

教师提问学生:Did you have a dream last night?并板书:dream。先让学生说说单词的意思,再回答问题。教师说:I had a dream last night. In that dream there was nothing I could do,1 was worried.板书:nothing,先让学生说说单词的意思,再带读单词。 4.教学B.Read and write

(1)学生独立阅读课文内容,画出自己不理解的句子。 (2)请学生说出不理解的句子,教师适当指导。 (3)教师播放教学录像,学生边看录像边理解课文内容。 (4)全班在理解的基础上朗读以下句子:

①Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good, ②There was a second race. (5)教师再次播放录像,全班跟读。 5.完成B.Read and write部分的练习 (l)Number the pictures.

让学生独立观察这三幅图,按文章的顺序为图片标号。全班找出描述这三幅图的句子,然后教师请一些学生来说说这些句子,最后全班一起看图说句子。 (2) Listen and fill in the blanks.


四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension)

活动:Did you have an interesting dream? Tell your dream to your partner. Then write several sentences about it.


五、家庭作业(Homework) 1.听录音,跟读课文。 2.完成活动手册配套练习。



Unit 4 Then and now

nothing think-thought feel-felt wake-woke trip-tripped

There were many animals in that race. But suddenly he tripped and fell.



1.复习三会单词和词组:star, easy, look up, Internet, different, active, race,nothing, thought, felt, cheetah, trip, woke, dream;四会单词和词组:dining hall,grass, gym, ago, cycling, go cycling, ice-skate, badminton。复习四会句子:There was no library in my old school. Tell us about your school, please. How do you know that? There were no computers or Internet in my time. Before,1 was quiet. Now,I'm very

active in class.1 was short, so I couldn-t ride my bike well. Now,I go cycling every day. 2.能读懂Story time中的故事。



2.难点:能借助图片读懂Story time中的故事。



2.Story time的VCD或录像。 3.录音机和磁带。


一、热身(Warm-up) 1.Sing a song Changes in me. 二、复习(Revision)

1.复习三会单词和词组:star, easy, look up, Internet, different, active, race,nothing, thought, felt, cheetah, trip. woke, dream。

(1)先抽读单词卡片,然后让学生看图说单词。 (2)活动:炸弹


2.复习四会单词和词组:dining hall, grass, gym, ago, cycling, go cycling, ice-skate, badminton。


(2)全班齐拼单词。 3.活动:Then and now

活动方式:学生两人一组,就家庭的变化进行对话,最后请一组学生到台前表演。如: A: Where did you live ten years ago?

B: We lived in an old house. There wasn-t a study and a bathroom in it. A: Where do you live now?

B: We live in a big house. It's very clean and bright. A: How did your father go to work then? B: He went to work by bus. A: How about now? B: He goes to work by car. 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1.教学B. Let's check

(1)先让学生观察课本这三幅图片画的是什么? (2)教师播放录音,学生听音标号。 (3)全班讲评订正。

(4)教师再次播放录音,学生边听边将没有听到的单词划去。 (5)全班讲评订正。
