上海教育版英语六年级下册Unit 7《helping others》word教案


Unit7Helping others 授课第2课课型 新授 时 课时 时间 2015年5 月 5 日 课题 项目 Read a story Teaching important aims 教学 重点 难点 reviewsentences“How can you help others?I can….” Difficult points Praise… for… The bee and the ant Peoplealwayspraisedthehardworkof bees They all praised her for her hard work. Why? 板书 设计 教学设计续页

教学流程 个性化调控 个性设计应达到30% Pre-producer Show the word card,review the last lesson learn sentences. T:What is it? S:It is a bell. T:Where can you find it? S:on the dog’s neck. While-task T:Today,we will know another animals(Show the picture of bee and the ant T:where can you find the bee and the ant?what are they doing ? S1:I can find the bee in the flowers. The beeiscollectingnectar. S2: I can find the ant on the road.Antsarelooking for food. Listen to the tape T:Do you like the bee ?why? S1:they are work hard. S2:Theygo outearly in the morning,coming homelateat night T:How about the ant? S1:The ant works hard too. S2:the ant work for himself and his queen. Do a survey Which one do you like better?The bee or the ant? Homework Retellthetext To complete the questionnaire 1. 2. Howdid peoplethink of bees Did the bee work hard? Did the ant work hard? Why was the ant not happy? Why did the people like the bee? 当堂达标设计 3. 4. 5. 请描述课堂问题 要求学生能够复述课文,大部分学生不能完成。 现象与归因分析 教学反思 请给出具体明确的改进措施 复述之前,教师应帮助学生一起提炼文章大意。 改进措施
