中国南方航空股份有限公司 黑龙江分公司飞机维修厂 发 动 机 试 车 手 册
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版本号 改版日期 插页日期 插页人签名
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有效页清单 章/节 标题 页 2 3 4 5-11 2014-4-1 12-17 2014-4-1 18-26 2014-4-1 27-33 2014-4-1 34-38 2014-4-1 39-40 2014-4-1 41-42 43-66 67-80 2014-4-1 2014-4-1 修订日期 2014-4-1 2014-4-1 2014-4-1 2014-4-1 版本号 一 修订记录 有效页清单 目录 01 01 01 01 01 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九
飞机地面试车安全规则 发动机工作限制和指导性指标 发动机应急处理程序 发动机地面试车检查单(APU可用) 正常发动机起动、停车程序 使用外气源起动 交输起动发动机 测试项目 附录 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
编制人: 祝征辉 审核: 张维波 日期: 2014-4-1
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目 录
目录 ???????????????? 2 修订记录 ?????????????? 3 有效页清单 ????????????? 4 一. 飞机地面试车安全规则??????? 5 二. 发动机工作限制和指导性指标 ???? 12 三. 发动机应急处理程序???????? 18 四. 发动机地面试车检查单(APU可用)???? 27 五. 正常发动机起动、停车程序????? 34 六. 使用外气源起动????????????? 39 七. 交输起动发动机????????????? 41 八. 测试项目????????????? 43
1:干冷转渗漏检查 ???????? 43 2:湿冷转渗漏检查 ???????? 48 3:慢车渗漏检查 ????????? 53 4:EEC系统慢车检查 ??????? 54 5:振动测量 ??????????? 55 6:发动机高功率验证测试 ????? 58 7:已测试发动机的换发试车????? 61 九.附录????????????????? 67
1:发动机噪声水平 ???????? 67 2:发动机进口危险区域 ?????? 68 3:发动机排气危险区域 ?????? 69 4:风向和风速限制 ???????? 72 5:慢车以上主滑油压力限制 ???? 73 6:主滑油压差慢车修正公式 ???? 74 7:N2慢车转速?????????? 75 8:90%最大爬升EPR目标值????? 77
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一. 飞机地面试车安全规则
(一). 试车人员
1. 持有机身和动力装置《维修人员执照》、经过机型培训和试车训练并考试合格、获得试车证书的人员才可以试车。
Persons, who have the authority to run engines, should have airframe and power plant “Maintenance Person License”, have the training courses of aircraft model and ground engine run-up test, and passed the related exams, and have got the “License For Engine Run-Up Test On Ground”.
2. 试车前,试车人员应了解该飞机和发动机的技术状况,包括有无不允许试车的故障和缺陷等。
Before the test, persons to run engines should know the technical condition of the aircraft well, including faults and defects which affect engine operation.
3. 试车人员应熟知紧急措施并遵守安全规定,严格按《维护手册》规定的程序进行试车。
Persons to run engines should know emergency procedures well, obey safety precautions, and do the tests as per AMM procedures strictly.
4. 试车过程中,驾驶舱内至少应有两名试车人员。
During the test there must be two persons in cockpit at least.
5. 试车时,地面有关人员应佩戴护耳装置。
During the test, persons on ground must wear ear protection sets.
6. 试车时,地面应有专人警戒。警戒人员应具备该型发动机维护上岗资格,包括熟悉发动机火警、尾喷起火、喘振情况的特征及处置方法以及会使用地面灭火设备。
During the test, there must be special persons on guard on ground. Guarders should have the certificate of the engine maintenance of the aircraft, and know the condition of the fire on engine、tailpipe fire 、engine surge and know how to deal these conditions ,how to use the fire extinguishing equipments on ground.
Guarders must stay in assigned area, and there must be no person in hazardous area of engines. (Ref attachment 2,3)
Ground idle:5 meters of the air intake,235 meters of the jet wake
(2) .发动机不安全区域:
慢车功率时,进气道前方5米,尾喷口后235米. 起飞功率时,进气道前方6米,尾喷口后235米. Dangerous area of engine
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Take off power: 6 meters of the air intake, 235 meters of the jet wake
Persons to do the test must keep contact with guarders via headsets.
If there are unsafe conditions such as aircraft movement, fire and etc, guarders must inform persons in cockpit immediately to stop the test.
Environments and Conditions
1. 试车前,应根据风速、风向、试车场地等情况和试车要求,尽量将机头迎风停放,并注意:
Before test, try to put the aircraft nose windward according to wind velocity, wind direction, field condition and the requirements of engine run up test. And pay attention to the following items:
Engine run up test must be performed in the assigned area. Ground must be hard and clean, no oil, no water, no snow, no ice and other material on it. There must be enough safety space around the aircraft. The aircraft must keep clear to other parked aircrafts and obstacle, including garage and big permanent structures. There must be no obstacle in the area of 50 meters in front of the aircraft.
There must be fire-extinguishing equipments available at anytime near the field. They must be suitable to the engine, and have good performance.
When other aircraft pass the exhaust area of test engines, guarder must inform the test persons immediately to decrease the engine power to idle. After the aircraft leave the exhaust area, guarder should inform the test persons in time.
(4) 如有车辆和人员企图通过危险区域时,警戒人员应予以制止,待试车结束后方可准其通过。
If any vehicle and person want to pass the danger area, guarders must forbid them till the test finished.
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Under cold whether condition, de-ice action must be performed before the test, and anti-icing is necessary.
2. 试车人员应在得到机场管理部门和地面警戒人员的许可后,才能开始试车。
Engine can not be run-up until the allowance was received from the airport management department and persons on guard.
1. 与试车无关人员不准进入驾驶舱,试车人员不得离开驾驶舱。
Persons not concerned are forbidden to enter the flight compartment and test persons should not leave the flight compartment.
2. 只有在试车人员的指挥下,才允许维修人员接近发动机或进行只能在开车状态下才能进行的调节工作。
Only under the test person?s command, maintenance persons are allowed to go close to the engine or perform the adjustment that engine operation is necessary.
3. 在一台发动机开车时,另一台发动机上禁止进行维修和排故工作。
Maintenance and trouble shooting work on the engine is forbidden when another engine is running.
4. 禁止任何车辆及人员进入危险区域。
Any vehicle or people are forbidden to enter the danger zone.
5. 白天试车时,必须打开信号灯。
Beacon light is necessary when do engine run-up test in daytime.
6. 夜间试车时,必须打开航行灯,信号灯和机翼照明灯。
Navigation light, beacon light and wing light are necessary when do engine run-up test at night.
7. 不要用手来尝试使风扇停止转动,否则可能造成人员受伤和设备损坏。
Don?t try to stop the fan by hands, otherwise, people injuring and equipments damage will occur.
8. 当至少一台发动机工作在慢车以上功率时,登机门应关闭,登机梯应撤走。
Passenger doors should be closed and passenger load stairs should be moved away when at least one engine operate above idle power.
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9. 在下列状况下,应将货舱门关闭,货物装载设备撤走:
Cargo doors should be closed and cargo load equipments should be moved away under the following conditions.
Engine 2 operate at idle or above.
At least one engine operates above idle.
Do not touch any parts of the engine ignition system while the engine operates.
Be careful when you work on the engine components immediately after the engine shutdown. The engine components can stay hot for up to one hour.
