2018版浙江高考 写作组合练 训练4

写作组合练 训练4



(2017·浙江杭州教学质检) 【导学号:38144080】

假定你是李华,作为交换生(an exchange student)正在英国Windmill College学习。今天早晨你骑车上学时不小心刮擦到了一辆停在路边的汽车。由于急着上学,你无法在原地等候车主。请留一张便条,内容包括: 1.表明身份; 2.简述事情经过; 3.道歉并表示愿意赔偿;

4.联系方式(Tel:5893671 E-mail:lihua@windmillco.org)。 注意:




本文是一篇应用型作文,属于半开放性写作。本文有一定的提纲和文字说明,学生在下笔之前首先要仔细审题,明确写作要求;其次,要明确文章所要使用的时态和人称。此外,学生需要谨记:不要机械地逐条逐句翻译,句与句之间以及段与段之间要注意恰当地衔接和过渡,以使行文流畅、不突兀。当然,复合句的恰当运用会提升文章的档次。 【参考范文】


Dear Sir/Madam,


I'm Li Hua,an exchange student from China.studying at Windmill College.I'm so sorry that my bike scratched/scraped your car when I was riding to school this morning.

I understand it will certainly put you in a very bad mood.I sincerely apologize for what I did and promise I will cover all the relevant costs.As school will start soon,I can't wait on the scene for you.Please contact me at 5893671 or lihua@windmillco.org.

Many apologies again for all the inconvenience I've caused you!

Best regards,

Li Hua



阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 “What's wrong with you,dear?”said Granny Bell to a little boy,who sat near a wall at the back of the house.He had a book in his hand,and tears were in his eyes.

“We have all got a poem called Little Jim to learn,”said the boy,whose name was Tom Blair,“and the one who says the best is to get a prize from the master.But I don't think I can learn it.”

“Why not?”said Granny Bell.

“The boys say that I can't,and that I need not try,”said Tom in a sad tone. “Don't mind what the boys say.Let them see that you can learn it,”said his friend.

“But I don't think I can,”said Tom,“it is so long,and some of the words are so hard.I know I need not try for the prize.But I would like to learn the poem as well as I can;for the boys laugh at me,and call me ‘Slow Tom’.”

“Well,dear,”said Granny Bell,in a kind voice,“if you are slow,and can't help it,try to be ‘slow and sure’,as they say.Look at the snail(蜗牛)on the wall;how slow it is!And yet,if you watch it,you will see it will get to the top in time.So just try to learn a few lines each day,and you may gain the prize in the end.And when you feel like losing heart,think of the snail on the wall.”

After Granny Bell had said this,she went on her way.And Tom thought that,


though he could not keep up with the boys,he might run a race with the snail.So he determined to try to learn his task by the time the snail got to the top of the wall. 注意:


2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1:

At last,the day came on which the master was to give the prize,and after he called upon five or six boys to repeat the poem,it came to Tom's turn.

Paragraph 2:

“Well done!Tom!Well done!Tell me how you made it!”said the master with great joy. 【写作指导】

本篇读后续写主要讲述Tom突破自我,向墙上的蜗牛学习,最终完美地背诵诗歌并获奖的故事。学生可根据文本的情节,进行合理的富有逻辑性的续写。所以学生要仔细阅读文本,理清行文逻辑,同时结合给出的两段的首句和标下划线的10个关键词,进行自我创作,可围绕“同学反应——自我表现——赢得掌声——获得认可——最终获奖”的思路展开。 【参考范文】

At last,the day came on which the master was to give the prize,and after he called upon five or six boys to repeat the poem,it came to Tom's turn.Tom got up slowly but in a confident way.He looked so silent and still.However,there was a laugh


from the boys in the classroom,because most of the boys thought that he would fail in this recitation.But he did not miss a word.He recited the poem so fluently that all his classmates were astonished at last.And his heart was full of joy when the teacher also stood up,applauding for his great performance.

“Well done!Tom!Well done!Tell me how you made it!”said the master with great joy.“Please,sir,it was the snail on the wall that taught me how to do it,”said Tom,“I saw it crawl up the wall bit by bit.It did not stop,nor turn back,but went on and on.And I thought I would do the same with my task.So I just learned it bit by bit,and did not give up.”“Now,boys,let us give a good cheer for Tom Blair and the snail on the wall,”said the master.And the classroom rang with a loud,long cheer.For all were glad that “Slow Tom”had got the prize at last. Ⅲ.概要写作



Sharks are amazing fish that have been around since long before the dinosaurs existed.They live in waters all over the world,in every ocean,and even in some rivers and lakes.

Unlike bony fish,sharks have no bones; their skeleton(骨架) is made of cartilage(软骨),which is not nearly as hard as bone.

There are many different species of sharks that range in size from the size of a person's hand to bigger than a bus.Fully-grown sharks range in size from 7 inches(18cm) long(the Spined Pygmy shark),up to 50 feet(15m) long(the Whale shark).Most sharks are middle in size,and are about the same size as people,5—7 feet(1.5—2.1 m)long.Half of the 368 shark species are under 39 inches(1 m) long.

Sharks have a variety of body shapes.Most sharks have streamlined,torpedo-shaped bodies that fly easily through the water.Some sharks(the angel sharks) have flat bodies that allow them to hide in the sand of the ocean bed.Some sharks have a long body shape(cookie cutter sharks and wobbegongs).Sawsharks have long noses,and hammerheads have extraordinarily wide heads.The goblin shark has a large,pointed protuberance(凸起) on its head;its purpose is unknown.

There are about 368 different species of sharks,which are divided into 30


families.These different families of sharks are very different in the way they look,live,and eat.They have different shapes, sizes, colors, fins, teeth, habitats, diets, personalities, methods of reproduction,and other characters.Some types of sharks are very rare(like the great white sharks and the megamouth sharks) and some are quite common(like the dogfish sharks and bull sharks).


要写好说明文类文章的概要,主要需把握好以下几点:(1)本文介绍和说明的核心事物是什么?(2)该事物的主要特征是怎样的?(3)该事物的用途有哪些等。就本文而言,其概要框架应该是:第一段引出本文介绍的主要事物——鲨鱼;第二至五段从四个方面介绍鲨鱼的主要特征:骨架、尺寸、体形、种类等。本文属于总分结构,因此学生应注意在概要中也要体现这一结构特点,各要点间可用过渡衔接词和连接词将其串联起来,以使概要连贯、有条理。 【参考范文】

According to the passage,we can learn that sharks are amazing fish living in the world.(要点1) Sharks have no real hard bones but cartilage,and there are different species of sharks of different sizes,all of which can fly easily through the water.(要点2) Besides,sharks have various body shapes.(要点3) In all,about 368 different species of sharks live in waters,some types of which are very rare.(要点4)

