【步步高 学案导学设计】2014-2015学年高中英语(外研版,必修4)课时作业:Module 3 Period 2 下载本文

Period Two Language Points


1.Speech is the fastest method of ________ (交流,沟通) between people.

2.The weather ________ (变化) from year to year with the pollution being more and more serious.

3. —What’s the matter?

—The bike hit a rock and turned over.Fortunately,he was ________ (轻微地) hurt. 4.It’s none of others’ business,so don’t ________ (牵涉) other people in your trouble.

5.Be careful about the news on red fire ants—take measures to prevent the possible ________ (蔓延) of them.

6.________ (传统地) speaking,on the Spring Festival in China people often give children pocket money.

7.It is clear that he is very ________ (好斗的,挑衅的). 8.The dog growled at me ________ (具有威胁性地).

9.The doctor said that he was hurt but still ________ (清醒的). 10.The officials all ________ (鞠躬) to the king in respect. Ⅱ.选词填空

in the distance;not at all;on guard;hold up;give away; make a deal;deal with;in communication with 1.I am ________________ him on this subject. 2.A bullfrog was croaking ________________.

3.I am ________________ satisfied with the present situation. 4.Don’t ________________ to the public when we will start. 5.The meeting will ________________ these problems.

6.Be ________________.There are pickpockets around here.

7.All the students ________________ their hands when the teacher asked if anyone wanted to take the dirty book.

8.Let’s ________________ with each other and stop fighting. Ⅲ.翻译句子



________________________________________________________________________ 2.学生们的性格各不相同。(vary)


________________________________________________________________________ 3.入乡随俗。(as引导从句)

________________________________________________________________________ 4.他无缘无故就被关进了监狱。(for no good reason)


________________________________________________________________________ 5.我们把他看作我们最好的朋友。(think of...as)

________________________________________________________________________ 6.我们不知道他的到来。(unconscious)

________________________________________________________________________ Ⅳ.单项填空

1.We can communicate ________ people in every part of the world ________ the Internet. A.with;with B.with;through C.through;through D.through;with

2.The pyramids are visible ________ of several kilometres.

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A.at a distance B.in the distance C.at distance D.in distance

3.The frightened boy said something to his mother in a ________ voice. A.trembled B.shaken C.trembling D.shook 4.If you want to do it ________,do it well. A.at all B.not at all C.true D.real

5.Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked ________. A.mindless B.unaware C.brainless D.unconscious 6.The hopes,goals,fears and desires ________ widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.

A.alter B.shift C.transfer D.vary

7.Building that railway was very difficult and involved ________ ten tunnels. A.dig B.digging C.to have dug D.having dug

8.With the development of the company,it has made another ________ with Japan and made lots of money.

A.progress B.deal C.effort D.concept

9.________ difficult the problem is,you have to try your best to solve it. A.Although B.Whatever C.However D.No matter 10.—Who was ________ when the thief broke in? —Sorry,I don’t know. A.on show B.on business C.on a visit D.on guard Ⅴ.阅读理解

Research shows men and women have different styles of speaking.Men tend to use “report talk” to express information and self-importance,while women tend to use “rapport_(融洽)_talk” to

establish intimacy (亲密) and connection.Then women will see men as self-centered and

domineering,while men will see women as illogical and insecure.Men will accuse women of asking for advice and then not taking it and being unable to make decisions.Women will accuse men of ignoring their feelings and always stepping in to solve problems with a lot of “you should”.

These differences impact the way messages are sent and received,causing communication breakdown.For example,a female supervisor seeks a conversation from her male boss about a problem she is having with one of her employees.She just wants him to listen to her and express what she’s thinking.Instead,he begins telling her what she should do with the problem employee.She becomes frustrated (沮丧的),feeling her time has been wasted.He feels he has solved the problem,and it’s time to move on.

Taking this situation into home,the wife wishes to discuss a problem she’s having with her husband,and he jumps in with the solution before she has had a chance to express her opinions.She gets mad and leaves the room saying,“You just never listen!”

In both cases,some very important communication skills are seriously lacking.First of all,the woman needs to show what she wants from the man.If she doesn’t tell him what she wants in the beginning,he should be wise to ask,“Do you want my advice or just want me to listen to you?”

