lesson 4 句子结构对比与翻译

Lesson 4 句子结构对比与翻译(二)



1. 与英语相同的句子结构

汉语中有些句子结构与英语的有相同或相似性, 如:

A.部分主谓结构与英语的SV结构 1)太阳升起来了。 The sun has risen. 2)那束花枯萎了。

That bunch of flowers withered. 3)人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。

All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.



It’s getting dark and there were fewer and fewer people in the streets. 5)今天星期一。

Today is Monday. B.主谓宾结构与 SVO结构 6)同学们每周写一篇作文。

The students write a composition once a week. 7)妈妈当时在洗衣服。

Mom was doing some washing then.

C. 兼语式与SVOC




Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 9)那场大火使所有的建筑物都成为废墟。

The fire reduced all the buildings to ruins. 10)我有点害怕,我觉得心砰砰只跳。

I’m a bit afraid; I feel my hearting beating very fast. 2.与英语相异的句子结构

由于两种语言的文化不同,形成了各自独具特点的句子类型和结构。申小龙(1989)根据汉语的表意功能和表达形式,将汉语句型大体分为以下九类: A.话题句

如果说英语是注重主语意识的语言的话,那么汉语是注重话题意识的语言,因此话题句也就成了汉语最显著的特点之一。其基本行文顺序为:话题语+评论语, 如:


It is a task well within your hand.


As for domestic affairs, Mother has the final say.

3)这种力,是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要显现。 It is an invisible force of life. So long as there is life, the force will show itself. 4) 计算机,我不懂。

I don’t excel in the computer. 5)天空还是一片浅蓝,颜色很浅。 The sky was pale with a bluish hue.


这是一种用来描述主语行为、动作、状态的句子。其形式为:施事语+动作语。 如:

1)他心底微微一颤,额头泛起了涟漪。 His heart gave a small quiver, and he frowned. 2) 那汉子猛站起身,退至窗前。

The man stood up abruptly and retreated to the window. 3)它(小麻雀)跳一跳、停一停、看着我,又不敢过来。

It begins to hop again and then stops, its eyes looking at me, but too shay to come over. 4)留在枝头的两片枯叶,也不时发出破碎的哭声。

A couple of withered leaves, still clinging to the branches, rustled mournfully from time

to time.




a. 因果类复句。 包括因果句(因为…所以; 越…越)、推断句(既然…那么;与其…不如)、假设句(如果…就/那么)、条件句(只要…就;除非…才)和目的句(…以便;…以免…)。

b. 列举类复句。包括并列举(既…又;不是…就是)、连贯句(然后;便;于是;这才)、递进句(不但...而且;不光...还有;甚至)、选择句(或者...或者;与其...不如;要么...要么)。

c. 转折类复句。包括转折句(但是;然而;可是)、让步句(虽然...但是;即使...也;宁可...也)、假言逆转句(A...否则B;不然;要么A,否则就B)


? 1)十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们(书籍)。

During the ten years of the disastrous “Cultural Revolution”, I was not in the mood to, nor was I fit enough to bother about my books, as I was not even sure where I myself would end up.

? 2)尽管有许多人在猜这个微笑(蒙娜丽莎的微笑)的谜,其实都是多此一举。

A lot of people have tried to find out what was behind such a smile, yet this is indeed a misuse of one’s time or talent. 3) 这活干了就行,谁干无所谓。

So long as it is done, it doesn’t matter who will do it.


1) 努力了,就会有进步(条件句)

If you work hard, you’ll make progress. Work hard and you’ll make progress.

2) 实在饿得不能忍受了,才每天跑去春潮书店借钱。(因果句)

Pressed by hunger, I would visit Chunchao bookstore every day to seek a loan of money. 3) 莺虽然不能答这个问题,人是应该解答而且能够解答的。(让步句)

The oriole can’t give an answer, but man should and can.

4) 但是孵化了的鸡雏不是被猫鼠衔去,便是吃米过多得脚气病死了。(并列句)

But the baby chicks were either carried off by cats or rats, or died of beriberi caused by eating too much of polished rice.


5) 我不但常常感念我的父母,我也常常警惕我们应当怎样做父母。(递进句)

Not only do I always remember my parents with gratitude, I also always bear in mind how we should behave ourselves as parents.

D. 呼叹句

在交谈中相互呼唤、应对或感叹的句子。 如:

1) 嗨! 你在这里干什么呢?

Hi!What are you doing here? 2) 青春是多么短暂啊!

How fast youth goes!

3) 白杨树实是不平凡的,我赞美白杨树!

The white poplar is no ordinary tree. Let me sing its praises. 4) ---宝贝儿们!饭好了!

--好的,妈妈,就来了。 --Hey, honey,supper is ready! --Yes,Mum ! We’re coming. 5) 这是何等的飘逸、洒脱、达观!

What a free and elegant lifestyle! What an open and optimistic outlook! 6) 呜呼!青史悠悠,万古不灭!中华浩气,永世长存!

Alas, imperishable are those historical events and everlasting is the noble spirit of the Chinese nation!

E. 祈使句

表示要求、命令或请求的句子。 如:

1) 远离那些高压线。危险!

Keep away from those high-tension wires. It’s dangerous. 2) 动动脑筋,就会想出办法。 Use your head and you’ll find a way. 3) 小心!前面有条蛇!

Watch out! There is a snake in front of you! 4) 下周五之前把你们的社会调查报告交上来!

Hand in your reports on social research before next Friday. 5) Don’t order me round any more! I’m fed up!


