实训2.:学生就上述询盘做一个回复。 Background: 比较回复询盘信函和报盘信函 Reply to the enquiry
1. how much appreciate the enquiry 2. glad to enclose
3. detailed information and features of products
4. express the moderate and competitive price and limitation 5. acceptable payment and date
6. expectation of satisfaction and lasting business relations Making a quotation and offer
a. An expression of thanks for enquiry
b. Provide detailed information required(details of prices, discounts and terms of payment; a statement or clear indication of what the prices cover eg. freight and insurance, etc.; an undertaking as to date of delivery or time of shipment.) c. The period for which the quotation is valid.
d. Expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.
实训3.:翻译下列回复信函 a better reply
Dear buyer:
It is good to hear from you again. You inquired about my bamboo baskets on September 15, 1998. I sent you a company catalog at that time. I can send you a second catalog if you need?
You are not the only importer in Brazil that has asked us about bamboo baskets. I have also received inquires from ABC company, Universal Co Ltd in Brazil, but they always inquired another kind of baskets. I will introduce this kind of basket for you if you need. Would you like me to help you by making a special sample for you Brazil market?
We are a professional bamboo products manufacture with 14 years experiences in China, offering over 1,500 various kinds of bamboo products and monthly output up to 5 millions pieces. We are the best manufacturer that you can trust in China. The details for the product(as the attached photo)you inquired as following: XXX.Upon receipt of EMS number , we will send you a sample together with catalog. I look forward to see your reply!
实训项目五: 报价,发盘与还盘信函的翻译与写作 一、实训目的
卖方收到还盘以后,可以根据具体情况,权衡利弊,决定接受或拒绝,也可以对还盘提出新的修改意见,这就构成了对还盘的“反还盘”。一笔交易的达成,就是这样经过多次磋商,最后取得一致意见,签订合同的。 通过练习使学生了解询盘、报盘和还盘的书写内容。 二、实训时间: 6学时
三、实训场地(设备):教室、语音室、 四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习 五、实训内容与步骤:
Training Situations:(背景资料) Training Material:(训练材料)
Hint 1: Interested in silk products and hope to receive the lowest quotation CIF
London for 3,000 pieces silk carpet with details of discount and payment terms. Some catalogues and sample cuttings required.
Hint 2: US$125 per piece CIF London, subject to reply here before May 9. No
discount. Payment by irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight is required. Catalogues and sample cuttings have been airmailed
Hint 3: Price is higher than those from other suppliers. Suggest a reduction of 10%,
otherwise business is impossible.
Hint 4: The price of raw silk has gone up a lot. Besides, the quality is much superior
to other makes. The price quoted is relatively favorable. Suggest early acceptance.
Hint 5: Difficult to push any sales at that price, suggest meeting each other half way. Hint 6: Accept 5% reduction.
Training Requirements:(训练要求)
Divide the students into two groups. One group acts as the importer and the other as
the exporter.
1. Among the above hints, which ones are from the exporter and which ones are from the importer?
2. Compose a dialogue into several letters according to the above hints and what you have learnt from this chapter:
1) A letter from the importer to the exporter enquiring for 3,000 pieces silk carpet.
2) A letter from the exporter to the importer offering 3,000 pieces silk carpet together with some other useful information..
3) A letter from the importer to the exporter pointing out that the price quoted is too high and asking for a reduction of 10%.
4) A letter from the exporter to the importer accepting his counter-offer. 5) A letter from the exporter to the importer declining his counter-offer.
实训2:Translate the following sentences into English: 1. 一级大豆存货正在减少。
2. 如果你公司能将8月5日报价降低2%,我们将乐意接受。
3. 我们给你报了最低价,按此价我们已经与其它客户作了许多交易。 4. 兹报实盘,以自本日起10日内你方复到为准。
5. 考虑到我们之间长期友好的关系,我们接受你们的还盘。
6. 由于市场正在下跌,希望你们重新考虑我方报盘,并尽快来电接受。 7. 请提醒你们客户注意,由于行市上涨,我们的价格已作调整。
8. 谢谢你方所提供的减价,不过我们认为它仍然高于我们可接受的价格。 9. 有消息说,几批法国货已在此地售出,价格低得多。 10.经过友好协商,双方最终按照60欧元每打的价格成交。 实训3:.Write an English letter based on the following information:
你之前向客户作的铁丝(iron wire)的报价,客户4月9日回信中认为价格偏高。给客户回信,包含以下几点: 1. 最近原材料价格上涨; 2. 我们的质量上乘;
3. 客户所需的1吨是最低起订量,不能打折; 4. 国内外供不应求,现存货已不多;
5. 督促客户重新考虑你方报价,尽快回复; 6. 欢迎其它询盘,并将给予关注。
实训4:Translate the following letter into English: 敬启者:
当然产品与样机必须一致,否则我们有权拒收。付款方式按照以往的惯例。 期待你方早日回复。
实训项目六: 订单,接受和回绝信函的翻译与写作 一、实训目的
在国际贸易中,交易的一方明示接受另一方的交易条件,交易即达成,然后签订具有合同性质的文件。如果买方发出订购信;寄出订单或者购货确认书,要求卖方按上面所列出的条件供货,要求卖方签回一份,就是对自己订货和对卖方的确认。订单信通常需要明确以下条件:商品名称, 质量要求和规格,订购数量,价格及价格条件、总额等。买方通常强调交货时间或者敦促对方尽快交货,根据需要还可能提出付款方式、供现货等其他条件。
本章实训提供了下订单、接受和回绝的信函让学生演练。 二、实训时间: 6学时
三、实训场地(设备):教室、经济学院实训室 四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习 五、实训内容与步骤:
六、考核方法与标准: 要求学生独立完成,教师进行点评。按A、B、C、D四级
实训1:Placing an order 下订单
Translate the following letter into English:
我方确认已收到贵方5月5日来函。我们要求贵方呈交我方于5月3日信函中详细描述的100台水泵(pumping machine)的结构(说明),该批货价格已由你方确定。
一号机型 620 英镑 二号机型580英镑