

C. Both at birth and through education. D. Neither at birth nor through education. 63. What can we learn from the example of the twins going to a university and to a factory? A. The importance of their intelligence. B. The role of environment on intelligence. C. The importance of their jobs. D. The part that birth plays. 64. What statement is TRUE according to the passage? A. No education can help make a genius. B. Personality is important as intelligence which was given to people at birth. C. People who have similar degree of intelligence must be relatives. D. Environment influences people in intelligence developing. 65. How does the writer make his idea clear? A. By giving explanation. B. By giving an example. C. By giving figures(数字). D. By giving suggestions. 第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(60分)

五、词汇运用 (共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) 根据提示完成句子,每空一词 66. I'm strongly _______________ (反对)smoking because it may cause cancer. 67. She has been a member of the ______________(国家的) basketball team for 5 years. 68. The products of this company meet the international ____________ (标准), so they sell well. 69. Why not send an e-mail to her instead of ___________(回复) to her letter? 70. He must be confident if he______________ (成功) in completing a difficult through hard work. 71. They often meet and share

their______________ (think), feelings and experiences. 72. Would you like to come to my birthday _____________ (celebrate), Millie? 73. You should not be of great _____________ (patient) with your son. He’s only five years old. 74. Great attention should be paid to correct spelling and________ (pronounce) while learning English. 75. ___________ (hand) in your homework on time, or your teacher will be angry with you.

六、任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) 根据短文内


容完成下表,每空一词 Don’ t Rest on Your Laurels Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t rest on your laurels”? “Laurels” means the achievements you have already got. The saying suggests that you shouldn’t be so satisfied with your achievements that you’ll no longer try to improve. As to this saying, Mike Perham has set us a good example. Born in 1992 in Hertfordshire, England, Mike was just 14 when he became the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. You might think the achievements are good enough, but Mike doesn’t think so. At the age of 17, he became the youngest person to sail all by himself around the world on a nine-month voyage(航海). Mike is now 19, and he is still trying his best to break the records and push himself further. For his next adventure, he plans to fly around the world on his own, making him the first person of all ages to both sail and fly around the world. Mike wants his achievements to encourage young people to realize their dreams. Since his adventures, he has travelled widely, speaking at schools and youth clubs in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia on the theme of “Live the Dream”. Amazing Facts: Mike started sailing when he was seven. His trans-Atlantic crossing began at Gibraltar and ended in Antigua. His round-the-world yacht(游艇) was called TotallyMoney.com. Title: Don’t Rest on Your Laurels Passage outline Supporting details The explanation of the 76 “Don’t rest on your laurels\means that you shouldn’t stop 77 only because of your achievements.

Amazing 78 来源: ? At the age of 7, Mike started 79 . ? At the age of 14, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean made Mike become the 80 one who set a record. ? At the age of 17, Mike had a nine-month voyage of sailing 81 around the world. Present situation Mike is 19 now. He is trying his best to break the 82 .His plan to fly round the world by himself will 83 him the


first person to both sail and fly. The 84 of Mike’s achievements Mike’s 85 give young people courage to realize their dreams.

七、缺词填空(10分) Peter was the best table tennis player in his school and hardly ever lost a match. He hated losing anything. When he w 86 , he would feel really good. If he lost, he would feel terrible. It seemed to Peter that losing was the w 87 thing in the world . A new kid, Albert, came to Peter’s school .He was good at table tennis, too. Soon there would be a match b 88 Peter and Albert. Peter worked hard to get ready for the match, but Albert didn’t seem to think m 89 of it. When the match began, Albert was a real player. There was always a smile on his face, w 90 Peter looked serious all the time. Peter thought it was so important to win the match that he even wanted to cheat(舞弊), but he lost in the end. “You played very well, Peter. I think we can play again s 91 _,”said Albert. But Peter didn’t f 92 happy and couldn’t fall asleep that night . One day, Peter saw Albert playing basketball. T 93 he lost again and again, the happy smile never left his face. Peter found Albert was great at table tennis but bad at basketball. However, he enjoyed b 94 of them. Whether he won or lost the game, Albert enjoyed it. Peter came to r 95 that enjoying a game was much more important than winning or losing it. He felt happier than ever before.

八、书面表达 (共30分) A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分) 96. 出生在虎年的人宁可接受挑战也不愿轻易放弃。 _______________________________________________________ 97. 直到他说话,我才发现他是德国人。

______________________________________________________ 98. 不论他的性格还是年龄都不适合做艺术家。

______________________________________________________ 99.



_______________________________________________________ 100. 和我同龄的学生们常常怀疑花这么多时间做家庭作业是否值得。 _______________________________________________________ B. 作文(20分) 某英语报开展“How to Deal with the Exam Stress”征文比赛,请你根据图片和表格中提示的内容,简要描述并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。 注意:(1)词数90-110左右,短文首句已给出,不计入总词数 (2)文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名 适当的压力 忘 过重的压力 对的措施




害怕考试,导致失败 应


How to Deal with the Exam Stress Everyone may have the exam stress. A little bit of stress can be a good thing to us. ______