After engine shutdown, do not work or make an inspection on the hot section or the exhaust areas for one-half hour (preferably longer).
13.当发动机运转,放气活门打开时 ,应远离放气活门。
Stay away from the bleed valve during the engine is operating and bleed valves are open.
Do not remove the oil tank cap in a minimum of five minutes after engine shutdown.
Do not apply deicing fluid into the engine while the engine is operating. The deicing fluid will cause contamination of the airfoils and deterioration of performance will be the result.
Dry chemical fire extinguishing agents are not recommended. It can cause corrosion of the engine parts.
The EEC can be damaged by continued use of X-rays. The EEC must be removed before use of X-rays.
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When possible, all throttle control lever movements must be slow and smooth.
Before a snap acceleration, operate the engine at idle for at least five minutes after the first engine start.
After a fast deceleration, operate the engine at idle for at least five minutes before an engine shutdown.
If engine operated at high power (higher than 1.33 EPR) for more than 30 seconds
(which includes the usual acceleration time), and then operated at idle for more than one minutes, engine must operate at idle for at least ten minutes before performing a snap acceleration.
Aircraft thrust must be balanced during engine operation. Single engine operation is allowed up to 1.20 EPR. If higher power is necessary, the thrust of second engine (non tested engine or opposite engine) must be equal to 1.08 EPR.
23. 试车前,移开前轮轮挡,检查前轮转弯旁通不在旁通位。前起落架和主起落架收放安全销在位。主轮前方挡好试车轮挡。且:
Before the engine run up, remove the nose wheels? wheel chocks, make sure that the nose wheel steering lever is not on the ?bypass? position. Install the ground lock sleeves on both MLGs? lock stay actuating cylinders, install NLG downlock safety pin on the NLG. Wheel chocks for engine run up must be set in front of the four main wheels, and:
When engine power is less than 1.20EPR, parking brake must be set.
When engine power is higher than 1.20EPR, do the following procedure:
a. 选择“A/SKID N/W STRG”电门到“ON”位。
Select “A/SKID N/W STRG” switch in “ON” position.
b. 全力踩下刹车并保持住。
Fully depress brake pedals and hold.
(Note: Make sure C/B C09,Q35,Q34 are closed.)
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c. 松掉停留刹车手柄。
Release parking brake handle.
d. 测试完毕后,两个油门杆移回慢车位后才恢复停留刹车构型,再松开刹车脚蹬。
After the test is terminated and the two throttle control levers are move back to idle position, return to parking brake configuration, then release brake pedals.
24. 当发动机工作在慢车功率以上时,为了确保发动机停车后,飞机客舱没有预增压或余压。必须 确保在发动机工
(1). 设定客舱压力模式到人工位。
(2).设定客舱压力/人工/速率 控制电门到“UP”位。 SET THE CABIN PRESS/MAN/V/S CTL SWITCH TO \ (3).设定水上迫降电门到“ON”位。
26. 发动机起动前,确保没有地面液压源连接到飞机上。如果地面液压源连接到飞机上,就会有发动机液压泵损坏的危险。
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In the following conditions, engine operation is not allowed:
Engine is washed with inflammable liquid, and before the inflammable liquid is vaporized fully.
There is not enough fuel, oil, and other liquid for engine operation. For Engine start, engine motor, ground idle, the FOB should be more than 3000kg; for fan trim
balancing, vibration survey, high power assurance test, pretested replacement engine test, the FOB should be more than 8000kg.
When passengers are boarding and loading and unloading cargo.
Maintenance condition is not clear, or maintenance work on aircraft and engine are not finished, or there are faults that affected engine operation.
Tools or parts are missing after the maintenance work on engine.
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二. 发动机工作限制和指导性指标
Engine Operation Limits
1. 排气温度(EGT)限制:
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Limits:
Starting, for up to 2 minutes: 635℃.
Transient: 635℃.
(3).起飞,可持续5分钟:635℃。(V2522, V2524, V2527E,V2527) Take-off, for up to 5 minutes: 635℃. (V2522, V2524, V2527E,V2527). 起飞,可持续5分钟:650℃。(V2530,V2533) Take-off, for up to 5 minutes: 650℃. (V2530,V2533).
Maximum continuous: 610℃.
2. 滑油压力限制:
Oil Pressure Limits:
The main oil differential pressure must be in the limits given during stable operation (Ref. Attachment 5). Use the DMOP idle correction equation (Ref. Attachment 6).
During operation in cold weather, the scavenge oil filter differential pressure switch on the filter housing, can operate until the main oil temperature gets to approximately 32℃.
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(3).在高功率状态而4号轴承腔回油活门又处于关闭位时,4号轴承腔回油压力范围为0-205 psig。稳定状态3分钟后,正常压力为0-145 psig。
The No.4 compartment scavenge oil pressure range is 0 to 205 psig at the highest power setting when the No. 4 scavenge valve is closed. The normal operating pressure is 0 to 145 psig after three minutes of stabilization.
(4).在滑油系统指示没有故障的情况下,两台发动机的滑油压力指示可以相差多达80 psig。
The indicated oil pressure can be different between engines by as much as 80 psig without this being an indication of an oil system malfunction.
(5) .当EIU1(2) 没有通电时(例如当FADEC1 的A和B通道
电门在关断位,EIU1不 再通电,当FADEC 2 的A通道 电门在关断位,EIU2不再通电),SDAC输 入信号(相 应的从压力传感器接收来的电压信号转换产生)用于显示 在发动机状 态页面上的ENG1(2)的滑油压力。在某种情况 下,当实际滑油压力为0时,滑油压力显示值是2 psi (0.14 bar),这是因为SDAC获取的数值的精确性的缺失, SDAC获取数值的级别接近0 psi(0 bar).这是正常现象。 当FADEC和EIU正常供电后,这种情况不再出现。
When EIU1(2) is not energized (for instance when channels A and B of FADEC 1 are switched off, EIU1 is no longer energized; when FADEC 2 channel A is turned off, EIU2 is no longer energized), the SDAC input (that corresponds to a conversion of a voltage coming from the pressure sensor) is used to display the ENG1(2) oil pressure on the engine status page.
In some cases, the oil pressure displayed value can be 2 psi (0.14 bar), while the actual oil pressure is 0, due to the lack of precision of the SDAC acquisition stage near 0 psi (0 bar).
This is a normal phenomenon which no longer exists when the FADEC and EIU are energized correctly.
3. 滑油温度限制:
Oil Temperature Limits:
The maximum oil temperature is 155℃ (when operation is stabilized for a minimum of three minutes). If the oil temperature is higher than 155℃, find the cause of the high temperature as soon as possible.
The maximum transient temperature is 165℃ for 15 minutes after any high power operation. If the temperature is higher than 165℃ ,shut down the engine and find the cause of the high temperature.
Before operation above idle, the oil temperature must be a minimum of -10℃.
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Before operation at high power (MCT/CL or greater), the oil temperature must be a minimum of 50℃.
At start, the oil temperature must be a minimum of -40℃.
4. 转速限制:
Rotor Operation Speed Limits:
(1).N1转速最大值为5,650 rpm/(100%)。
The maximum N1 is 5,650 rpm/(100%)。
(2).N2转速最大值为14,950 rpm/(100%)。
The maximum N2 is 14,950 rpm/(100%)。
5. 短舱温度限制值为320℃(608 deg.F)。
The nacelle temperature advisory comes on at 320℃(608 deg.F).
