短语集锦: Unit1
A miscellaneous collection Generate incomes
Maritime transportation and services
Distributions in size and scope of operational Supplemental air carriers Retail travel agencies Similar expectation Discretionary travel 旅游业的组成部分 共同努力 旅游服务业 路边的汽车旅馆
飞行国际和国内长距离航线 各种形式的陆地交通 涉及景点和旅游事件 可随意支配的收入 线路安排
尽管旅游业是近几年增长速度最快的产业之一,但又很难给旅游业下定义。 Unit2
Having a vacation
Engaging in various sports Taking a study tour
The development of a comprehensive definition The foreign exchange receipts
The sum total of tourist expenditures The length of time spent Communication media
Being innately curious concerning the world
The invention of the automobile and all-weather roads 描述旅游现象 缺乏统一的定义 引起关注
寻求身心体验和满足 手机统计信息
人类历史长河中短暂的一段时间 经历了迅猛的增长 旅行动机 渴望了解 参加业务会议
As an extremely information-intensive industry tourism is undergoing rapid and radical changes.
The tourism industry, known as the sunshine industry, has become one of the most important economic influences of modern times.
Eco-tourism projects will help the institute provide real case scenarios of sustainable development can work on a local community level.
Since being away from home is a necessary component of tourism, its development depends on modern means of rapid and inexpensive in accord with the old precept that reveal is broading. Unit 4
Cultural facilities Highlight the role
A slack season for the travel business Exotic pockets of town Authentic identity Anticipated benefits
Indigenous representatives Minimum level Alleviate poverty 地域文化 初始阶段 取得经济进步 保护地方资源 参与旅游业 保持特色
适当的规划过程 统计分析
跨学科项目P58 Unit5
Service provider Hospitable behavior In a broad sense Rewarding vacation Feel resented
The general public
Spread positive reactions Lacked prestige
Change the individual’s perception of self Demanding task 桥梁作用 消极态度 牛津英语辞典 游乐园 工作机会 酒店集团 会议中心
有利可图的职业 非工作性活动p73 Unit6
Growing from infant to giant
With the equivalent time and funds Desired destination Travel frequency En route survey
Lack of geographic accessibility Global affiliations
Interstate commerce commission Charter bus business
A learner and profitable company 常规线路
很大程度的灵活性 有史以来第一次 更新其产品
建造现代化的运输线路的终点站 一个繁荣的时期 消费者行为 复杂的后勤服务
更具有竞争力和效益的公司。P86 Unit9p130
Mass tourism
Planning and management Independent tourism Sustainable tourism Destination image Scenic beauty
Gross travel propensity Health-giving properties Aging baby boomers High level of taxation 带薪假期 自然资源 高端市场
旅游产品提供方 潜在效益
(美国)大峡谷 振作精神 旅游目的地 酒店客容量 Unit10 p145 Foregoing excerpt Part and parcel of In its own right Reference to In the light of
Various facets of life Be grounded in Mesh with
Legitimately argue
Convert from potential into actual 导览 拉动因素 大众传媒 划拨预算 语言特点 满足体验
辨别抱怨、投诉 信息反馈 旅游促销 根本问题 Unit11 p158
Offer a variety of travel products and services Demographic statistics
Word of mouth recommendation
The local share of the market Potential traveler
In the event of customer complains Multi-stopover independent tours Independent inclusive tour
Trips to exotic and difficult-to-reach destination Economic fluctuations 探亲访友 海外独立旅游
持有证书的旅游顾问 各种各样的娱乐节目 全年联系的业务
职业行为规范和道德标准 教育性质的研讨会 完成学业要求
Airline deregulation Marketplace Travel maze
Computer reservation Discount STPs ATM
Credit card 商务旅游 销售渠道 企业旅游部 机票 价格表 订房 奖励旅游 旅游产品 登机牌