
world is a dark and 16 place. For someone today just may be stumbling in discouragement or sadness or fear and in 17 of some light. So let your light shine. Whatever light you 18 may be a beacon of hope and encouragement. And if you feel that your light is 19 a candle in a forest remember -- there isn?t enough darkness in all the world to 20 the light of one small candle.

1. A. confidence 2. A. managed 3. A. touched 4. A. already

B. respect B. failed B. felt B. never

C . admiration D. difficulty C. wished C. sensed C. still

D. meant D. looked D. once D. removing D. upper D. corner D. developed D. car D. lost D. since D. inspired

5. A. equipping 6. A. later 7. A. light

B. producing B. earlier

C. spotting C. lower C. room C. fired

B. dark

8. A. happened 9. A. machine 10. A. wound 11. A. after 12. A. helped 13. A. can 14. A. mental

B. operated B. street

C. room C. made C. while

B. forced B. until

B. affected B. shall

C. worked C. will

D. must

D. physical D. wisdom D. complex D. need D. contribute

B. psychological B. love

C. electrical C. truth

15. A. existence 16. A. lonely 17. A. short 18. A. make

B. colorful B. favor B. offer

C. friendly C. face C. take

19. A. not more than B. other than 20. A. put out

答案与解析: A

B. give out

C. no more than D. rather than C. get over

D. set up

1.C. 根据上文的retire可知,他想离开自己的工作,故选C项leave。



3.C. 退休了以后,老人可以更好的享受家庭的乐趣,选C项enjoy最佳。

4.B. go off开火、爆炸,(电灯等)熄灭;get by维持生计,设法过活;pass on转交,递给;work away连续不停地工

作。根据前面的extended family和miss the paycheck可推知,老人生活上悠闲,但没有了工资,生活可能不如以前宽松,但他们能设法维持,故选B项。

5.D. 根据上文retire和下文的his good worker,作为老板,自己的好员工要走了,自然惋惜,故选D项sorry是符合情


6.A. 从下文得知,老木匠的最后一座房子造的很不好,是因为他不用心。所以此处表示转折,选A项but,意为“他虽


7.B. 根据前文的bad workmanship和下文可知,老木匠用的建筑材料是劣质的,故inferior正确。

8.D. 根据前文的retire、go和asked if he could build just one more house可知,这是老木匠为老板建造的最后一座房子,


9.C. 作为老板,自己让人建设的房子完工了,自然来查看一下。下文也提到他并非来购买、出售或修理房子,排除了


10.C. 从下文的If he had only known he was building his own house可以看出,老板把刚刚建设的房子作为礼物(gift)

送给了老木匠,应该给他房门钥匙,故A项key正确。 11.A. 根据上下文可知,这是老板给老木匠的礼物,以表示感谢。

12.B. 根据上文的shock和下句If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently可知,老木匠为自己做的蠢事感到羞耻、后悔,故选B项shame正确。

13.A. “So it is with sb.”是一常见句型,意为“……也如此”。注意此题易错选as,误认为是定语从句。As可以引导定语

从句,但注意是此句末的标点是句号,因此缺少先行词,无法构成定语从句。其他两选项意思、结构均不正确。 14.D. 根据文意,作者在向我们阐述一个道理,我们的生活也象老木匠建房子一样,没有投入全身心,即用的努力少


15.A. 根据上下文,开始我们没有觉察,但后来当我们认识到自己的愚蠢行为时,为时已晚。所以,此处选择realize


16.B. 根据上文If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.和But可知,我们虽认识到错误,但有些事情是无

法重新再做一遍的。Step forward自告奋勇;go back回到、重新再来;come out(太阳、星星……)出现;look around环视、环顾。四个词组中只有go back有此意。

17.C. 根据下文可知,作者在引用某人(曾经说过)的话,所以用副词once最合适。其他选项与文意不符。 18.A. 根据上文,老木匠既有经验,技艺也高超,但态度不端正犯了大错。因此,一个人做事的态度决定结果,故选


19.D. Make a choice/ choices是常见的搭配,意为“作出选择”。

20.B. 根据最后一段和上文中的therefore可知,作者是在告戒读者:我们既然明白了这个道理,“建造自己的房子时”

就明智些吧!所以wisely正确。 B

1. A estimate意为“据估计”, suggest为“建议、暗示”,inform是“通知、告知”,因死亡数据只是一个大概数据,故应用A。

2. B 此外应缺少名词,故排除D项,A、C项词形错误,故应选B项 effects。 3. D increasing 正在增加,为进行时态。 4. C die from 强调外因,die of强调内因。 5. A in 与数字或数量连用,表示比例,意思为 6. B currently 为副词,为时下,当下之意“每”。