Engine Operation Guidelines
1. 滑油耗量指导性指标:
Oil Consumption Guidelines:
Oil consumption is acceptable if the consumption is not more than 0.3 quart each hour.
The minimum time of operation for a check of oil consumption is 30 minutes. The engine must have operated at high and low thrust lever position during these 30 minutes.
2. 起动机工作指导性指标:
Starter Operation Guideline:
Usual starter operation time must not be more than 2 minutes.
Do the starter procedure that follows:
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a. 进行3个连续的循环(2个2分钟和1个1分钟循环)。
Do 3 consecutive cycles (2 cycles of 2 minutes and 1 cycle of 1 minute).
b. 在两次循环之间需要停止工作15秒以便起动机转子再次润滑。
Stop operation for 15 seconds between cycles to let the starter rotor lubricate again.
c. 3次循环后,停止工作30分钟以便起动机冷却。
After 3 cycles, stop for 30 minutes to let the starter become cool.
d. 当发动机转速高于10% N2时,不要接通起动机。
Do not engage the starter again with the engine motoring above 10% N2.
Starter operating pressure is between 30 and 40 psig.
3. 振动限制和风扇配平振动指导性指标:
Vibration Limits and Fan Trim Balance Vibration Guidelines:
Vibration Limits (Steady State):
a. N1 峰值:5.0单位。
N1 peak: 5.0 units.
b. N2 峰值:5.0单位。
N2 peak: 5.0 units.
c. 对于非营业性的回基地调机飞行,允许一台发动机
For non-revenue ferry flight to maintenance base, only one engine?s vibration
parameters out of limits is allowed.
Fan Trim Balance Vibration Guidelines:
N1 peak: 2.0 units.
a. 当N1振动峰值超过该指导性指标时应进行风扇配平。当N1振动超过该指导性指标时通常伴随有机身的抖动。当N1振动峰值达到或超过5.0单位时将需要多次的风扇配平才能将N1振动值降到允许范围内。
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Fan trim balance is recommended any time N1 peak vibration exceeds this guideline. N1 vibration levels above this guideline are generally accompanied by perceivable airframe vibrations. Waiting until N1 peak vibration approaches or exceeds the 5.0 units limit may require multiple fan trim balances to bring N1 vibration down to an acceptable limit.
b. 飞机/FCOM相应关系:
Aircraft/FCOM Correlation:
As stated in the FCOM, if N2 vibration during engine start exceeds limit, start should be aborted. Subsequent starts may be initiated without maintenance action for up to 3 start attempts.
The above limits and guidelines are stable levels. Aircraft systems continually monitor vibration and as such may not be stable. Therefore the aircraft level is advisory and not a limit. Vibration above the advisory level may or may not require maintenance action, as described in the FCOM.
4. 在发动机意外停车和突然停车后的维护工作:
Maintenance Action After An Unwanted And Sudden Shutdown Of The Engine:
If the engine does not have damage after which engine removal is not necessary, immediately do again an engine start.
If there is engine damage such as component seizure or rupture, do the engine removal and a detailed inspection of the engine pylon.
During ground running, concern for fan blade integrity prohibits stabilised engine
operation, do not stabilize the engine between approximately 60%--74% N1 speed range.
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Before the engine run up, input a new flight number through the MCDU. After the engine run up, check the PFR and FADEC for any fault messege with correspondent maintenance work if possible.
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三. 发动机应急处理程序
(一). 发动机紧急停车程序
Procedure for an Emergency Shutdown
1. 立即将油门杆移动到最小慢车位。
Quickly and immediately move the throttle control lever to MIN IDLE position.
2. 将发动机主电门关,高压燃油活门将立即关闭。
Set the engine MASTER switch to OFF, the HP fuel valve will close immediately.
3. 当N2小于10%时,可以接通起动机。接通起动机,干冷转发动机最少30秒但不超过2分钟以去除残留的燃油并将EGT温度降到250℃ 以下。如果N2大于10%时接通起动机,可能损坏起动机。
YOU CAN ENGAGE STARTER MOTOR WHEN N2 IS LESS THAN 10 PER CENT. Do a dry motoring of the engine for a minimum of 30 seconds but not more than two minutes to remove the remaining fuel and to decrease the EGT below 250 ℃。IF YOU ENGAGE STARTER MOTOR AT MORE THAN 10 PERCENT N2 SPEED CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE STARTER.
4. 在下次起动前检查点火系统导线末端(连接到点火嘴的那端)是否有损坏的迹象。损坏的原因是高温。
Examine the ignition system leads at the terminal end (which is connected to the igniter) for signs of damage before the subsequent start. The cause of the damage is high temperature.
5. 在下次起动发动机前,参考紧急停车后防止弯曲转子起动程序。
Before you start the engine refer to the procedure for a bowed rotor start prevention after emergency shutdown.
(二). 发动机喘振或失速(未超温)
Procedure after Engine Surge or Stall (No Overtemperature)
1. 如果发动机喘振或失速,但EGT正常:
If there is an engine surge or stall and EGT is usual.
Quickly and immediately move the thrust lever to idle stop.
Operate the engine for five minutes at idle and continue usual operation.
2. 如果发动机喘振或失速,且EGT比正常高:
If there is an engine surge or stall and EGT is above usual:
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Quickly and immediately move the thrust lever to idle stop.
Set engine MASTER switch to OFF. The HP fuel valve will close immediately。
(3). 当N2小于10%时,可以接通起动机。接通起动机,
干冷转发动机最少30秒但不超过2分钟以去除残留的燃油并将EGT温度降到250℃ 以下。
CENT. Do a dry motoring of the engine for a minimum of 30 seconds but not more than two minutes to remove the remaining fuel and to decrease the EGT
below 250 ℃。
(4).发动机喘振/失速的完整的排故程序参考 TSM 71-00-00-810-808 或 TSM 71-00-00-810-809.
Complete Troubleshooting for Surge/Stall TSM 71-00-00-810-808 or TSM 71-00-00-810-809.
Before you start the engine refer to the procedure for bowed rotor start prevention after emergency shutdown.
3. 如果发动机喘振或失速,并且EGT迅速上升,转速突然下降,发动机不受油门杆控制:
If there is an engine surge or stall where the EGT increase quickly, the rotor speeds decrease suddenly, and the engine operation will not follow thrust lever movement:
Move the thrust lever to IDLE stop immediately.
Select engine MASTER switch to OFF position. The HP fuel valve will close immediately and stop the fuel flow to the engine.
At 10 percent N2, dry motor the engine, continue to dry motor the engine at 20
percent N2 until the EGT has decreased below 250℃ or for two minutes,
whichever is reached first.
(4). 发动机喘振/失速的完整的排故程序参考 TSM 71-00-00-810-808 或 TSM 71-00-00-810-809.
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Complete Troubleshooting for Surge/Stall TSM 71-00-00-810-808 or TSM 71-00-00-810-809.
Before you start the engine refer to the procedure for bowed rotor start prevention after emergency shutdown.
(三). 发动机超温(喘振或失速)
Procedure after Engine Overtemperature (Surge or Stall)
1. 迅速把油门手柄拉回慢车位。
Move the thrust lever to IDLE stop immediately.