Having an awareness of gender differences will help you increase understanding,decrease tension and improve teamwork.We should listen to each other and be more open to learning from our differences rather than allowing them to control our growth and ability to communicate with one another.

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1.The writer thinks that men and women misunderstand each other in communication because they ________.

A.show different attitudes towards each other B.have different styles of speaking C.have different understanding ability

D.have different requirements of each other 2.In men’s eyes,women tend to be ________. A.indifferent B.indecisive C.foolish D.quick-tempered

3.The underlined phrase “rapport talk” in the first paragraph refers to ________. A.the skill women use to communicate

B.the way women use to express themselves C.the tone in which women talk D.the words women often say

4.Which of the following communication skills is NOT mentioned in the text? A.Women should express their requirements directly.

B.Men should find out what women want in a conversation. C.Men and women should listen to each other. D.Women should be more careful.

5.The writer aims at telling us that ________. A.men and women have differences

B.men and women should accept their differences C.men and women can’t communicate well

D.men and women need some skills to communicate

注意no more than和not more than的区别。no more than只有,相当于only;not more than 不多于。

1.His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他整个的学校教育总计只有一年。

2.There were not more than 200 people present at the meeting.


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Period Two Language Points

Ⅰ.1.communication 2.varies 3.slightly 4.involve 5.spread 6.Traditionally 7.aggressive 8.threateningly 9.conscious 10.bowed

Ⅱ.1.in communication with 2.in the distance

3.not at all 4.give away 5.deal with 6.on guard 7.held up 8.make a deal Ⅲ.1.Don’t involve me in your quarrel!

2.The students vary from one another in character. 3.When in Rome,do as Romans do.

4.He was put into prison for no good reason. 5.We think of him as our best friend. 6.We are unconscious of his coming.

Ⅳ.1.B [communicate with sb.与某人联系,为固定搭配。表示“通过因特网”的方式,应用介词through。]

2.A [at a distance of... 相距……(距离)。]

3.C [由句意知是“颤抖的声音”,故用trembling。]

4.A [at all 用于肯定句、疑问句或条件句中表示“真的”。]

5.D [句意为:抢劫者打在简的头上,把她打昏了。unconscious失去知觉(意识)的,符合句意。mindless不用心的,欠考虑的;unaware没有发觉,得不偿失,不知道;brainless无头脑的,愚笨的。]

6.D [句意为:期望、目标、害怕和欲望在男人和女人,富人和穷人之间差别很大。vary此处作不及物动词,意为“有不同,呈现差异”,符合句意。alter可作不及物动词,意为“改变,变更”;shift和alter意思相近,也可作不及物动词,意为“改变,转变”;transfer意为“迁移,调动”。]

7.B [句意为:修建那样的铁路非常困难,其中包括开挖十条隧道。involve作“包含,包括”讲时,后面须接名词或动名词。]

8.B [句意为:随着这家公司的发展,它与日本又做成了一笔生意,赚了很多钱。make a deal with与……做生意,符合句意。progress进步,为不可数名词;effort努力;concept观念。]

9.C [句意为:不管问题有多难,你必须尽最大努力解决它。however引导让步状语从句,后跟形容词或副词;whatever不能修饰形容词;no matter后接形容词的正确形式是no matter how。]

10.D [句意为:——小偷进来时谁执勤?——很抱歉,我不知道。on guard值班,符合句意。on show被展出;on business为了生意,为了公事;on a visit在访问,在参观。]

Ⅴ.1.B [细节理解题。从第一段第一句及其后的展开说明可知,男人和女人之间交流时产生误解是由他们不同的表达方式造成的。]

2.B [推理判断题。从第一段倒数第二句可知,在男人眼里,女人是拿不定主意的。indifferent 冷漠的;indecisive 犹豫不决的,无决断力的;foolish 愚蠢的;quick-tempered 急躁的。只有B项符合题意。]

3.B [词义猜测题。根据语境可知,文中提到的“rapport talk”是女人谈话的方式,而不可能是谈话技巧、说话语气或女人所说的话。]

4.D [细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,男人与女人交流时,女人应该先说明自己的要求,男人应该了解女人的要求,彼此之间要会倾听,而D项没有提到。]

5.D [主旨大意题。文章阐述了男人与女人之间由于交流方式的不同而造成的误解,目的是要让我们认识到男人与女人之间的交流需要技巧。D项符合题意。]

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