
《大英百科全书》是举世闻名的一本百科全书。它是历史最悠久的英文百科全书。第一版出版于 1768 年,从那时起,已经修订过 15 个版本。第 15 版共有 32 卷。它们共约 40 万字,包含五十万个主题。今天,《大英百科全书》有一个 DVD 版本。你也可以在网上找到它。你知道哪本中国的知名的百科全书吗?关于它你都知道些什么?

The Encyclopaedia Britannica is a world-famous encyclopaedia. It is the oldest English-language encyclopaedia. The first edition was published in 1768, and since then there have been 15 editions. The 15th edition is made up of 32 volumes. Together they contain about 40 million words on half a million topics. Today there is a DVD edition of the Britannica. You can also find it online.

Do you know about any famous Chinese encyclopaedias? What do you know about them? Unit 2 国王和米

The king [k??] and the rice[ra?s]


A long time ago很久以前, there was有 a king in India['?nd??]印度. The king’s favourite['fev?r?t]最喜欢的 game游戏 was chess[t?es]象棋.


One day一天, a wise[wa?z] 聪明的old man 老人came to来到 the palace ['p?l?s]宫殿 and the king challenged['t??l?n(d)?]挑战 him to a game. The king promised['pr?m?s]


答应the old man老人, “You can have 有any任何 prize[pra?z]奖品 if 如果you win the game赢得比赛.”


The old man said说, “If I win the game, I’d like想要 one grain [gre?n] 粒of rice米 for the first 第一个square[skwe?] 方格of the chessboard ['t?esb??d]棋盘, two for the second第二个, four for the third第三个, and then double ['d?b(?)l] 翻倍the amount[?'ma?nt] 数量for each 每一个of...的 the rest of 剩下的the squares方格.”

“就这些吗?”国王问“你不喜欢金或银吗?“ “是的,只要米,”老人回答说。

“Is that all全部?” asked the king. “Wouldn’t you like gold[g??ld] 金子or或者 silver['s?lv?] 银子instead[?n'sted]相反?”

“No, just仅仅,只 rice米,” replied [ri'plaid] 回答the old man.


The king国王 and the old man played the game for a long time很长时间. Finally['fa?n?l?]最后, the old man won[w?n]获胜. So 所以the king ordered['??d?]命令 his men to collect[k?'lekt]收集 a bag of rice一袋米. He put放 one grain[gre?n]粒 on the first square, two on the second, and so on等等. The king quickly realized['ri??la?z] 意识到the problem问题—even甚至 with 用all the rice所有的米 in the country国家, he would将 still仍然 not have 有enough足够的 rice to put 放on all the squares[skwe?]方格!



Counting[ka?nt]数数 before在...之前 numbers数字


Before the invention [?n'ven?(?)n]发明 of written numbers['r?tn]书写数字, people人们 used用 many 很多different 不同的ways方法 to count [ka?nt]数 things东西.


At first首先, people人们 used用 their他们的 fingers['f??g?]手指, and even甚至 their toes[t??]脚趾. However然而, they could能够 only仅仅 count数 small小的 numbers数字 in this way用这种方法.


After that在那之后, they 他们began to 开始make 制作small 小的marks[mɑ?k] 符号;标记on sticks[st?k] 棍子and bones[b??n]骨头. This helped帮助 them他们 count数 bigger更大的 numbers数字. They used用 them to count things like像是 the days 天of the month月, the amount [?'ma?nt]数量 of food食物 and the number of ...的数量animals动物 they had有.


Then然后 people人们 began to 开始use 用tokens['t??k(?)n]符号 made from用...做 clay[kle?] 泥土or small stones[b??n]石头. This helped them count数 even甚至 bigger更大的 numbers数字. They often经常 put the tokens 符号on pieces[pi?s] 根of 7

string[str??]绳子 so that 所以they could能够 carry携带 them around四处 easily容易地. This developed into[d?'vel?p] 发展成tools [tu?l]工具 like像 the abacus['?b?k?s]算盘.

最后,人们开始发展书写符号系统,用来显示不同的数字,于是产生了印度 - 阿拉伯数字(0-9)。直到今天,我们仍然在使用这套(数字)系统。

Finally['fa?n?l?]最后, people人们 began to 开始develop[d?'vel?p]发展 systems['s?st?m]系统 of written['r?tn] 书写的marks [mɑ?k]符号 to show 展示;表明different 不同的numbers数字, and this led to[led]导致 the Hindu-Arabic['hindu:-?'reibik] system['s?st?m] 系统(0—9). We are still 仍然using使用 this system today.


Numbers around the world


People around the world write numbers in different ways. The following shows how people from different cultures write one to five.

汉语:一,二,三,四,五 Chinese: 一、二、三、四、五 罗马:Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ Romans: Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ 英语:one, two, three, four, five English: one, two, three, four, five

但是,今日世界上绝大多数人都在使用阿拉伯数字(1,2,3,4,5,等等)。 However, most people around the world use Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) today.

