流年饥荒控制台指令大全+物品大全+服务器管理命令大全 下载本文

-- To cancel a periodic announcement: c_announce() c_announce(\大家记好房间名,回一下档\----------------回滚---------------------------

-- Roll back *count* number of saves (default 1) function c_rollback(count) c_rollback(1)

----------------保存---------------------------- function c_save()

----------------刷物品------------------------------- -- Spawn At Cursor and select the new ent

-- Has a gimpy short name so it's easier to type from the console function c_spawn(prefab, count)


-- Shutdown the application, optionally close with out saving (saves by default) function c_shutdown(save)


-- Restart the server, optionally save before restarting (does not save by default) function c_reset(save)


-- Permanently delete the game world, rengerates a new world afterwords function c_regenerateworld()

----------------远程执行lua命令-------------------------------- -- Remotely execute a lua string function c_remote( fnstr )

----------------使一个玩家重新开始进入选人阶段-------------------------------- -- Despawn a player, returning to character select screen function c_despawn(player)

----------------c_despawn helper-------------------------------- -- c_despawn helper

local function dodespawn(player)

----------------列出当前活跃用户-------------------------------- -- Return a listing of currently active players function c_listplayers()

----------------与上一个命令感觉没有什么区别-------------------------------- -- Return a listing of AllPlayers table function c_listallplayers()


-- Get the currently selected entity, so it can be modified etc. -- Has a gimpy short name so it's easier to type from the console function c_sel()

function c_select(inst) -----------------光标下打印。。。------------------------------- -- Print the (visual) tile under the cursor

function c_tile()

-----------------应用场景脚本来选择和运行它。------------------------------- -- Apply a scenario script to the selection and run it. function c_doscenario(scenario)

-----------------改变单位生命值------------------------------- -- Some helper shortcut functions function c_sel_health() function c_sethealth(n)

function c_setminhealth(n) 最小生命值 function c_setsanity(n) 脑残值 c_sethunger(n) 饥饿值 function c_setbeaverness(n)

function c_setmoisture(n) 湿度 function c_settemperature(n) 温度

-----------------运行中直连------------------------------- -- Work in progress direct connect code.

-- Currently, to join an online server you must authenticate first. -- In the future this authentication will be taken care of for you. function c_connect( ip, port, password )

-----------------在背包中放入物品------------------------------- -- Put an item(s) in the player's inventory function c_give(prefab, count)

-----------------未知------------------------------- function c_mat(recname) function c_pos(inst) function c_printpos(inst)

function c_teleport(x, y, z, inst)

-----------------移动命令------------------------------- function c_move(inst) function c_goto(dest, inst) 未知

function c_inst(guid) 列举

function c_list(prefab) function c_listtag(tag)


function c_findnext(prefab, radius, inst)

------------------上帝模式------------------------------ function c_godmode()


-------------------超级上帝模式----------------------------- function c_supergodmode()


function c_find(prefab, radius, inst) function c_findtag(tag, radius, inst)


function c_gonext(name)


function c_printtextureinfo( filename ) function c_simphase(phase)

function c_anim(animname, loop) function c_light(c1, c2, c3)

function c_spawn_ds(prefab, scenario) function c_countprefabs(prefab, noprint) function c_counttagged(tag, noprint)

---------------计算所有物品数量--------------------------------- function c_countallprefabs()

---------------加速几倍--------------------------------- function c_speedmult(multiplier) c_speedmult(1.5) c_speedmult(1.3) c_speedmult(3)

----------------实验模式-------------------------------- function c_testruins()

ConsoleCommandPlayer().components.builder:UnlockRecipesForTech({SCIENCE = 2, MAGIC = 2})

c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\

c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\ c_give(\end


function c_teststate(state)

-----------------作战装备------------------------------- function c_combatgear()

-----------------作战模拟器------------------------------- function c_combatsimulator(prefab, count) -----------------转储------------------------------- function c_dump()

-----------------显示当前所处季节------------------------------- function c_dumpseasons() 例子:


[04:48:05]: ConsoleInput: \[04:48:05]: spring 14 -> 6 days (70 %) cycle --------------打印世界信息---------------------- function c_dumpworldstate()


[04:49:27]: ConsoleInput: \[04:49:27]:

[04:49:27]: //======================== DUMPING WORLD STATE ===================== ===\\\\

[04:49:27]: summerlength 15 [04:49:27]: seasonprogress 0.7 [04:49:27]: elapseddaysinseason 14 [04:49:27]: isfullmoon false

[04:49:27]: moisture 1552.6871337891 [04:49:27]: springlength 20 [04:49:27]: moonphase threequarter [04:49:27]: precipitationrate 0 [04:49:27]: iswet false

[04:49:27]: winterlength 15 [04:49:27]: iswinter false [04:49:27]: issummer false

[04:49:27]: moistureceil 3359.3188476563 [04:49:27]: isday false

[04:49:27]: remainingdaysinseason 6 [04:49:27]: isnight false [04:49:27]: isdusk true [04:49:27]: isspring true [04:49:27]: isautumn false [04:49:27]: issnowing false [04:49:27]: snowlevel 0

[04:49:27]: issnowcovered false