考研英语基础语法实例讲解 下载本文


1)先行词表人时,关系词由关系代词who,whom,whose,that担任: (1)在从句中作主语用who或that(以who居多) 例如:

He had some friends who /that worked in the office there. (2)作宾语用whom(需置于从句之首), who,that或省略 例如:

The boy (whom/who/that) we saw yesterday was John's brother. (3)作定语用whose(需置于从句之首,有时可用of which替换) 例如:

The couple whose photo I took at the party was very pleased with it. He has a book whose cover (=the cover of which) is very beautiful. 注: l

关系代词作介词宾语时可用who/that或省略,但介词须置于从句之后. 例如:

This is the girl (who/that) I told you of the other day. l

书面语中多用whom,但介词可置于从句之前或之后. 例如:

The teacher from whom I learnt most /whom I learnt most from was Mrs. Zhu. l

如介词与动词已组成短语动词,一般则须置于从句之后(与动词不分开). 例如:

The machine which I have looked after for twenty years, is still working well. l

Whose也可置于介词之后作定语,介词须置于从句之前. 例如:

The boss in whose department Mr. King worked had heard about the accident.

2)先行词表物时,关系词由关系代词which或that担任,在从句中作主语或宾语(常省略).例如: He had many merchant ships which traded with other countries. There are some jobs (that) men can't do very well.

注:当关系代词that和which在从句中作介词宾语时,用法有些不同. l

which作介词宾语时,介词即可置于从句之首(which紧跟其后),也可置于从句之末(which置于从句之首),单一置于句首较为正式. 例如:

One subject to which country music often returns is \ l

如介词与动词已组成短语动词,一般则须置于从句之后(与动词不分开). 例如:

Is this the watch which he was looking for l

That作介词宾语时,介词只可置于从句之末. 例如:

If it is a book on a subject that you are interested in, you will want to \ 总之,只要介词置于从句之末,用which/that或省略均可. 例如:

That is the exhibition (which/that) you should go to.

3)先行词表时间时,关系词由关系副词when担任,在从句中作时间状语. 例如:

This was at a time when there was no radio, TV or cinema.

4)先行词表地方时,关系词由关系副词where担任,在从句中作地点状语. 例如:

Today many of them live in special areas where they can continue their way of life.

5)先行词表原因时(只有reason一词),关系词由关系副词why担任,在从句中作原因状语,先行词在句中常省略. 例如:

I do not know (the reason) why they quarreled. 注: l

关系副词when和where有时可用\介词+which\代替,why可用for which代替. 例如:

There are occasions when one must yield. Beijing is the place where I was born. Is this the reason why he refused our offer l

先行词虽然是时间或地点,但若在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,要用关系代词. 例如: 比较:

The factory where his father worked has closed. The factory which/that was built in 1978 has closed. 比较:

I'll never forget the days when we lived together. I'll never forget the days (that) we spent in Australia.


The reason (why) she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat. The reason (that) he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated. 2. 非限制性定语从句(nonrestrictive attributive clause): 在非限制性定语从句中,从句与先行词关系比较松散,用逗号隔开.

1)先行词表人时,关系词由关系代词who,whom,whose担任(that不能担任非限制性定语从句的关系词): (1)在从句中作主语用who 例如:

Martin Luther King, Jr., who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, was an important political leader in the USA.

(2)作宾语用whom(需置于从句之首), who 例如:

That man, whom/who I met yesterday, is a film director. (3)作定语用whose(需置于从句之首) 例如:

My brother, whose arms had been broken by the police, was not taken to the hospital. 注: l

关系代词作介词宾语时,可用whom,介词须置于从句之首. 例如:

These papers belong to Bernard, with whom I am sharing a room. l

whom常作of属格的宾语. 例如:

About 2,000 people, many of whom were Europeans, worked on the project. l

whose也可置于介词之后作of属格宾语中的定语. 例如:

I decided to write about Chaplin, one of whose films I had seen several years before.

2)先行词表物时,关系词由关系代词which担任(that不能担任非限制性定语从句的关系词),在从句中作主语或宾语. 例如:

The dam, which is the biggest in the world, is 3,830 meters long. 注:

关系代词which在从句中可用作介词宾语,介词可置于从句之首或从句之末;并常用作of属格的宾语. 例如:

It was like stepping into a secret art museum, in which we were the only visitors.

North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of which throw hot water high into the air.

3)先行词表时间时,关系词由关系副词when担任,在从句中作时间状语. 例如:

Agriculture first started about 10,000 years ago, when people began to grow crops in the river valleys of the Nile in Egypt, in the Middle East and in India.

4)先行词表地方时,关系词由关系副词where担任,在从句中作地点状语. 例如:

He returned to Dublin, where he formed his own pop group. 3.判断是否由that来引导定语从句 1)习惯上要用that引导的定语从句

(1)当先行词是指物的all, little, few, much, any, anything, everything, nothing, none, the one时,或先行词被all, little, few, much, any, every, no等修饰时. 例如:

All that can be done has been done.

He will tell you everything that he heard about it.

(2)先行词是序数词或最高级形容词时,或者先行词被序数词(包括last, next),最高级形容词及the only, the very等修饰时. 例如:

This is the first film that I have seen since I came here. (3)先行词包括人和物时. 例如:

They often talk about the people and the things that they are interested in. (4)当主句是以who或which开头的疑问句时,为了避免重复,多用that引导. 例如:

Which is the house that caught fire last night Who is the lady that is playing the piano 2)习惯上不用that引导的定语从句

(1)在非限制性定语从句中,不以能用that引导. 例如:

Yesterday I met Mary, who seemed very excided.

(2)直接在介词后作宾语时,不能用that引导,要用whom, whose或which,且不能省略. 例如:

The house in which we live is not large. I know the young man with whom you live.

但当介词放在从句的末尾时,可以用that替代which, who替代whom,也可以省略关系代词. 例如:

The house (which/that) we live in is not large. I know the man (whom/who/that) you live with.

(3)当先行词是指人的all, any, few, one(s), anyone, everyone, those, people, he等时,只能用who.