Consultants advising on the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of drug products shall have sufficient education, training, and experience, or any combination thereof, to advise on the subject for which they are retained. Records shall be maintained stating the name, address, and qualifications of any consultants and the type of service they provide. Subpart C-Buildings and Facilities ΪÁ˶ÔÎÊÌâÌá³öÒâ¼û£¬Æ¸Çë¹ËÎÊ¡£¹ËÎÊÓ¦¶ÔÒ©Æ·Éú²ú¡¢¼Ó¹¤¡¢°ü×°»ò²ÖÖüÌá³ö½¨Ò飬ËûÃÇÊܹý×ã¹»µÄ½ÌÓý¡¢Åàѵ£¬ÇÒÓзḻµÄʵ¼ù¾­Ñé¡£±£ÁôËûÃǵÄÐÕÃû¡¢µØÖ·¡¢ÈκεĹËÎÊ×ʸñÖ¤Êé¼°·þÎñÐÎʽµÈÂÄÀú×ÊÁÏ¡£ C£®³§·¿ºÍÉèÊ© ¡ì 211.42 Design and construction fea[tures. (a) Any building or buildings used in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product shall be of suitable size, construction and location to facilitate cleaning, maintenance, and proper operations. (b) Any such building shall have adequate space for the orderly placement of equipment and materials to prevent mixups between different components, drug product containers, closures, labeling, in-process materials, or drug products, and to prevent contamination. The flow of components, drug product containers, closures, labeling, in-process materials, and drug products through the building or buildings shall be designed to prevent contamination. 211?42Éè¼ÆÓ뽨ÔìÌØÕ÷ (a)ÈκÎÓÃÓÚijÀàÒ©Æ·Éú²ú¡¢¼Ó¹¤¡¢°ü×°»òÖü´æµÄ³§·¿»ò½¨ÖþȺ£¬´óСÊÊÒË£¬½á¹¹ÓëλÖÃʹÆäÒ×ÓÚÇå½à¡¢±£Ñø¡¢ÊʺϲÙ×÷¡£ (b)½¨ÖþÎïÓÐ×ã¹»¿Õ¼äÀ´ÓÐÌõÀíµØ°²×°É豸ºÍ·ÅÖòÄÁÏ£¬±ÜÃⲻͬÀàµÄ³É·Ý¡¢Ò©Æ·ÈÝÆ÷¡¢ÃÜ·â¼þ¡¢±êÇ©¡¢ÖмäÌå»òÒ©Æ·µÈÏ໥»ì·Å£¬·ÀÖ¹ÎÛȾ¡£Í¨¹ý³§·¿µÄÉÏÊöÎïÁÏÆäÁ÷ÏòÔÚÉè¼ÆʱҪ·ÀÖ¹ÎÛȾ¡£ (c) Operations shall be performed within (c)²Ù×÷Ó¦ÔÚÃ÷È·¹æ¶¨µÄ¡¢´óСÊÊÖеĵØÇøspecifically defined areas of adequate size. There shall be separate or defined areas for the ÄÚ½øÐС£ÕâЩµØÇø°´¹æ¶¨¸÷×Ô·Ö¸ô¿ª£¬ÒÔ·Àfirm's operations to prevent contamination or Ö¹ÎÛȾ¡£ÏÂÁвÙ×÷ÐëÔÚµ¥¶ÀµÄµØÇøÄÚ½øÐУº mixups as follows: (1) Receipt, identification, storage, and withholding from use of components, drug product containers, closures, and labeling, pending the appropriate sampling, testing, or examination by the quality control unit before release for manufacturing or packaging; (2) Holding rejected components, drug product (1)·¢·Å¸øÉú²ú»ò°ü×°Ç°£¬ÖÊÁ¿¿ØÖƲ¿ÃÅÈ¡ÑùÆڼ䣬³É·Ý¡¢Ò©Æ·ÈÝÆ÷¡¢ÃÜ·â¼þ¼°±êÇ©µÄÇ©ÊÕ¡¢¼ø±ð¡¢Öü´æ¼°¾ÜÊÕÇøÓò¡£ containers, closures, and labeling before disposition; (3) Storage of released components, drug product containers, closures, and labeling; (4) Storage of in-process materials; (5) Manufacturing and processing operations; (6) Packaging and labeling operations; (7) Quarantine storage before release of drug products; (8) Storage of drug products after release; (9) Control and