上海教育版英语六年级下册Unit 7《helping others》word教案


Unit7Helping others 授课课第3课复习 型 时 课时 时间 内容 2015年5 月 7日 课题 项目 Listen and enjoyAsk and answerlearn the sound Teaching important aims 1.reviewsentences“How can you others? I can …” 2.Syllablewords 教学 重点 难点 1. Memoryanduse the46 - pagephraseisadifficulty 2. I am (name) Difficult points I’m I can I Like helping others (age) 板书 设计 What can you do to make yourself happy? 教学设计续页

教学流程 个性化调控 Pre-producer 1.学生复述上节课的故事,帮助同学们回顾知识。通过复习帮助别人会给自己带来快乐引出今天的授新。 While-produce 1.T:Helpingotherswillbringyouhappiness. How can you others?look at p.46 学生跟读短语,然后同桌互相提问。 S1:What is Peter doing? S2:He is cleaning the table. 2.播放listen and enjoy的诗歌,让学生有感情的跟读。 .T:What can you do to make yourself happy? S1:I can listen to music. 老师讲授an hour,a day, a week,a lifetime.学习诗歌后再有感情的读诗歌。分组朗读,选择优秀的同学上讲台朗读,并背诵诗歌。 Learn the sounds 1. 单音节词 kid dog sad chess 个性设计应达到30% 2. 双音节词 Kitchen apple summer welcome 3. 多音节词 Together afternoon computer strawberry Homework 仿照一下结构,写一篇小作文,自己能够如何帮助别人。 I am (name) I’m I can I Like helping others (age)
