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如果使用变压器,低电压的电力就能转换成高电压的电力。 例13

Copper has less resistance than aluminum for the same size wire, but aluminum, being much lighter in weight, has less resistance per unit of weight.

对于同样粗细的电线来说,铜比铝的电阻小,但由于铝的重量很轻,所以它单位重量的电阻较小。 P.105 例19

Being stable in air at ordinary temperature, mercury combines with oxygen if heated. 即使常温下水银在空气中是稳定的,但给它加热它就会与氧化合。 P.107 例30

We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。 P.109 例46

With the base grounded, transistor Q4 is a very high impedance. 当基极接地时,晶体管Q4便成为一个非常高的阻抗。 介词短语作状语,译为时间状语,并置于句首。 P.110 例55

It is necessary to prevent induction motors against overload and under voltage. 必须保护感应电动机,以防止过载和欠压。

原句中的介词短语 against....voltage翻译为“以.…欠压”,在句中作宾语induction motors的补足语。 P.111 例64

Transistors, integrated circuits, and the chip itself only came about because materials scientist learned how to process silicon from common beach sand. 晶体管、集成电路以及芯片本身,都是由于材料科学家学会了利用沙滩上的普通沙子加工硅的方法之后才出现的。 P.112 例72

When the effect of inductance is such as to cause an induced voltage in the same circuit in which the changing current is flowing, the term self-induction is applied to the phenomenon.


原句中the effect of inductance是when引导的时间状语从句的主语,它是不定式短语to cause an induced voltage动作的发出者,两者之间形成主谓关系。 例73

Another important factor to be taken into consideration is that current strength is equal at certain points in a series circuit.

需要考虑在内的另外一个重要因素是电流强度同串联电路中的某些点的强度处处相同。 原句中的不定式短语to be....consideration插入在主语another important factor与系动词 is之间作后置定语。两者构成汉语中的动宾关系“考虑因素”。 P.113 例79

To allow our silicon crystal to conduct electricity, we must find a way to allow some electrons to move from place to place within the crystal.

为了让硅晶体导电,我们必须寻找一种方法让一些电子在品体内移动。 P.115 例90

It is to be emphasized that a source of electricity current is simply a device for causing electricity to move around a circuit.


原句中it是形式主语,替代that引导的主语从句。不定式短语to move....circuit作宾语electricity的补足语。 例93

A minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1, a combination of an energy source, a prime mover, a generator, and a load.

最小的电力系统如图1所示,它由能源、原动机、发电机和负载构成。 原句中的同位语成份较长,表达的含义也较多,因此译为汉语的简单句更符合汉语的表达习惯。

P.116 例99

The primary concern of electrical engineering is the doing of work by the delivery of energy. 电工学主要关注的是通过输送能量做功的情况。

原句中electrical engineering与主导词concern在逻辑上是主谓关系,汉译时也要按照主谓关系翻译,即将名词concern转译为动词“关注”,与主导词“电工学”构成主谓关系“电工学主要关注”。 P.117 例105

The gear teeth should have the strength sufficient to operate. 齿轮的齿必须具有足够的强度来运转。

原句中sufficient to operate是“形容词+不定式”构成的形容词短语,在汉译时将形容词sufficient 译为前置定语“足够的”,不定式to operate译为宾语的补足语。

中篇第四章(共15个) P.122 例13

The last 10 years witnessed the great changes in the development of hydroelectric power in China. 最近10年,中国在水力发电方面取得了重大进展。

当英语用表达时间的词作主语,用witness,see,notice, find等词作谓语时,将主语转译为汉语的状语,使译文通顺。 P.123 例21

It concentrated on installing radio system in power plants. 它主要为电厂安装无线电系统。 P.124 例30

The function of a fuse is to protect the circuit. 电熔丝的作用是保护电路。 P.125 例35

The new equipments provide a relatively small loss of energy. 新设备的能耗较小。

原句中宾语loss of energy转译为主语“能耗”,主语汉译时转译为该词的定语“新设备的”,宾语的定语译为形容词作谓语“较小”。 P.127 例47

Hydroelectric stations offer quite a number of advantages over their thermal and nuclear counterparts.


