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also worked with the Beijing National Instruments Factory to further develop erhu design.

Min Huifen (閔惠芬, 1945- ) was born in Yixing, Jiangsu. Min first became known as the winner of the 1964 fourth Shanghai Spring national erhu competition. She studied with Lu Xiutang and Wang Yi, and graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1968, and became the erhu soloist with the Shanghai minzu yuetuan (Shanghai Folk Orchestra).

Yang Ying (杨英, b. 1959) was the featured soloist for the Chinese National Song and Dance Ensemble (中央歌舞团) of Beijing from 1978-1996. She was a national erhu champion, frequently recorded for the Chinese film and record industry, and is listed in famous persons of China.

The erhu is featured along with other traditional Chinese instruments such as the pipa in the contemporary Chinese instrumental music group, Twelve Girls Band. They perform traditional Chinese music as well as Western classical and popular music.

A few groups have utilized the erhu in a rock context. The Taiwanese black metal band Chthonic uses the erhu; they are the only black metal band to do so. The New Jersey-based progressive rock band The Hsu-nami plays a variety of rock sub-styles including metal, psychedelic, prog rock, and funk. An amplified erhu takes the place of lead vocals. Chie Mukai of the Japanese improv unit Ché-SHIZU also plays the erhu.

Another group which falls more under Electronica/Drum & Bass is a musical duo from Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The group, known as USS or Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker,[4] uses an erhu in a different context. The USS sound is a mixture of drum and bass beats, grunge-like guitar riffs and 2-step rhythms. The erhu is one of their notable instruments they use in the course of their two released CDs, \

See also

? ? ? ? ?

Dan nhi

Haegeum (Traditional Korean Musical Instrument) Huqin

Music of China String instruments

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Traditional Chinese musical instruments


Jones, Stephen (1995). Folk Music of China. Oxford: Clarendon Press OUP. ? Liu, Terence M. (1988). \of the Chinese Two-stringed Bowed Lute Erhu Following the New Culture Movement (c. 1915-1985).\dissertation. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University.

? Stock, Jonathan. \Fiddle Erhu.\Galpin Society Journal, v. 46 (March 1993), pp. 83-113. ? Stock, Jonathan P. J. (1996). Musical Creativity in Twentieth-Century ?

China: Abing, His Music, and Its Changing Meanings. Eastman Studies in Music. Rochester, New York: Rochester University Press. ? Wang, Yongde (1995). Qing shao nian xue er hu (Young person's erhu study). Shanghai Music Publishing House.


1. ^ Stock, Jonathan. \

Erhu.\Galpin Society Journal, v. 46 (March 1993), p 85

2. ^ Stock, Jonathan. \

Erhu.\Galpin Society Journal, v. 46 (March 1993), p 103

3. ^ AFP, Beijing (13 September 2005). \.


http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2005/09/13/2003271531. Retrieved 14 September 2010. [a Taipei Times article 4. ^ Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker Wiki

External links

Chineseerhumusic.info, Erhu Music (Listen to some Erhu Music) ? Erhu photo gallery (also includes another link to an audio clip)


Gusli.su, Erhu music listen (also about Jia Peng Fang music)

? Datungarts.net Professional erhu, banhu, zhonghu and matouqin etc. ? Softist.com, ErhuGuanyin (A free Windows application for erhu tuner).


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Erhu Tutorial VCD

VCD (Video CD)

主讲教师: 田再励 著名二胡演秦家。1958年出生于内蒙包头市,六风开始学习二胡,1982年毕业于中央音乐学院,






《二胡教程》(一) Erhu Tutorial Part1

1 几点说明Instructions

2 坐姿与持琴Sitting gesture and Erhu-holding method 3 空弦练习Empty-string exercise open string 4 分弓换弦Bow-separation string-shift

5 左手按弦准备练习Left-hand string-pressing preparatory exercise 6 左手单项练习Specific left-hand exercise

7 指序与换弦练习Fingering sequence and string-shift exercise 8 小指按弦练习Little finger string-pressing exercise

《二胡教程》(二) Erhu Tutorial Part2

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1 发音训练Sound-making training

2 G调第一把位指法练习G key 1st holding position fingering exercise 3 阶段的复习Review by stages

4 A调第一把位的指法练习A key 1st holding position fingering exercise 5 连音Liaison

6 连弓换弦Cross-bow string-shift

7 G调第一把位模进练习G key 1st holding position exercise 8 快速分弓换弦练习Fast bow-separation and string-shift exercise

《二胡教程》(三) Erhu Tutorial Part3

1 把位与换把Holding position and position shift 2 揉弦String-kneading

3 揉弦的应用String-kneading applications 4 F调指法F key fingering 5 C调指法C key fingering 6 打音Beating tone 7 快弓Fast bow

8 弱项手指的训练Reinforced fingering training 9 二胡考级曲目解析与示范

Analysis of Playing Techniques of Music Pieces for Erhu Performers' 《田园春色》胡越演秦

Scoring Exam and Exemplary music piece by: Hu Yue 10 《敖包相会》胡越演秦by: Hu Yue

《二胡教程》(四) Erhu Tutorial Part4

1 《南泥湾》胡越演秦 by: Hu Yue 2 《良霄》刘蕾演秦 by: Liu Lei 3 《独影摇红》刘蕾演秦 by: Liu Lei

4 三连音与换音练习 赵磊演秦Triple liaison tone and tone shift exercises by:ZhaoLei 5 综合练习二 赵磊演秦General exercise II: by: Zhao Lei

6 八度换弦综合练习 刘蕾演秦General exercise on octachord string-shift by:Liu Lei 7 各调五音阶练习 金良演秦Pentachord exercise of all keys by: Jin Linang 8 《月夜》

9 各调琶音的练习Exercise of arpeggio of all keys 10 怀乡曲Homesick Melody 11 喜送公粮Xi-Song-Gong-Liang 12 翻身歌Fan-shen song 13 《良宵》解析 Analysis 14 《听松》解析 Analysis

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15 《月夜》解析 Analysis 16 《翻身歌》解析 Analysis

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