7. B cause 为导致某事结果的直接诱因,reason 指说明某事的理由,excuse 为借口,result为结果。 8. C link to 与…有关,分词短语作后置定语,connected to 是两物相连接的,相连的。

9. D It+be+adj+to do 为固定句型,stop to do 是停下来去做另一件事。Stop doing 是停止当前的事。 10. B do 表强调,有现在时态和过去时态,在肯定句中进行强调,后加动词原形。 11. C who 为特殊疑问句,引导定语从句, 12. D 此处缺少形容词,故用 successful

13. B include doing sth ,attend 为参加一些自助活动,而并非组织活动,故排除D项。 14. A attending or following为并列关系,follow directions为按照说明去做。 15. C be worth doing 为固定短语,意为“尝试”语意好于“doing”

16. B where 引导定语从句,先行词是areas,在从句中担任地点状语。 17. B instead of代替,而不是,instead是相反之意。 18. B the sooner……the more越早越。强调终止吸烟的时间。

19. A return返回,回来,血压回到正常。back为副词,其它语意不符。 20. C that(特定的)那一类、那一个,it特指同一个,one泛指同一类。 C


1.D. 根据上文晚上头顶的灯坏了,可知我找寻钥匙孔有困难,故选D. difficult。 2.A. 根据下文可知,“我”已经把门打开。Manage to do sth. 表成功地做某事。 3.B. 根据文意可知,由于晚上没有灯,“我”只好摸索前进,只有felt表此意。

4.D. 根据“but no switch”可以推知,“我”认为那里曾经安装了开关,因此在那里摸索,结果并没有,只有once能表示


5.C. 上文提到这是一个旅馆,自己是暂时住到这里,排除了A项。从下文一句when I deposited my luggage可推知C


6.B. 从上文remembered可知,“我”在那天早些时候发现有开关,现在仍然记得,故选B。 7.B. 因为是晚上,所以选择dark。

8.A. 根据文意排除了C、D。句子的主语是nothing而非lamp,故动词operated不正确。因此,只有A项正确。 9.B. 根据文意和下文curtains可推知,“我”现在处在黑暗中,只能拉开窗帘,靠外部街道上的光来找到另一盏灯,故


10.C. 根据文意和下文slowly across the room可知,“我”现在摸索着去拉窗帘。Make one?s way意为“前往,到……去”,


11.B. 根据文意和下文actually可知,我最终找到了灯,故选until。

12.C. 根据主语a desk lamp和副词actually可知,这盏灯亮了。此意只有work可以表达。

13.A. 根据文意,“我”此时心有所感,世界有时是多么黑暗,而灯是如此必要!can可以表示“有时会……,时而可能”,


14.D. 根据文意和下句the light that shines from people可知,人们“内心的灯光”比实际的灯光更有必要。Physical在此


15.B. 由文意可知,我们心中应该有“爱和信任”之灯,才能战胜discouragement、sadness、fear,故选love。 16.A. 由文意和dark可知,有时我们中许多人会处在黑暗和孤独的世界,故选lonely。 17.D. 由文意可知,当人们失望、难过和害怕时会需要帮助,因此选D项need。 18.B. 由上文So let your light shine.可知,作者在鼓励我们要主动去帮助别人,故选B。

19.C. 细心揣摩文意可知,我们的爱心之灯在茫茫的黑暗中是如此渺小,好象是森林中的一只蜡烛,故选no more than


20.A. 由文意可知,黑暗再强大,也没有足够的力量扑灭小如蜡烛的“爱心之灯”,故选A项put out最佳。



The purpose of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to “sell” yourself. It should state ___1___ the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have ___2___. It should be simple, human, personal and brief without ___3___ out any necessary facts.

In writing a letter of application, keep in ___4___ that the things a possible employer is most ___5___ to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. ___6___ the first few sentences fail to ___7___ the reader?s attention, the rest of the letter may not be ___8___ at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not ___9___ your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “I saw your ___10___ in today?s newspaper,” you might say “I have made a careful ___11___ of your advertising during the past six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives ___12___ your product and why they like it. ” Try to ___13___ generalities. Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now ___14___. College graduates looking for their first positions often ask “What can I ___15___ in a letter? Employers want experience—which, naturally, no ___16___ has.” The answer is that everything you have ever done is ___17___.