laboratory operations; (10) Aseptic processing, which includes as appropriate: (I) Floors, walls, and ceilings of smooth, hard surfaces that are easily cleanable; (ii) Temperature and humidity controls; (2)ÔÚ´¦ÀíÇ°£¬¾ÜÊյijɷݡ¢Ò©Æ·ÈÝÆ÷¡¢ÃÜ·â¼þ¼°±êÇ©µÄÖü´æ¡£ (3)ÒÑ·ÅÐеijɷݡ¢Ò©Æ·ÈÝÆ÷¡¢ÃÜ·â¼þ¼°±êÇ©µÄÖü´æ¡£ (4)ÖмäÌåµÄÖü´æ¡£ (5)Éú²úÓë¼Ó¹¤²Ù×÷¡£ (6)°ü×°ºÍÌù±êÇ©²Ù×÷¡£ (7)Ò©Æ··ÅÐÐÇ°µÄ´ýÑé¸ôÀëÖü´æ¡£ (8)·ÅÐкóÒ©Æ·µÄÖü´æ¡£ (9)¿ØÖÆÊÒÓëʵÑéÊÒ²Ù×÷¡£ (10)ÎÞ¾ú²Ù×÷£¬°üÀ¨ÈçÏÂÊʵ±µÄ £¨¢ñ£©µØ°å¡¢Ç½±ÚºÍÌ컨°åƽ»¬¡¢¼áÓ²¡¢±íÃæÒ×Çå½à£» £¨¢ò£©Î¶ÈÓëʪ¶È¿ØÖÆ (iii) An air supply filtered through high-efficiency particulate air filters under positive pressure, £¨¢ó£©¿ÕÆø¾­¸ßЧ¹ýÂËÆ÷¡¢ÔÚÕýѹϹýÂË¡¢regardless of whether flow is laminar or ²ãÁ÷»ò·Ç²ãÁ÷¾ù¿É£» nonlaminar; (iv) A system for monitoring environmental conditions; (v) A system for cleaning and disinfecting the room and equipment to produce aseptic conditions; (vi) A system for maintaining any equipment used to control the aseptic conditions. £¨¢ô£©»·¾³¼à²âϵͳ£» £¨¢õ£©´´ÔìÎÞ¾ú»·¾³µÄ·¿¼äºÍÉ豸Çå½à¡¢Ïû¶¾ÏµÍ³£» £¨¢ö£©¿ØÖÆÎÞ¾ú»·¾³µÄÉ豸άÐÞϵͳ¡£ (d) Operations relating to the manufacture, £¨d£©ÇàùËØÉú²ú¡¢¼Ó¹¤¼°°ü×°É豸ÓëÉú²úprocessing, and packing of penicillin shall be ÆäËûÈËÓÃÒ©Æ·µÄÉ豸·Ö¿ª performed in facilities separate from those used for other drug products for human use. [43 FR 45077, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 60 FR 4091, Jan. 20, 1995] 211?44ÕÕÃ÷ ¡ì 211.44 Lighting. ËùÓеØÇø¾ùÐëÌṩ³ä×ãµÄÕÕÃ÷¡£ Adequate lighting shall be provided in all areas. 211?46ͨ·ç¡¢¿ÕÆø¹ýÂË¡¢¿ÕÆø¼ÓÈÈÓëÀäÈ´ ¡ì 211.46 Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling. (a)Ìṩ×ã¹»µÄͨ·ç¡£ (a) Adequate ventilation shall be provided. (b)Ìṩ×ã¹»ÄÜ¿ØÖÆ¿ÕÆøÕýѹ¡¢Î¢ÉúÎï¡¢³¾(b) Equipment for adequate control over air Á£¡¢Î¶ȺÍʪ¶ÈµÄÉ豸£¬ÊÊÓ¦Ò©Æ·Éú²ú¡¢¼Ópressure, micro-organisms, dust, humidity, and ¹¤ºÍÖü´æÐèÒª¡£ temperature shall be provided when appropriate for the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product. (c) Air filtration systems, including prefilters and particulate matter air filters, shall be used when appropriate on air supplies to production areas. If air is recirculated to production areas, measures shall be taken to control recirculation of dust from production. In areas where air contamination occurs during production, there shall be adequate exhaust systems or other systems adequate to control contaminants. (d) Air-handling systems for the manufacture, processing, and packing of penicillin shall be completely separate from those for other drug products for human use. ¡ì 211.48 Plumbing. (a) Potable water shall be supplied under continuous positive pressure in a plumbing system free of