2. 发动机主电门关。高压燃油关断活门立即关闭。
Select engine MASTER switch to OFF position. The HP fuel shut off valve will close
3. 在N2<10%后,接通起动机,干冷转发动机最少30秒但不超过2分钟,以除去残留的燃油并将EGT降到250℃以下。
When N2<10%, engage the starter。Dry motor the engine for a minimum of 30
seconds but not more than two minutes to remove caught fuel and to decrease the EGT below250℃。
Write how much time the temperature was more than the limit and the highest temperature for subsequent analysis.
Find the cause of surge or overtemperature 。
If the overtemperature event is mild and it has been determined that the engine can be restarted for continued operation, refer to the procedure for a bowed rotor start prevention after an emergency shutdown
(四). 中断起动:
Discontinued Start:
1. 可以通过把发动机主电门放到OFF位来随时中断自动起动。在自动起动方式,只有当N2<50%时,才有自动停车保护。
Automatic start procedure can be stopped by selecting engine MASTER switch to OFF position all the time. In the auto start mode, the automatic start abort protection is on only when N2 is less than 50 percent RPM.
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When automatic engine start is used, the FADEC will abort a start (less than 50 percent N2 RPM) if one or more of the conditions that follow occurred.
a. 热起动
Hot start
After light up is detected, EGT goes above the limit.
b. 起动悬挂
Hung start
After the hung start period after ignition, N2 DOT falls below the hung start tolerance for the hung start delay time. (If N2 is not available, this test is not done.)
c. 点火故障
Ignition failure
d. 低压转子锁死
Locked low rotor
If N2 exceeds the abort speed for locked N1, and there is no sure indication of N1 rotation.
e. 发动机失速或喘振
Engine stall or surge
f. 没有EGT
Loss of EGT
g. 双通道T5故障。
T5 failed on both channels.
h. FADEC 自动停车故障保护(控制通道)。
FADEC autostop group failsafed (channel in control)
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start valve fails open
j. 滑油压力不上升
No oil pressure increasing k. 供油中断
Fuel supply interruption by accidentally l. 供油20秒内EGT不上升
No EGT increasing in 20 seconds after fuel supply m. 当N2>43%时起动活门不关
Start valve does not close when N2>43% n. 起动时间大于120秒
The whole starting period is more than 120 seconds o. 火警出现
Engine fire warning appears p. 火警探测环路故障
Fire detection loop faults q. 飞机断电
Airplane?s electrical power interrupted by accidentally r. 反推门展开
Thrust reverse deployed s. FADEC 警告信息
FADEC warning message appears
2. 在人工起动方式或者自动起动方式N2>50%时,EEC不能自动停车而必须人工中止起动。因此必须监控起动参数。N2在 50%以下,FADEC会在驾驶舱给出故障指示。
During the manual start mode or auto start mode more than 50 percent N2 RPM the EEC abort function is not active and must manually stop the start. Standard monitor of the start parameters is necessary. The FADEC will give fault indications to the cockpit below 50 percent N2.
During the manual start mode, manually stop the start must be performed in the conditions as follow.
a. N2加速粘滞(热起动,起动悬挂),EGT迅速上升。
N2 increase slowly (hot start, hung start), and EGT increase rapidly.
b. EGT超过起动极限。
EGT increase beyond the start limits.
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c. 当EGT增加或N2超过34%时,N1转速还未增加。
After an increase in EGT or by the time N2 is more than 34 percent, N1 has
not increase yet. .
d. 发动机从燃油接通加速到慢车N2时所用时间超过90秒。
The accelerating time of the engine exceeds 90 seconds from fuel on to idle N2.
e. 燃油接通后20秒内EGT还未增加。
EGT has not increased in 20 seconds from fuel on.
f. 燃油或点火意外停止。
Fuel supplying or ignition stop accidentally.
g. 滑油压力不增加。
Oil pressure does not increase.
h. EGT不正常上升。
EGT increase abnormally.
i. N1或N1加速不正常。
N1 or acceleration of N1 is abnormal.
On the engine panel 115VU, set the ENG/MASTER switch to OFF. It will close the start valve, cut off fuel and ignition.
3. 干冷转
Dry motor
If auto shutdown happened in auto start procedure, FADEC will auto perform the dry motor procedure.
If manually abort the start, after N2 is less than 10%, engage the starter, dry motor the engine for 30-120 seconds in order to blow off the fuel and decrease the EGT below 250 degree c.
(五). 重新起动
- 23 -
Set the ENG/MAN START pushbutton switch to OFF before starting the engine again after an aborted manual start or an engine shutdown.
If the starter is disengaged during the manual start, you can engage the starter when N2 is below 10%.
Do the automatic or manual start procedure.
(六). 防止弯曲转子起动程序
Procedure for a bowed rotor start prevention
1. 正常发动机关车
Usual engine shutdown
A shutdown which incorporates a cool-down of the engine at idle before a shutdown, is considered a usual shutdown. Operate the engine at MIN IDLE for three minutes before you do an engine shutdown. If you operated the engine at high power (more
than 1.33 EPR) for more than five minutes, increase the time at MIN IDLE to Fifteen minutes before shutdown.The time at MIN IDLE shall not be less than three minutes
before engine shutdown.
2. 紧急关车
Emergency shutdown
An emergency shutdown is a shutdown from power levels higher than MIN IDLE and the engine was not cooled down at IDLE first.
3. 紧急关车后的程序
Procedure after an emergency shutdown
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(1). 如果需要在关车后15分钟内起动发动机,执行以下程
Do the steps that follow for engine that will be started again in 15 minutes of the last engine shutdown.
A. 在关车时燃油切断后,当N2小于10%,立即接通起动机以转动发动机。
Immediately after FUEL OFF mode, engage the starter below 10 percent N2 to continue the rotation of the engine.
B. 在N2大于16.8%的情况下冷转发动机,直到EGT低于250℃或运转两分钟,以先到为准。
Motor the engine at more than 16.8 percent N2 until the EGT decreases below 250 deg C or for two minutes. Use the one that is less.
C. 在15分钟内起动发动机。
Start the engine again in less than 15 minutes.
D. 在推油门前,必须让发动机在慢车运转15分钟,15分钟后,可进行正常操作。
Keep the power at MIN IDLE for 15 minutes before you move the thrust lever forward. You can continue usual operation after 15 minutes at MIN IDLE.
(2). 如果需要在关车后15分钟或更长时间以后起动发动
Do the steps that follow for engine that will be started again 15 minutes or more after the last engine shutdown.
A. 在上次关车6小时后起动发动机或按以下方法转动高压压气机:
Start the engine again after six hours from the last engine shutdown or turn the HP compressor as follows:
Turn the HP compressor (use the gearbox crank pad and a torque wrench) 180 degrees each half hour for up to a maximum of six hours. Do not use more than 500 of torque.
NOTE:One third turn clockwise (when you look from the front of the gearbox) on the gearbox crank pad is equal to 180 degrees of rotor rotation.
B. 在上次人工转动后10-20分钟,起动发动机前,高压转必须能自由转动(用小于500磅.寸的力矩可以
- 25 -
Between 10 and 20 minutes after the last manual rotor turn, before you try an engine start, the HP rotor must be free (less than 500 of torque is
necessary to turn the rotor 360 degrees). If the rotor is free, you can start the engine again. If the rotor can not be turned, do the steps that follow:
a. 每半小时试着转动转子直到转子能自由转动。
Try to turn the rotor each one half hour until the rotor is free.
b. 转动转子180度。
Turn the rotor 180 degrees.
c. 最后一次转动转子后1小时起动发动机。
Start the engine again one hour after the last rotor turn.
