99 GB/T 4223-1996 ·Ï¸ÖÌú Iron and steel scraps

100 GB/T 4226-1984 ²»Ðâ¸ÖÀä¼Ó¹¤¸Ö°ô Cold finished stainless steel bars 101 GB/T 4227-1984 ²»Ðâ¸ÖÈÈÔþµÈ±ß½Ç¸Ö Hot rolled stainless steel with equal leg angles

102 GB/T 4229-1984 ²»Ðâ¸Ö°åÖØÁ¿¼ÆËã·½·¨ Methods of weight calculation of stainless steel plates and sheets

103 GB/T 4231-1993 µ¯»ÉÓò»Ðâ¸ÖÀäÔþ¸Ö´ø Cold rolled stainless steel strips for springs

104 GB/T 4232-1993 À䶥¶ÍÓò»Ðâ¸ÖË¿ Stainless steel wires for cold heading and cold for- ging

105 GB 4234-1994 Íâ¿ÆÖ²ÈëÎïÓò»Ðâ¸Ö Stainless steel for surgical implants 106 GB/T 4237-1992 ²»Ðâ¸ÖÈÈÔþ¸Ö°å Hot rolled stainless steel sheets and plates 107 GB/T 4238-1992 ÄÍÈȸְå Heat-resisting steel sheets and plates 108 GB/T 4239-1991 ²»Ðâ¸ÖºÍÄÍÈȸÖÀäÔþ¸Ö´ø Cold rolled stainless steel and heatresisting steel strips

109 GB/T 4240-1993 ²»Ðâ¸ÖË¿ Stainless steel wires

110 GB/T 4241-1984 º¸½ÓÓò»Ðâ¸ÖÅÌÌõ Stainless steel wire rods for welding 111 GB/T 4354-1994 ÓÅÖÊ̼ËظÖÈÈÔþÅÌÌõ Hot-rolled quality carbon steel wire rods 112 GB/T 4356-1984 ²»Ðâ¸ÖÅÌÌõ Stainless steel wire rods 113 GB/T 4357-1989 ̼Ëص¯»É¸ÖË¿ Carbon spring steel wires

114 GB/T 4358-1995 ÖØÒªÓÃ;̼Ëص¯»É¸ÖË¿ Carbon spring steel wire for significant use

115 GB/T 4461-1992 ÈÈË«½ðÊô´ø²Ä Thermostatic bimetal strips

116 GB 4463-1984 Ô¤Ó¦Á¦»ìÄýÍÁÓÃÈÈ´¦Àí¸Ö½î Heat-treated steel bar for prestressed concrete

117 GB/T 4697-1991 ¿óɽÏïµÀÖ§»¤ÓÃÈÈÔþU ÐÍ¸Ö Hot-rolled U-type steel for mine timbering

118 GB 5068-1985 Ìú·»ú³µ¡¢³µÁ¾ÓóµÖá¸ÖÅ÷ Axles blooms for railway locomotive and wagons

119 GB/T 5213-1985 Éî³åѹÓÃÀäÔþ±¡¸Ö°åºÍ¸Ö´ø Cold rolled sheets and strips for deep drawing

120 GB/T 5216-1985 ±£Ö¤´ã͸ÐԽṹ¸Ö¼¼ÊõÌõ¼þ Technical requirements for structural steel with specified hardenability bands

121 GB/T 5218-1985 ¹èÃ̵¯»É¸ÖË¿ Silicon-manganese spring steel wire 122 GB/T 5219-1985 ¸õ·°µ¯»É¸ÖË¿ Chromium-vanadiam spring steel wire 123 GB/T 5221-1985 ¸õ¹èµ¯»É¸ÖË¿ Chromium-silicon spring steel wire

124 GB/T 5222-1985 µ¯»ÉµæȦÓÃÌÝÐθÖË¿ Trapezed steel wire for spring washer 125 GB/T 5223-1995 Ô¤Ó¦Á¦»ìÄýÍÁÓøÖË¿ Steel wires for prestressed concrete 126 GB/T 5224-1995 Ô¤Ó¦Á¦»ìÄýÍÁÓøֽÂÏß Steel strand for prestressed concrete 127 GB 5310-1995 ¸ßѹ¹ø¯ÓÃÎÞ·ì¸Ö¹Ü Seamless steel tubes and pipes for high pressure boiler

128 GB/T 5312-1985 ´¬²°ÓÃ̼¸ÖÎÞ·ì¸Ö¹Ü Carbon steel seamless steel tubes for ship 129 GB/T 5313-1985 ºñ¶È·½ÏòÐÔÄְܸå Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics

130 GB/T 5612-1985 ÖýÌúÅƺűíʾ·½·¨ Code for representing cast iron 131 GB/T 5682-1995 ÅðÌú Ferroboron 132 GB/T 5683-1987 ¸õÌú Ferrochromium