defects that could contribute contamination to any drug product. Potable water shall meet the standards prescribed in the Environmental Protection Agency's Primary Drinking Water Regulations set forth in 40 CFR part 141. Water not meeting such standards (c)¿ÕÆø¹ýÂËϵͳ£¬°üÀ¨Ô¤¹ýÂËÆ÷ºÍ΢Á£ÎïÖÊ¿ÕÆø¹ýÂËÆ÷¡£¿ÕÆø¾­¹ýÂ˲ÅËÍÖÁÉú²úÇø£¬Èç¹û¿ÕÆøÊÇÔÙÑ­»·µ½Éú²úÇø£¬Ó¦¿ØÖÆ´ÓÉú²úÇø´øÀ´µÄ³¾°£¡£Éú²úÖз¢Éú¿ÕÆøÎÛȾÉú²úÇø£¬Ó¦ÒÔÅÅÆøϵͳ»òÆäËûϵͳ³ä·Ö³é³ö¿ÕÆø£¬¿ØÖÆÎÛȾ¡£ (d)ÇàùËØÉú²ú¡¢¼Ó¹¤ºÍ°ü×°µÄ¿ÕÆøÊäËÍϵͳӦÓëÆäËûÈËÓÃÒ©Æ·µÄ¿ÕÆøÊäËÍϵͳÍêÈ«·Ö¿ª¡£ 211?48¹Ü¼þ (a)ÒûÓÃˮӦÔÚ³ÖÐøÕýѹÏ¡¢¶ÔÒ©Æ·ÎÞÎÛȾµÄ¹ÜµÀϵͳÄÚ¹©¡£ÒûÓÃˮӦ·ûºÏ»·¾³±£»¤»ú¹¹Öƶ©µÄ¡°»ù±¾ÒûÓÃË®ÌõÀý¡±±ê×¼£¨40CFR141²¿·Ö£©¡£²»·ûºÏ¸Ã±ê×¼µÄË®£¬²»Ðí½øÈëˮϵͳ¡£ shall not be permitted in the potable water system. (b)ÅÅË®É豸ӦÓÐ×ã¹»µÄ´óС£¬¿ÉÖ±½ÓÁ¬½Ó(b) Drains shall be of adequate size and, where ÅÅË®¹Ü¼°°²×°·ÀÖ¹ºçÎüµ¹Á÷µÄ¿ÕÆøÆÆ»µÉ裨43FR45077£¬1978Äê9connected directly to a sewer, shall be provided ±¸»òÆäËû»úеÉ豸¡£with an air break or other mechanical device to ÔÂ29ÈÕ£¬ÐÞÕýÓÚ48FR11426£¬1983Äê3ÔÂprevent back-siphonage. 18ÈÕ£©¡£ [43 FR 45077, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 48 FR 11426, Mar. 18, 1983] 211?50ÎÛË®ºÍ·ÏÁÏ À´×Ô¸½½ü½¨ÖþÎïµÄÎÛË®¡¢À¬»ø¼°ÆäËû·ÏÁÏ£¬¡ì 211.50 Sewage and refuse. Sewage, trash, and other refuse in and from the building and immediate premises shall be disposed of in a safe and sanitary manner. ¡ì 211.52 Washing and toilet facilities. Óð²È«¡¢ÎÀÉúµÄ·½·¨´¦Àí¡£ 211?52Ï´µÓºÍîÂÏ´É豸 ÌṩϴµÓºÍîÂÏ´É豸£¬°üÀ¨ÈÈ¡¢ÀäË®£¬·ÊÔí»òÇå½à¼Á£¬¿ÕÆø¸ÉÔïÆ÷»òרÓÃë½í£¬¼°¸É¾»Adequate washing facilities shall be provided, µÄîÂÏ´É豸£¬ÒÔ±ãÓÚ½øÈë½øÐй¤×÷Çø¡£ including hot and cold water, soap or detergent, air driers or single-service towels, and clean toilet facilities easily accessible to working areas. ¡ì 211.56 Sanitation. (a) Any building used in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, Any such building shall be free of infestation by rodents, birds, insects, and other vermin (other than laboratory animals). Trash and organic waste matter shall be held and disposed of in a timely and sanitary manner. (b) There shall be written procedures assigning responsibility for sanitation and describing in sufficient detail the cleaning schedules, methods, equipment, and materials to be used in cleaning the buildings and facilities; such written procedures shall be followed. 211?56 ÎÀÉú (a)ËùÓÐÓÃ×÷Ò©Æ·Éú²ú¡¢¼Ó¹¤¡¢°ü×°¼°Öü´æµÄ³§·¿Ó¦±£³ÖÇå½à¡¢ÎÀÉúµÄ»·¾³£¬ÇÒ²»ÊÜÄö³Ý¶¯Îï¡¢ÄñÀ༰ÆäËûº¦³æÇÖº¦ÈÅ£¨ÊµÑ鶯Îï³ýÍ⣩¡£À¬»øºÍÓлú·ÏÁÏ£¬¶¨Ê±ÒÔÎÀÉúµÄ·½·¨¿ØÖÆ´¦Àí¡£ (b)·ÖÅäÎÀÉúÇå½àÈÎÎñµÄÏêϸµÄÇå½àÏîÄ¿¡¢·½·¨¡¢É豸¡¢ÓÃÓÚÇå½à³§·¿ºÍÉèÊ©µÄ²ÄÁϵÄÒ»ÀÀ±í,Ó¦ÓгÉÎĹ涨¡£ (c) There shall be written procedures for use of (c)ÊÊÓõÄɱÊó¼Á¡¢É±À¥³æ¼Á¡¢É±Õæ¾ú¼Á¡¢