新编剑桥商务英语中级教案 - 图文 下载本文

课外要求 Know how to improve business skills of meetings and often go on line. 内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”) 课时分配 20m 20m 60m I. participating in a meeting 1. be supposed to 2. get something done 3. fill one’s schedule 4. hate something or hate doing something 5. anecdotal thing 轶事 6. organisational psychologist 企业心理学家(The Industrial-Organisational Psychologist 7. social norm 8. questionnaire 9. overall job satisfaction 10. get-together 11. weekly or daily office gethering 12. goal-orientated 目标导向的学习环境(Goal-orientated Learning Environments 13. interaction with 14. unstructured job 无系统性的;松散的 II. verb collocation Set give move hold go take run see attend reach III. Writing Minutes of a meeting Now write the minutes of the meeting using the agenda and the notes you made above. Write between 120 and 140 words, using reporting verbs. Organise your report into these three sections. Title of report Details of meeting (who attended, time, location) What was discussed and the final action points Ask Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing. 课后心得 河北金融学院课程教案

授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间: 课 题 教学基本 要求与目标 方法与手段 Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching Module five speaking To enable Ss know more about how to improve speaking 实践性环节 课外要求 speaking Know how to improve business skills of speaking. 内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”) 课时分配 40m 20m 40m I. speaking test part two In this exam spot light, you will look at part two of the speaking test. Each candidate gives a mini-presentation on a business theme. Giving a mini-presentation When…it’s important to … The first thing when …is to… There are a number of points to consider when… Mentioning and sequencing the points First of all, there’s… For example… Secondly/the second point to remember is… Something else is … The final point is … Adding information It’s also important to say… In addition to that… You also need to consider… II. Exam success Start your talk by saying what you’re going to talk about. Separate each point clearly. Say why each point is relevant. Give an example to support each point What is important when…… Placing a newspaper advert The target reader Where the advert appears Ask Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing. 课后心得 河北金融学院课程教案 授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间: 课 题 教学基本 要求与目标 Module six recruitment To enable Ss know more about employment; to improve the skills of reading 方法与手段 实践性环节 Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening listening speaking reading writing Know how to improve business skills of employment and often go on line. 内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”) 课时分配 20m 40m 20m 20m I.Employment news 1. take redundancy Compulsory redundancy 强制性裁员 The company is hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce its staff by natural wastage . 公司不希望裁减职工而希望通过正常的减员来减少其职工。 2. labor redundancy 劳动(力)过剩 A high level of redundancy among unskilled workers 非熟练工人的大量裁减 3. redundancy pay 遣散费 II. Hiring and Firing 1. hire recruit give notice dismiss 2. walk out sack fire lay off 3. resign take voluntary redundancy 4. employ take someone on 5. make redundant 表示离职的: walk out of a job, resign, take voluntary redundancy, give notice等词之间; 表示解雇的:sack, dismiss, make redundant, lay off 离职 1) I just quit my Job! 我刚刚辞去我的工作! 2) Walk out of a job 离职 Example : I walked out of my job, now what happens? 3) Resign 辞职;辞去(某职务). meaning : To officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job, an organization, etc. III. grammar passives Eg. 300 people have been made redundant in a series of cutbacks. Ask Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing. 课外要求 课后心得 河北金融学院课程教案

授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间: 课 题 教学基本 要求与目标 Module six recruitment To enable Ss know more about emailing; to improve the skills of writing and listening 方法与手段 实践性环节 课外要求 I. Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening listening speaking reading writing Know how to improve business skills of delegating and often go on line. 内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”) 课时分配 20m 40m 20m 20m Emailing 1. click on a link/ an icon 2. delete/save an email 3. send/copy an email to someone 4. log on to a computer/ website 登录 5. restart/register the computer 6. back up/save a document 7. fire off / send a reply 8. attach a file/ document 9. type in your username/ address II. Reading Test: Part Two In part two of the reading test, you will need to pay special attention to words which link the text together. These include words which refer to other words, for example pronouns: this, these, that, those, he, she, they, his, hers, us, them, which…. Words and phrases at the weekends 特指经常发生的,周期性的周末。比如你经常在周末做哪些事情,而发生的频率很高,就用这个。 at the weekend 特指某一个周末。比如你在上周末发生了一件事情,就用这个。 at weekend 指一般性的周末。没有特指的意味。只是单纯的表示一个时间。周末。 at weekends 指无数个周末。有“无数个周末”的意思、 Read the article below about health at work Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at the beginning Ask Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing. 课后心得 河北金融学院课程教案

授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:(8) 课 题 Module seven sales