snow-capped Rocky Mountains. Crossing them would be impossible without horses. Going on ahead, Lewis met a band of Shoshone Indians. With the advantage of Sacagawea's relationship, the explorers were able to exchange some of their belongings for 29 Shoshone horses and the journey continued.

Across the Rockies, the party built canoes and followed the Columbia River to the Pacific. Sacagawea was among those Indians honored with the prized Jefferson peace medal, evidence of the fondness Lewis and Clark felt for her.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了印第安传奇女性Sacagawea。 4.What was the purpose of Lewis and Clark's expedition? A.To look for Jefferson peace medal winners. B.To start up a friendship with the Indians. C.To collect local romantic legends. D.To search for hidden treasure.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“commissioning Lewis and Clark to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory had been the establishing of friendly relations with Indian tribes”可知,Lewis和Clark远征的目的是为了与印第安人建立良好关系。


5.Why did Sacagawea travel with Lewis and Clark? A.She wanted to visit her old tribe. B.She was hired as an interpreter. C.She had become a friend to them. D.She was an adventure-lover.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Sacagawea's main reason for accompanying the

explorers was a longing to see her own Shoshone people again.”可知,Sacagawea随同Lewis和Clark的主要目的是为了回自己原先所在的部落看一看。


6.According to Clark, what did Sacagawea represent? A.A symbol of peace. B.A sign of good luck. C.A signal of direction. D.A guarantee against failure.



7.What did the explorers manage to do with the help of Sacagawea? A.They preserved Indian customs. B.They traded things for horses. C.They found a lost Indian tribe. D.They learnt to build canoes.

解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“With the advantage of Sacagawea's relationship, the explorers were able to exchange some of their belongings for 29 Shoshone horses and the journey continued.”可知,得益于Sacagawea的帮助,远征队才能与印第安人进行物物交易,换到了马匹。



Most dog owners are convinced that their four-legged friends know exactly what they mean when they use certain words like “sit”, “stay” or “treat”. However, researchers have always wondered whether dogs really understand human speech or if they rely on other information to get the meaning. For example, does the word “fetch” form a picture of a stick or ball in the dog's mind, or does the dog bring back the object based on the owner's voice or gesture? A new study by scientists at Atlanta's Emory University seems to indicate that “man's best friend” does indeed know what the owner is saying.

The researchers began by asking the owners of twelve dogs of various kinds to train their pets to identify two toys of different materials, such as a toy animal and a ball. Once the dogs had mastered the task, they took turns inside a special scanner. The owners then tested their dog's language skill by first calling out the names of the toys they had been trained to recognize and

then saying meaningless words such as “bobbu” and “bodmick” while holding up random objects the dogs hadn't seen before.

The scans suggested that the parts of the dogs' brains responsible for processing sounds showed different brain patterns when they heard words they were familiar with, compared with the ones they had never heard before. While that was not enough to prove that the dogs were picturing their toys when they heard the word, it did indicate some sort of recognition. The researchers believe this is an important step in understanding how dogs process language.

Something even more interesting was that the dog's brains showed a higher level of neural (神经的) activity at the sound of unknown words. This is the exact opposite of what happens in human brains, which get more active at the sound of familiar words. The researchers say the dogs may become cheerful at the sound of new words to try to understand them in the hope of delighting their masters. “Dogs want to please their owners, and perhaps also want to receive praise or food,” says Emory neuroscientist Gregory Berns, senior author of the study.

However, though your pet may understand human speech, the scientists recommend using visual signals and smell for training. “When people want to teach their dog a trick, they often use spoken commands because that's what we humans prefer,” Prichard says. “From the dog's view, however, a visual command might be more effective, helping the dog learn the trick faster.”

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。一项新的研究表明,狗的确能理解主人说的话。 8.What's the purpose of the new study?

A.To convince dog owners to understand their dogs. B.To advise dog owners to treat their dogs kindly. C.To prove dogs follow owners' order by listening. D.To test out how dogs get information from owners.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段尾句“A new study by scientists at Atlanta's Emory University seems to indicate that ‘man's best friend’ does indeed know what the owner is saying.”可知,亚特兰大的埃默里大学的科学家进行的一项新研究似乎表明,“人类最好的朋友”确实知道主人在说什么,并结合全文可知,该研究的目的是测试狗是如何理解主人的话的,故D项正确。


9.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2? A.Inform the result of the research. B.State the process of the research. C.Stress the importance of the research.