人口增长、人类需要-无限;资源-有限;“稀缺”; 自然资源空间分布的不均衡、资源利用上竞争; 绝对稀缺、相对稀缺、资源危机? (2)整体性:
自然资源相互联系、相互制约,构成一个整体系统。 表现在“人—自然资源”构成相互关联的大系统。 (3)地域性:
地域分异规律、空间分布不均衡. 社会经济、技术工艺条件的地域差异. (4)多用性:
多种功能、用途(经济学上的互补性、替代性)。 (5)动态性:
资源概念不断演变、资源利用发展。可更新资源的中期变化(季节、年变化) (6)社会性:
文化:对自然资源的需求和开发能力。 自然资源中附加的人类劳动而表现出的社会性。
25、地区性资源稀缺的本质是什么? (1)资源分布与经济发展差异造成的稀缺 (2)地缘政治造成的资源稀缺 (3)经济原因造成的资源稀缺 (4)环境问题造成的资源稀缺
资源配置跨越了n个时期,如果所有可能的配置方式中存在净效益现值最大化的方案,那么这项资源配置方案就满足了动态效率标准。 27、何谓边际使用者成本?
28、简述贴现率和可耗竭资源开采速度的关系 较高的贴现率使资源偏向于现期开采。 29、简述土地资源
30、不合理的土地开发会产生什么问题? 31、简述森林为人类提供的服务和毁林的危害
毁林的危害:加剧气候变化,破坏生物多样性,降低农业生产力,增加土壤侵蚀和沙漠化,加速森林原住民传统文化的衰退。 三、计算题或专业讨论题 5道 1、水资源分配问题
直线A和B表示两条个人边际净效益曲线 2、2期、n期动态资源分配的计算
4、题目:Air quality and human health improvements from reductions in deforestation-related fire in Brazil
Roughly 15% of the Brazilian Amazon was deforested between 1976 and 2010. Fire is the dominant method through which forests and vegetation are cleared. Fires emit large quantities of particulate matter into the atmosphere, which degrades air quality and affects human health. Since 2004, Brazil has achieved substantial reductions in deforestation rates and associated deforestation fires. Here we assess the impact of this reduction on air quality and human health during non-drought years between 2001 and 2012.
? We analyse aerosol optical depth measurements obtained with satellite and ground-based sensors over southwest Brazil and Bolivia for the dry season, from August to October.
? We find that observed dry season aerosol optical depths
are more than a factor of two lower in years with low deforestation rates in Brazil. We used a global aerosol model to show that reductions in fires associated with deforestation have caused mean surface particulate matter concentrations to decline by ~30% during the dry season in the region. Using particulate matter concentration response functions from the epidemiological literature, we estimate that this reduction in particulate matter may be preventing roughly 400 to 1,700 premature adult deaths annually across South America. 5、地理学在资源环境经济学上有什么应用?
6、题目:LandScan: A Global Population Database for Estimating Populations at risk
摘要The LandScan Global Population Project produced a world-wide 1998 population database at 30- by 30-second resolution for estimating ambient populations at risk. Best available census counts were distributed to cells based on road proximity, slope, land cover, and nighttime lights. LandScan
1998 has been completed for the entire world. Verification and validation (V&V) studies were conducted routinely for all regions and more extensively for Israel, Germany, and the southwestern US. GIS were essential for conflation of diverse input variables, computation of probability coefficients, allocation of population to cells, and reconciliation of cell totals with aggregate control totals. Remote sensing was an essential source of two input variables—land cover and nighttime lights—and one ancillary database—high resolution panchromatic imagery—used in V&V of the population model and resulting LandScan database.