原句中作状语的介词短语中的over 转译成表示比较关系的状语短语。 P.129 例60

Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has strong affinity.

铝总是和其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是和氧结合在一起,因为铝对氧有很强的亲和力。由于这个原因,在自然界中任何地方都找不到游离状态的铝;所以一直到十九世纪人们才知道有铝。 P.130 例66

Great efforts will be made to achieve advancement and independent innovation of technology, which will lead to improved safety and cost-efficiency of nuclear power reactors and competitiveness of nuclear power.


原句中which引导的定语从句没有采用内嵌法翻译,而是将其译成一个独立的分句,与主句呈顺承关系。 例67

When you use a computer to process information, you must have input, which is the data you will deal with; you must process the data, which is the act of doing something with data according to instructions, and you must have output, which is the result of your processing.

使用计算机处理信息时,必须输入所要处理的数据;同时必须按工作指令处理这些数据;最后,还必须有输出,即处理的结果。 P.132 例79

The equivalent circuits, being descriptive and simple, are very useful for the solution to a number of problems.


原句中being descriptive and simple表原因,故可转译为原因状语分句“由于……”。 P.133 例84

Wherever conductors are needed, insulators will be indispensable. 凡是需要导体的地方,就缺不了绝缘体。 原句中的地点状语从句根据汉语表达的需要,转换为汉语中作主语的名词词组“……的地方”。 例85

The amount of deformation is directly proportional to the applied stress provided the force does not exceed a certain limit.

如果外力不超过某一限度的话,那么形变量与外力成正比。 P.134 例97

The advantage of rolling bearing is that they cause less friction. 滚动轴承的优点是它产生的摩擦力较小。 P.135 例104

The possibility that a circuit breaker may fail to perform its function, when instructed to do so, is higher than for protection and trip circuit.

这样做以后,断路器失灵的可能性高于保护和跳闸回路失灵的可能性。 P.136 例111

Scientists have already known that under the extreme temperatures, say 260℃, metal presents

zero resistance, that is, superconductivity of metal.

科学家们已经了解到,在极端的温度下,比如零下260℃,金属呈零电阻,也就是说,金属具超导性。 P.137 例115

The principal objection to arc lighting was its high intensity, making it unsuitable for most indoor applications.


中篇第五章 (共10个) P.141 例15

This extraction rate was confirmed in batch tank tests. 这一提取速度已为分批槽内试验所证实。 P.142 例27

The newly-found electrical material is widely used home and abroad. 国内外广泛采用这种新型电工材料。 译法的特点是,把原句中作状语的介词结构中的宾语译成主语,同时把原句的主语译成宾语。 P.143 例31

It should be noted that increasing the length of the wire will increase its resistance. 应当注意,增加导线长度会增加其电阻。 P.145 例44;

But for friction, the driving wheel would not run the belt, neither would the belt run the wheel to be driven.

要是没有摩擦力,主动轮就不能带动皮带,皮带也就不能带动被动轮。 例47

It is by the use of steam-jackets that a reduction in condensation is achieved. 正是使用蒸汽套才可以削弱冷凝作用。 P.146 例54

Should the current be cut off, coil would return to its original position. 如采切断电流,线圈即恢复原来位置。 P.147 例61

Heat the substances and they will have the tendency to expand. 如果把物质加热,它就有膨胀的趋势。 P.148例68

He developed a computer model based on the data accumulated in these studies. 他根据研究中积累的数据研制了一个计算机模型。 例70

If broken anywhere, the electric circuit will immediately stop carrying a current. 不论在什么地方切断,电路都会立即停止通电。 例73

One China-made 300MW PWR reactor and turbogenerator unit has been installed at Qinshan in Zhejiang province.