C. 推油门之前,让发动机在慢车工作至少15分钟。
Operate the engine at MIN IDLE for a minimum of 15 minutes before you increase thrust.
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四. 发动机地面试车检查单(APU可用)
(一). 外部检查
External Examination
Nose towards wind, ramp is hard and clean.
Set wheel chocks under nose and main wheels. Install L/G safety pin & sleeves. Set nose wheel steering disarm lever to NORMAL.
C duct is closed and latched. Fan cowls are closed and latched or supported by rods as necessary.
All doors and panels are closed. Protecting covers and sleeves are removed; No leakage.
There are no tools, ground equipments and other unwanted foreign objects around the aircraft.
There are no construction, ground equipments and persons in engine intake and exhaust danger zone.
Ground fire-fighting equipments are good. Assigned persons are on guard and keep contact with persons on aircraft.
(二). 机内检查
Internal Examination
when you do this check, you should notice all the white
indicators are extinguished on the overhead panels except the fuel pumps? switches. And all the turning selectors are in the normal/auto(12 o?clock) position
2、客舱门 …..………………………………………关好
Cabin door……………………………….…………………………….Closed
- 27 -
3、后和顶板断路器面板 ..…………………………检查 Rear and overhead C/B panel……………………………………………Check ⑴下列断路器拔出并挂牌:
Open, safety and tag these circuit breakers:
D04 D03 D02 W14 X14 Y16 Y15 Y14 Y13 Y12 Y11 Z16 Z15 Z14 Z13 Z12
Make sure other circuit breakers are closed.
4、ECAM ..……………………………… 接通/调节亮度
ECAM ………………………………………….……… ON/Adjust brightness
5、EFIS ….………………………………接通/调节亮度
EFIS ………………………………………….………… ON/Adjust brightness
ANN LT test ………………………………………….……………… Perform
7、重力放起落架手柄 …..…………………………收进
GRAVITY GEAR EXTN …………………………………………… Stowed
8、停留刹车 ..……………………….. 刹好/压力正常
Parking brake …………………………………………... ON/Pressure normal
9、减速板手柄 .……………………... 收进∕解除预位
Speed brake lever …………………………………..……… Retract/Disarmed
10、襟翼手柄 ..………..………………….………….收进
Slat/Flap lever …………………………………………………………. Retract
11、油门杆 ..……………………………………. 慢车
Thrust levers ………………………………….………………………. Idle
12、反喷手柄……………………………………… 收进
Thrust Reverser levers …………………………………….……………Retract
13、发动机主电门 ………………………………… 关断
ENG MASTER switches ………………………………………………… OFF
14、发动机模式电门 .……………………………..正常
ENG MODE switch …………………………..…………………. NORMAL
15、雷达 ..…………………………………………..关
RADAR ………………………………………………………………… OFF
- 28 -
16、ATC应答机 ..………………………………….备份
ATC transponder………………………………………………………….STBY
17、RMP1和2 ...…………………………………..接通
RMP1&2 ………………………………….……………………………. ON
? 选择和导航灯灭。 ? 按需调节频率。
Set frequencies as required.
SEL and NAV lights extinguished.
18、ACP1 .…………………………………… 甚高频1
ACP1 ………………………………………….………………………. VHF1
ACP2 ………………………………………… 内话
ACP2 .…………………………………..……………………………… INT
19、MCDU ..…………………………………..调节亮度
MCDU ……………………………………..……………… Adjust brightness
NOTE: If it is necessary to print PFR after the test, select INIT page, enter more than 3
letters of flight number. If you want to enter CFDS to acquire engine vibration data, leave flight number blank, or refer to AMM 77-32-34-501.
20、ADIRS .……………………………….…… 导航
ADIRS ……………………………………………………………… NAV
21、发动机火警按钮 .………………………按进∕盖好
Engine fire pushbuttons ………………………………………… In/Guarded
22、发动机灭火瓶爆炸帽和释放灯 …..…………..灭
Engine fire SQUIB and DISCH lights ………………………… OFF
23、发动机火警试验 ……………..……………..执行
ENG1(2) FIRE TEST ………………………………….………… Perform
Make sure all of the following come on:
? 灭火瓶爆炸帽及释放灯亮。
SQUIB & DISCH lights illuminates.
? 发动机火警按钮灯亮。
ENG FIRE pushbutton light illuminates.
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? ECAM发动机火警警告。
ENG1(2) FIRE warning on ECAM E/WD.
? 连续重复谐音。
CRC sounds.
? 主警告灯亮。
MASTER WARNING lights illuminate.
? 发动机控制板上的火警灯亮。
FIRE light illuminates.
? 出现ECAM发动机页面。
ECAM ENG page appears.
24、发动机驱动液压泵电门……………………… 接通
Hydraulic EDP ………………………………………………………… ON
25、燃油泵电门 …………………………….……. 接通
Fuel pumps ………………………………….………………………. ON
BAT switch(1&2) …………………………………………………. AUTO
27、发动机发电机电门 …………………..………..按需
ENG GEN switches ………………………………..………… As required
28、APU引气电门 .………………接通 (引气压力>30PSI)
APU BLEED pushbutton ………………………….…… ON (press>30PSI)
29、交输引气电门 ...……………………….………自动
CROSS BLEED switch ……………………….…………………… AUTO
30、发动机防冰电门 ………………….…………. 按需
ENG ANTI-ICE switches ………………………………………. As required
31、座舱增压模式选择电门 ….………...….…… 人工
CABIN PRESS MODE SEL ………………………………………. MAN 32、通风面板灯光 .……………………………………灭
VENTILATION panel lights ……………………………..…… Extinguished
33、FADEC 地面电源 ..……………………….……接通
FADEC GND POWER ………………………………………………… ON
34、上ECAM发动机参数指示 ..………….……….正常
Parameters indicated on upper ECAM ……………………………. Normal
Check lower ECAM ENG Page:
- 30 -
? 发动机参数指示. .……………………….正常
Engine parameter indication ……………………………… Normal
? 滑油量 ….……………………足够(18以上)
Oil quantity ………………………………….… Sufficient(Over 18)
36、FADEC地面电源 .…………………………….. 关断
FADEC GND POWER …………………….………………………… OFF
Check upper ECAM:
? 机载燃油量 …..….… 足够(大于3000KG)
FOB …………………………………… Sufficient(Over 3000KG)
? 襟缝翼指示 …………………………….. 收进
Flap and slat indicator ……………………………..……… Retract
Check PRESS page:
? 外流活门……………………..…………..打开
Outflow valve ………………………………………………. Open
? 控制方式 ….………………………………人工
MODE ……………………………………………………..…. MAN
Check HYD page:
? 液压油量 .……..…………………………正常 Hydraulic fluid level …………………………………………Normal ? 故障信息 ……………..………………….. 无
Fault message ……………………………………..…………. No
Check FUEL page:
? 燃油分配 .…………….……….………..平衡
Check fuel distribution ……………………………….…Balanced
? 燃油泵工作 ….……………………………正常
Fuel pump operation …………………………………………Normal
Check F/CTL page:
扰流板∕减速板 ..…………………………..收进
Spoilers/speed brakes …………………………………….…… Retracted
- 31 -
Check STS page:
与发动机试车有关的不工作系统 ..…..…… 无
Inoperable systems related to engine run-up……………………… No
43、ECAM控制面板 .………………………..按清除键
ECAM control panel …………………………………..………. Press CLR
44、防滞及前轮转弯电门 .…………………………接通
A/SKID&N/W STRG Switch …………………………………………. ON
45、起落架手柄 .…………………………放下∕绿灯亮
L/G control lever ………..…………………. Down/Green lights illuminate
46、扬声器(左,右) .……………………………打开
Speaker(LH, RH) ……………………………….………………………. ON
47、计时器(左、右) …………………工作正常,调定
Chronometer(LH, RH) ………………………………..………. Normal, set
48、防撞灯、航行灯、机翼照明灯 .………………打开
BEACON, NAV, WING lights ……………………………….………. ON
49 、在MCDU面板上, on the MCDU control panel
● 选择INIT初始页面
press the INIT key
● 用行选键输入机场ICAO坐标
input the ICAO airport?s coordinates
● 选择下一页
use the ? key to select the next page
● 选择ALIGN IRS(校准惯导)促使IRS 完成校准
press the line key adjacent to the ALIGN IRS, aligning the IRS
adjust the seat to fit yourself 51、方向舵脚蹬调整
adjust the rudder pedal to fit yourself 52、启动简令
engine start simplified order
行相应动作。建议操作时将《 》内的内容大声喊出来,便于主副操作人员共同监控发动机状态。 The order listed below can help both engine start
operators to act correctly. We request the operators
- 32 -
call out the words inside the label 《 》which can help you to monitor the engine?s real time condition
● 《1、2、3启动》提起发动机电门 《1、2、3 start》set the engine master switch on ● 《活门开》并启动计时器
〈start valve open〉and start the clock ● 《N2有》
<N2 increased> ● 《滑油压力有》
Review engine operation limits and emergency procedures. Inform ground persons and prepare to start engines.