133 GB/T 5684-1987 Õæ¿Õ·¨Î¢Ì¼¸õÌú Vacuum extra low carbon ferrochromium 134 GB/T 5952-1986 ̼Ëع¤¾ß¸ÖË¿ Carbon tool steel wires

135 GB/T 5953-1986 À䶥¶ÍÓÃ̼Ëؽṹ¸ÖË¿ Carbon structure steel wires for cold heading

136 GB/T 5954-1986 À䶥¶ÍÓúϽð½á¹¹¸ÖË¿ Alloy structure steel wires for cold heading

137 GB/T 6145-1985 ÃÌÍ­¡¢¿µÍ­¾«Ãܵç×èºÏ½ð Manganin and constantan precision resistance alloys

138 GB/T 6149-1985 пµÍ­µç×èºÏ½ð New constantan resistance alloy

139 GB/T 6478-1986 Àäïæ¸Ö¼¼ÊõÌõ¼þ Cold heading steel--Technical requirements 140 GB 6479-1986 »¯·ÊÉ豸ÓøßѹÎÞ·ì¸Ö¹Ü High-pressure seamless steel tubes for chemical fertilizer equipments

141 GB/T 6480-1994 ÔäÑÒÓÃÓ²ÖʺϽðǥͷ Carbide detachable bit for rock drilling 142 GB/T 6481-1994 ÔäÑÒÓÃ׶ÐÎÁ¬½ÓÖпÕÁù½ÇÐÎÇ¥¸Ë Hollow hexagonal drill rods with tapered connection for rock drilling

143 GB/T 6482-1994 ÔäÑÒÓò¨ÐÎÂÝÎÆÁ¬½ÓÇ¥¸Ë Rope thread extension steel bars for rock drilling

144 GB/T 6483-1986 ÈáÐÔ»úе½Ó¿Ú»Ò¿ÚÖýÌú¹Ü Soft mechanical joint grey cast iron pipe 145 GB 6653-1994 º¸½ÓÆøÆ¿Óøְå Steel plates for welded gas cylinders

146 GB 6654-1996 ѹÁ¦ÈÝÆ÷Óøְå Steel plates for pressure vessels 147 GB/T 6723-1986 ͨÓÃÀäÍ俪¿ÚÐ͸ֳߴ硢ÍâÐΡ¢ÖØÁ¿¼°ÔÊÐíÆ«²î Cold forming sectional steel--Open sectional steel for general structure--Demension, form, weight and permissible deviations

148 GB/T 6724-1986 ÀäÍ䲨Ðθְå Cold forming corrugated sheet

149 GB/T 6725-1992 ÀäÍäÐ͸ּ¼ÊõÌõ¼þ Technical requirements of cold forming sectional steel

150 GB/T 6726-1986 »õÔËÆû³µÓÃÀäÍäÐ͸ֳߴ硢ÍâÐΡ¢ÖØÁ¿¼°ÔÊÐíÆ«²î Cold forming sectional steel for cargo vehicle--Demension, form, weight and permissible deviations

151 GB/T 6727-1986 ¿ÍÔËÆû³µÓÃÀäÍäÐ͸ֳߴ硢ÍâÐΡ¢ÖØÁ¿¼°ÔÊÐíÆ«²î Cold forming sectional steel for passenger vehicle--Demension, form, weight and permissible deviations

152 GB/T 6728-1986 ½á¹¹ÓÃÀäÍä¿ÕÐÄÐ͸ֳߴ硢ÍâÐΡ¢ÖØÁ¿¼°ÔÊÐíÆ«²î Cold forming sectional steel--Hollow sectional steel for general structure--Demension, form, weight and permissible deviations

