and octagonal steel bars—Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerance 13 GB/T 706-1988 热轧工字钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled beam steel—Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances
14 GB/T 707-1988 热轧槽钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled channel steel—Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances
15 GB/T 708-1988 冷轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for cold-rolled plates and sheets
16 GB/T 709-1988 热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for hot-rolled plates and sheets
17 GB/T 710-1991 优质碳素结构钢热轧薄钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips
18 GB/T 711-1988 优质碳素结构钢热轧厚钢板和宽钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates and wide strips
19 GB 712-1988 船体用结构钢 Hull structural steel
20 GB/T 714-1965 桥梁建筑用热轧碳素钢 技术条件 Technical requirements for hot-rolled carbon steels for bridges
21 GB/T 715-1989 标准件用碳素钢热轧圆钢 Hot-rolled round carbon steel bars for standard parts
22 GB/T 716-1991 碳素结构钢冷轧钢带 Cold-rolled carbon structural steel strips 23 GB/T 718-1982 铸造用生铁 Foundry pig iron
24 GB/T 905-1994 冷拉圆钢、方钢、六角钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimension, shape, weight and tolerance for cold-drawn round, square and hexagonal steels
25 GB/T 908-1987 锻制圆钢和方钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Forged round and square steels--Dimension, shape, weightand tolerance
26 GB/T 911-1966 工具钢热轧及锻制扁钢品种 Hot-rolled and forged tool steel flats 27 GB/T 912-1989 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧薄钢板及钢带 Hot-rolled plain carbon and low alloy structural steel sheets and strips 28 GB/T 1220-1992 不锈钢棒 Stainless steel bars 29 GB/T 1221-1992 耐热钢棒 Heat-resisting steel bars 30 GB/T 1222-1984 弹簧钢 Spring steel
31 GB/T 1234-1995 高电阻电热合金 High resistance alloys for electrical heating 32 GB/T 1298-1986 碳素工具钢技术条件 Carbon tool steels-