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五. 正常发动机起动、停车程序
Normal Engine Automatic Start Procedure
动 作 ACTION 结 果 RESULT ECAM发动机页面检查: 1.空气压力20-39PSI。 2.滑油量正常。 一 在发动机面板: 发动机模式电门选择到点火∕起动位。 On the engine panel: Check ECAM ENG page: Select ENG MODE switch to IGN/START. 1.Air pressure is 30-40PSI. 2.Oil level is normal. 二 在发动机面板: 1. ECAM发动机页面: 发动机主电门1(2)接通。 起动活门打开。 当起动活门打开时,右座开2.发动机主电门接通后,进始计时。 入30秒自动干冷转程 序。 On the engine panel: Set ENG MASTER switch 1(2) ON. When start valve open, right person reckons. 1.On ECAM engine page: Start valve opens. 2.After ENG MASTER switch on, 30s automatic dry motor procedure begins. 三 在上ECAM显示器: 监控发动机参数N2,N1, EGT, FF, EPR。 On upper ECAM DU: Monitor engine parameters N2, N1, EGT, FF, EPR. 在主电门选择接通后30秒时,在下ECAM上,出现A或B点火指示。 After MASTER switch set to ON for 30s, on lower ECAM, IGN A or B appears. 四 当开始点火时,左座开始计1.20秒内出现燃油流量指时。 示。 2. EGT上升。 When ignition starts, left person reckons. 1.Fuel flow begins in 20s. 2.EGT rises. 五 连续监控发动机参数EGT,1.当N2到43%,起动活门N1,N2,EPR,FF和滑油关。 压力,滑油温度。 2.点火A或B消失。
- 34 -
Continuously monitor engine parameters 1.When N2 increases to 43%, start valve EGT, N1, N2, EPR, FF, oil pressure, and oil closes. temperature. 2.IGN A or B disappears. 六 如果在起动过程当中,发现 有不正常的现象: 1.当N2<50%时,EEC会自动中断起动。 2.当N2>50%时,必须立即人工中断起动。 If abnormal evidence occurs during starting: 1.When N2<50%, EEC will automatically abort the start. 2.when N2>50%, manually abort the start immediately. 七 当发动机慢车速度稳定后, 把发动机模式电门放到正常位。 After engine idle speed becomes stabilized, set ENG MODE switch to normal.
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(二). 正常发动机人工起动程序
Normal Engine Manual Start Procedure
动 作 ACTION 一 在发动机面板: 发动机模式选择电门放点火起动位。 On the engine panel: Select ENG MODE switch to IGN/START. 结 果 RESULT ECAM发动机页面检查: 1.空气压力30-40PSI。 2.滑油量正常。 Check ECAM ENG page: 1.Air pressure is 30-40PSI. 2.Oil level is normal. 二 在头顶面板: 1.下ECAM发动机页: 5秒后人工起动电门1(2)接起动活门打开。 通。右座同时开始计时。 2.发动机开始进入30秒干 冷转程序。 On the overhead panel: 3.N2 有 5seconds later ,set MAN start switch ON. 1.On lower ECAM engine page: Right person reckons at the same time. Start valve opens. 2.Engine 30s dry motor procedure begins. 3.N2 increased 三 30秒时接通发动机主电门1在20秒内出现: (2),同时左座开始计时。 1.N1 有 2.滑油压力有 When 50s reaches, engage engine MASTER 3.燃油流量有指示。 switch 1(2), at the same time, left person reckons. 4.下ECAM发动机页: 出现A或B点火指示。 5.EGT上升。 In 20s, make sure the following will appear: 1.N1 increased 2.oil pressure increased 3.Fuel flow indication comes on. 4.On the lower ECAM engine page: IGN A or B comes on. 5.EGT increases. 四 监控发动机的参数N1,N2,1.N1, N2转速正常。 EGT,EPR 滑油温度和滑油2.各参数均在正常范围内。 压力。 3.当N2达到43%时: a.起动活门关。 b.A或B点火指示消失。
- 36 -
Monitor engine parameters N1, N2, EGT, EPR, oil temperature and oil pressure. 1.N1, N2 are normal. 2.All parameters are in normal range. 3.When N2 reaches 43%: a. Start valve closes. b. IGN A or B disappears. 五 如发现有不正常现象,或参 数超出限制,应马上中断起动,并在N2<10%时,接通起动机,执行干冷转程序。 If abnormal evidences occur, or parameters get beyond limits, abort start immediately, and after N2 is less than 20%, perform dry motor procedure. 六 当发动机慢车转速稳定后,把发动机模式电门放到正常位,关闭人工起动电门。 After engine idle rotate speed becomes stabilized, set engine MODE switch to NORMAL, disengage MAN start switch. 在上ECAM EPR 中心显示绿色AVAIL 10秒种,表示启动成功 on the UPPER ECAM EPR indicator center, the green AVAIL displays 10 seconds, this shows the engine starting is accomplished.
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Engine Normal shutdown procedure
1.将油门杆手柄放在慢车位。 Set thrust lever to IDLE position.
Operate engine at idle speed for at least 5 minutes. If engine operated at high power (EPR over 1.33) for over 5 minutes, operate engine at idle for 15 minutes.
3.检查APU引气接通,压力正常。 Make sure APU bleed is on, bleed pressure is normal.
(EPR,N1,N2, EGT,FF)的变化。发动机马上停车,燃油关断活门关闭
Set engine MASTER switch 1(2) to OFF, monitor engine parameters
(EPR,N1,N2,EGT,FF). The engine should stop immediately , and the fuel shut-off valve closed
Put related C/Bs and switches to initial condition.