153 GB/T 6883-1995 Ïß¡¢°ôºÍ¹ÜÀ­Ä£ÓÃÓ²ÖʺϽðÄ£Å÷ Wire¡¢bar or tube drawing dies--As sintered pellets of hardmetal

154 GB/T 6983-1986 µç´Å´¿Ìú°ô²Ä¼¼ÊõÌõ¼þ Technical requirements for magnetic iron bars

155 GB/T 6984-1986 µç´Å´¿ÌúÈÈÔþºñ°å¼¼ÊõÌõ¼þ Technical requirements for magnetic iron hot-rolled plates

156 GB/T 6985-1986 µç´Å´¿ÌúÀäÔþ±¡°å Magnetic iron cold-rolled sheets

157 GB/T 7738-1987 ÌúºÏ½ð²úÆ·Åƺűíʾ·½·¨ Notations for designation of ferroalloys 158 GB/T 8162-1987 ½á¹¹ÓÃÎÞ·ê¸Ù¹Ü Seamless steel pipes for structural purposes 159 GB/T 8163-1987 ÊäËÍÁ÷ÌåÓÃÎÞ·ì¸Ö¹Ü Seamless steel pipes for liquid service 160 GB/T 8164-1993 º¸½Ó¸Ö¹ÜÓøִø Steel strips for welded steel pipe 161 GB 8601-1988 Ìú·ÓÃÕ·¸ÖÕûÌå³µÂÖ Rolled solid wheels for railway 162 GB 8602-1988 Ìú·ÓôÖÖÆÂÖ¹¿ Rough-rolled tyres for railway 163 GB/T 8649-1988 ÔþÖƸÖÇò Rolling balls

164 GB/T 8706-1988 ¸ÖË¿ÉþÊõÓï Steel wire ropes--Terminology

165 GB/T 8713-1988 ҺѹºÍÆø¶¯¸×ͲÓþ«ÃÜÄÚ¾¶ÎÞ·ì¸Ö¹Ü Inside diameter required precision seamless steel tube for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder use

166 GB/T 8714-1988 ÌÝ´½ÐÍÏð½ºÈ¦½Ó¿ÚÖýÌú¹Ü Grey cast iron pipes with rubber ring of ladder-lip-shaped

167 GB/T 8715-1988 ÈáÐÔ»úе½Ó¿ÚÖýÌú¹Ü¼þ Soft mechanical joint grey cast iron fittings

168 GB/T 8731-1988 Ò×ÇÐÏ÷½á¹¹¸Ö ¼¼ÊõÌõ¼þ Free-cutting steel--Technical requirements

169 GB/T 8732-1988 ÆûÂÖ»úҶƬÓÃ¸Ö Steels for vane of steam turbine

170 GB/T 8749-1988 ÓÅÖÊ̼Ëؽṹ¸ÖÈÈÔþ¸Ö´ø Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel strips

171 GB 8903-1988 µçÌÝÓøÖË¿Éþ Steel wire ropes for elevators 172 GB/T 8918-1996 ¸ÖË¿Éþ Steel wire ropes

173 GB/T 8919-1996 ÖÆÉþÓøÖË¿ Wire for steel wire ropes use

174 GB/T 9787-1988 ÈÈÔþµÈ±ß½Ç¸Ö ³ß´ç¡¢ÍâÐΡ¢ÖØÁ¿¼°ÔÊÐíÆ«²î Hot-rolled equal--leg angle steel--Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances

175 GB/T 9788-1988 ÈÈÔþ²»µÈ±ß½Ç¸Ö ³ß´ç¡¢ÍâÐΡ¢ÖØÁ¿¼°ÔÊÐíÆ«²î Hot-rolled unequal--leg angle steel--Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances 176 GB/T 9941-1988 ¸ßËÙ¹¤¾ß¸Ö¸Ö°å¼¼ÊõÌõ¼þ High speed tool steel sheets and plates--Technical requirements

177 GB/T 9942-1988 ¸ßËÙ¹¤¾ß¸Ö´ó½ØÃæ¶ÍÖƸֲļ¼ÊõÌõ¼þ High speed tool steel forged bars with large section--Technical requirements

178 GB/T 9943-1988 ¸ßËÙ¹¤¾ß¸Ö°ô¼¼ÊõÌõ¼þ High speed tool steel bars--Technical requirements

179 GB/T 9944-1988 ²»Ðâ¸ÖË¿Éþ Stainless steel wire ropes 180 GB/T 9945-1988 Ôì´¬ÓÃÇò±â¸Ö Bulb flat steel for shipbuilding

181 GB/T 9946-1988 ÈÈÔþLÐ͸ֳߴ硢ÍâÐΡ¢ÖØÁ¿¼°ÔÊÐíÆ«²î Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for hot-rolled L-sectional steel

182 GB 9948-1988 ʯÓÍÁÑ»¯ÓÃÎÞ·ì¸Ö¹Ü Seamless steel tubes for petroleum cracking 183 GB/T 9971-1988 Ô­ÁÏ´¿Ìú Pure iron for raw material 184 GB/T 10131-1988 îêÃÌÌúºÏ½ð Mn-Nb-Fe alloy

185 GB/T 10560-1989 ¿óÓøßÇ¿¶ÈÔ²»·Á´Óøּ¼ÊõÌõ¼þ High tensile steels for round link chains for mines¡ªTechnical requirements

186 GB/T 11181-1989 ×ÓÎçÏßÂÖÌ¥ÓøÖË¿Á±Ïß Steel cord for radial tyre 187 GB/T 11182-1989 Ïð½ºÈí¹ÜÔöÇ¿ÓøÖË¿ Steel wire for hose reinfocement