- 38 -
note: in this condition, you should start the right engine first, then start the left engine with the air pressure cross feed from the right engine .
ECAM control panel………………………………………………….select BLEED page
APU BLEED switch????????????????????????off
PACK1 and PACK1?????????????????????????.off
engine bleed( both)????????????????????????off
external pneumatic supply????????????????????set
X-feed bleed switch selector???????????????????.open
mode selector???????????????????????ignition/start
8、 ECAM发动机页面出现
The engine system page displays on the ECAM
? 检查除N1和N2仍为琥珀色外,其余显示均正常,所有参数显示合理,空气压力建立
all the parameters are normal except the amber N1 and amber N2, the bleed air pressure is normal
contacting with the ground monitor??????????????????.OK
inform the ground monitor engine1(or engine2) is to be started
the ENGINE MASTER switch??????????????????????ON
11、在ECAM上检查: 起动活门开 the start valve open on the upper ECAM 空气压力〉30psi air pressure >30 psi N2上升 N2 increased
滑油压力上升 oil pressure increased
?30秒之后: 有点火显示 ignition X on
30 seconds later 燃油流量 fuel flow above zero 起动计时 start the clock
- 39 -
?在20秒内: 排气温度上升 EGT increases in 20 seconds
?在N2>34%: N1上升 N1 increased when N2>34% 滑油压力指示绿区 oil pressure
indicates green
EGT显示峰值 EGT peak and decreases
?在N2=43% 起动活门关 start valve closed
when N2 43% 点火消失 ignition X disappeared
external pneumatic supply………………………………………………disconnected
After the engines stabilized at idle, perform the normal check of the switches and selectors, set them to the normal position.
- 40 -
X-feed bleed switch selector……………………………………………………………
engine bleed(engine running)switch…………………………………………………………on
engine bleed(engine to be start)switch……………………………………………………off
contacting with the ground monitor?????????????????.OK
? 通知起动发动机1(2)
inform the ground monitor engine1(or engine2) is to be started
mode selector??????????????????????ignition/start
6、 ECAM发动机页面出现
The engine system page displays on the ECAM
? 检查除N1和N2仍为琥珀色外其余显示均正常,所有参数显示合理,空气压力建立
all the parameters are normal except the amber N1 and amber N2, the bleed air pressure is normal
? 增加运转的发动机的推力到N1最大转速的30%,以获得起动机所需的空气压力
Push forward the thrust lever of the running engine to 30% of the N1 limit rotating speed so as to obtain the sufficient air pressure for the starter on the engine to be start.
the ENGINE MASTER switch(engine to be start)??????????????ON
8、在ECAM上检查: 起动活门开 start valve open On the ECAM 空气压力〉30psi air pressure>30 psi N2上升 N2 increased
滑油压力上升 oil pressure increased
- 41 -
?30秒之后: 点火显示 ignition X on
30 seconds later 燃油流量 fuel flow above zero 左座起动计时 right operator
start the clock
?在20秒内: 排气温度上升 EGT increases in 20 seconds
?在N2>34%: N1上升 N1 increased when N2>34% 油压力指示绿区 oil pressure indicates
EGT显示峰值 EGT peak and decreases
?在N2=43% 起动活门关 start valve closed
when N2 43% 点火消失 ignition X disappeared
After the engine stabilized at idle,
mode selector??????????????????????????off
X-feed bleed switch selector………………………………………………………
engine bleed switch…………………………………………………………………auto
- 42 -
一. 目的:
Reason for the test:
Check fuel, oil, and hydraulic systems for leaks.
二. 机外检查:
External examination:
1. 前、主轮放好轮挡,起落架装好安全销、套,前轮转弯解除手柄处于正常位。
Set wheel chocks under nose and main wheels; Install L/G safety pin & sleeves; Set nose wheel steering disarm lever to NORMAL.
2. 发动机进、排气危险区域及机身、机翼周围无工具、设备和异物。
There are no tools, ground equipments and unwanted foreign objects in engine intake and exhaust danger zone, and around fuselage and wing.
3. 地面灭火设备完好,专人警戒并保持与机上联系。
Ground fire-fighting equipments are good; Assigned persons are on guard and keep contact with persons on aircraft.
4. 如果检查需要:
If it is necessary for the check:
Open fan cowl doors and safety them by rods.
Deactivate HCU, open the thrust reverser halves and safety them by rods.
三. 机内检查:
Internal examination:
1.后和顶板断路器 ………………………………….检查
Rear and overhead panel C/Bs ………………………………………..… Check
(1) .下列断路器拔出并挂牌:
Open, safety and tag the following C/Bs
若干冷转左发 A03 P39 P41
If dry motor left engine A03 P39 P41
- 43 -
若干冷转右发 A03 P40 P42
If dry motor right engine A03 P40 P42
(2) .其余断路器闭合。
Close other C/Bs.
2.电瓶电门(1和2) …………………………………接通
BAT switches(1&2) ………………………………………………………… ON
3.APU发电机电门 ………………………………. 接通
APU GEN switch ……………………………….………………………… ON
4.APU引气电门 …………………………………… 接通
APU bleed switch ……………………………….………………………… ON
5.EIS………………………………………………… 接通
EIS …………………………………………………………..……………… ON
6.ECAM ………………………………………….. 接通
ECAM ……………………………………………………………………… ON
7.灯测试 …………………………………………… 正常
ANN LT test …………………………………………………………… Normal
8.组件电门 ………………………………………… 关断
PACK switch ………………………………………………………………… OFF
9.油门杆 …………………………………………… 慢车
Thrust lever ……………………………………..…………………………… Idle
10.反喷手柄 …………………..…………………… 收进
T/R lever ……………………………………………………….…………Retract
11.发动机主电门 ……..………………………………关断
Engine MASTER switches ……………………………….………………… OFF
Engine MOD switch …………………………………………………… NORMAL
13.人工起动电门 ……………………………….. ON灯灭
MAN start switches ……………………………………..…… ON not illuminate
14.发动机火警试验…………………………………… 执行
Engine fire warning test ……………………………………………………perform
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Make sure all of the following come on:
? 灭火瓶爆炸帽及释放灯亮。
SQUIB & DISCH lights illuminates.
? 发动机火警按钮灯亮。
ENG FIRE pushbutton light illuminates.
? ECAM发动机火警警告。
ENG1(2) FIRE warning on ECAM E/WD.
? 连续重复谐音。
CRC sounds.
? 主警告灯亮。
MASTER WARNING lights illuminate.
? 发动机控制板上的火警灯亮。
FIRE light illuminates.
? 出现ECAM发动机页面。
ECAM ENG page appears.
15.防撞灯 ………………………………………….. 打开
BEACON lights …………………………………………………………… ON
16.停留刹车 ………………………………………… 刹上
Parking brake ……………………………………………………………… ON
17.发动机工作限制,应急处理程序 ……………… 回顾
Engine operation limits, emergency procedures……………………… Review
Inform ground persons, and prepare to dry motor engines.
四. 测试:
动 作 ACTION 一 在头顶面板: 接通所有燃油泵电门。 On overhead panel: Select all fuel pump switches ON. 结 果 RESULT 所有电门上OFF灯灭。 Make sure OFF lights on all switches are not illuminated. 二 头顶断路器面板: 几秒钟之后,在上ECAM: 拔出断路器A01(A02)并挂1.出现信息ENG1(2) LP VALVE 牌,以打开低压活门。 OPEN。 2.单谐音警告。 On overhead C/B panel: - 45 - Open and tag C/B A01 (A02), in order to open LP valve. 3. 主注意灯亮。 Several seconds later, on upper ECAM DU: 1.Message ENG1(2) LP VALVE OPEN appears. 2.Single chime warning. 3.MASTER CAUTION lights illuminate. 三 确认双发油门杆在慢车位。 Make sure two engine thrust levers are in IDLE position. 四 在发动机面板上: 在下ECAM: 选择模式电门到冷转位。 1.出现发动机页。 2.确认引气压力30-40psi。 On engine panel: 3.检查滑油箱油量正常。 Select MODE switch to CRANK. On lower ECAM DU: 1.ENG page appears. 2.Make sure bleed pressure is 30-40psi. 3.Check oil tank level are normal. 五 在头顶面板: 1.电门上ON灯亮。 接通人工起动电门1(2)。 2.下ECAM发动机页: 同时左座计时。 起动活门开。 On overhead panel: Engage MAN start switch 1(2). Left person reckons. 六 观察发动机参数: N1,N2,滑油压力。 Monitor engine parameters: N1, N2, oil pressure. 1.ON legend on switch comes on. 2.On lower ECAM ENG page: Start valve open. 1. N1,N2增加。 2.滑油压力为正。 1.N1, N2 increase. 2.Oil pressure is positive. 七 按实际需要时间冷转发动机,但不能超过两分钟。(参见起动机工作限制) Motor the engine as long as necessary. Do not beyond the 2 min limit. (Refer to the engine operation limits.) 八 在头顶面板: 确认: 关断人工起动电门1(2)。 1.ON灯灭。 2.下ECAM发动机页: On overhead panel: 起动活门关。 Disengage the MAN start switch 1(2). Make sure: - 46 -
1.On legend goes off. 2.Lower ECAM ENG page: Start valve closed. 九 在发动机面板上: 选择发动机模式电门到正常位。 On engine panel: Select engine MODE switch to NORMAL. 十 下ECAM: - 进入发动机页。 On the lower ECAM display unit: - get the ENGINE page. 下ECAM: - 发动机页出现。 On the lower ECAM display unit: - the ENGINE page comes into view. . 十下ECAM,进入发动机一 页: 测试完成5分钟后,检查发动机滑油量。 On the lower ECAM display unit on the ENGINE page after a minimum of 5 minutes after the end of the test, look at the oil level indication。 检查滑油箱油量。 do a check of the oil tank 十发动机停车,液压/燃油面二 板: 释放燃油泵电门. When the engine is shutdown, on the HYD/FUEL panel 40VU: - release all the FUEL/PUMPS pushbutton switches 所有电门上OFF灯灭。 the OFF legend of these pushbutton switches come on.
十三 On the overhead circuit breaker panel 49VU: - Close the circuit breaker 1KC1 (A01) (1KC2 (A02)) to close the LP valve. the ENG1(2) LP VALVE OPEN message goes out of view - the MASTER CAUT light goes off. 所有断路器闭合。 All the circuit breaker close. 发动机低压活门关闭。 the ENG1(2) LP VALVE OPEN message goes out of view 主警戒灯灭。 the MASTER CAUT light goes off. 五. 恢复飞机到初始状态。
Put the aircraft back to the initial condition.
- 47 -
Reason for the test:
Check the fuel distribution system and the oil system for leakage.
二. 机外检查
External examination:
⒈ 主、前轮放好轮挡,装好起落架安全销、套,前轮转弯解除手柄处于正常位。
Set wheel chocks under nose and main wheels. Install L/G safety pin & sleeves. Set nose wheel steering disarm lever to NORMAL.
There are no tools, ground equipments and unwanted foreign objects in engine intake and exhaust danger zone, and around fuselage and wing.
⒊ 地面灭火设备完好,专人负责警戒并保持和机上联系。
Ground fire-fighting equipments are good. Assigned persons are on guard and keep contact with persons on aircraft.
If it is necessary for the check:
Open fan cowl doors and safety them by rods.
Deactivate HCU, open the thrust reverser halves and safety them by rods.
三. 机内检查:
Internal examination:
1.后和顶板断路器 ………………………………… 检查
Rear and overhead panel C/Bs …………………………………………… Check
Open, safety and tag the following C/Bs
若湿冷转左发 A03 P39 P41
If wet motor left engine A03 P39 P41
- 48 -
若湿冷转右发 A03 P40 P42
If wet motor right engine A03 P40 P42
Close other C/Bs.
2.电瓶电门(1和2) …………...………………………接通
BAT switches(1&2) …………………………………………………………… ON
3.APU发电机电门 ………………………………… 接通
APU GEN switch ………………………………………….………………… ON
4.APU引气电门 …………………………………… 接通
APU bleed switch …………………………………………………………… ON
5.EIS …………………………………………………. 接通
EIS ……………………………………………………………..……………… ON
6.ECAM …………………………………………… 接通
ECAM ……………………………………………………..………………… ON
7.灯测试 ……………….…………………………… 正常
ANN LT test …………………………………………………………… Normal
Select HYD page, and check:
? 液压油量 …………………………………… 正常 Hydraulic fluid level …………………………………………..… Normal ? 液压油箱压力 …………………… 正常,无信息
Hydraulic reservoir pressure …………………… Normal, No messages
9.燃油泵 …………………………接通,“OFF”灯灭
Fuel pumps ……………………………………………Engaged, OFF LT off
10.发动机驱动液压泵 ……..………接通,“OFF”灯灭
Engine hydraulic pumps …………………………………Engaged, OFF LT off
11.组件电门 ……………………………………….. 关断
PACK switch ……………………………………………………………… OFF
12.油门杆 …………………………………………. 慢车
Thrust lever ……………………………………….……………………… Idle
13.反喷手柄 ……………………………………… 收进
- 49 -
T/R lever …………………………………………………………………Retract
14.发动机模式电门……………………………… 正常位
Engine MOD switch ……………………………………..………… NORMAL
15.发动机火警试验………………………………… 执行
Engine fire warning test ……………………………………..…………perform
Make sure all of the following come on:
? 灭火瓶爆炸帽及释放灯亮。
SQUIB & DISCH lights illuminates.
? 发动机火警按钮灯亮。
ENG FIRE pushbutton light illuminates.
? ECAM发动机火警警告。
ENG1(2) FIRE warning on ECAM E/WD.
? 连续重复谐音。
CRC sounds.
? 主警告灯亮。
MASTER WARNING lights illuminate.
? 发动机控制板上的火警灯亮。
FIRE light illuminates.
? 出现ECAM发动机页面。
ECAM ENG page appears.
16.防撞灯 …………………………………………… 打开
BEACON lights ………………………………………….………………… ON
17.停留刹车 ………………………………………… 刹上
Parking brake ……………………………………………………………… ON
18.发动机工作限制,应急处理程序 ……………… 回顾
Engine operation limits, emergency procedures..……………………… Review
Inform ground persons, and prepare to wet motor engines.
四. 测试:
Test: 动 作 ACTION 一 在发动机面板上: 选择模式电门到冷转位。 On engine panel: Select MODE switch to CRANK.
结 果 RESULT 在下ECAM: 1.出现发动机页。 2.确认引气压力30-40psi。 3.检查滑油箱油量正常。 - 50 -