
342. Peter would no more scribble all over a first edition of Gone with the Wind than he’d give his son _____ Picasso. A. an existing B. an actual C. an original D. an inventive

343. Norris has decided to _______ for some evening closes next term now that he has settled down in New York. A. enroll B. enlist C. engage D. enter

344. Mary really couldn’t stand the music by Richard Wagner, _____ David couldn’t hear enough of it. A. because B. whereas C. although D. when

345. The scientists realized it would be too ________ to lift the ship in one piece because it was fragile. A. bold B. doing C. risky D. dangerous

346. We think this patient is going to be _____ on Tuesday by Dr Smith. a. handled B. inspected C. operated D. examined

347. My parents, _____ touring in Britain, are looking forward to a traditional English afternoon tea in a beautiful setting. A. presently B. instantly C. nowadays D. publicly

348. Over joyed to see his long-lost friends, Jimmy _____ a toast to the health of them all. A. suggested B. spoke C. proposed D. raised

349. _______, a telephone is one of the most useful things in the world when it’s working properly. A. As a whole B. On the whole C. Above all D. As the whole

350. _____ dull Fred may be, he is certainly popular. A. Although B. Whatever C. However D. Even if

351. The secretary found the missing sample for TEM 8 _____ on the top shelf the next day. A. laying B. lying C. resting D. placing

352. The whole embarrassing _____ in the bar was a great disappointment to them and set a bad example of English hospitality. A. incident B. accident C. thing D. matter

353. Irene learnt a lot about herself from this ________ experience. A. hurtful B. aching C. doubtful D. unfortunate

354. It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the _____ in London in the early 18th century. A. affair B. condition C. matter D. situation

355. The _____ last thing Peter wants now is enter for the annual 24 day bike race. A. very B. most C. extremely D. utterly


356. Though the hotel has only been open for a few days, it is already ________ booked. A. heavily B. expectantly C. immediately D. quickly

357. Such euphemisms may be stylistically ―permissible‖ if they are kept within _____. A. boundaries B. ranges C. borders D. limits

358. ―Anyone who followed my _______ of rules would be blossed with a richer life and boundless love from his family.‖ David said. A. set B. packet C. group D. pack

359. Richard asked me to _____ the age of Aaron Copland, the American composer of ballet music, when he composed Billy the Kid? A. suppose B. wonder C. guess D. think

360. The rising numbers of those out of work will add greatly to the government’s problems. A. high B. steeply C. hard D. rocket

361. Adoms hadn’t a _______ what the speaker was talking about most of the time because the class was in chaos. A. guess B. thought C. concert D. clue

362. Linda asked to be _______ to you. A. reminded B. remembered C. regarded D. recalled

363. The National Geographic Society headquarters, _____ in Washington P.C. is well-known for its magazine. A. situated B. placed C. stood D. positioned

364. The words Francis Key wrote on the back of the old letter ―The Stor-Spangled Banner‖ because the national _____ of the United States. A. song B. hymn C. anthem D. motto

365. The blind musician ran the _______ of his finger over the piano before he began to play. A. points B. ends C. edges D. tips

366. Henry A dams felt so hungry that he ordered a double _____ of fish. A. piece B. part C. portion D. section

367. The highest mountain in New Zealand, Mount Cook, is now 10 feet shorter because some of the ____ at its top slid down in 1991. A. land B. soil C. earth D. dirt

368. When Ken studied at Stanford University, he Cived _____ the University. A. out of B. apart from C. distant from D. a long way from

369. The king’s daughter threatened to drink the _____ chemical if he refused her request. A. deathly B. deadly C. fatal D. mortal


370. The Sears Company recently made _______ because of financial troubles. A. cuts B. demands C. omissions D. orders

371. Frank realized fully what he had dreamed about could not ______ have happened in real life. A. likely B. certainly C. doubtfully D. possibly

372. We had to wait some time before the menu was brought to us and our orders _____. A. taken B. given C. done D. made

373. _____ all their efforts, the American farmers can’t keep insects from damaging their crops. A. Despite B. With C. By D. Under

374. The Chairman of our dramatic society was in the middle of phoning me when we were _____. A. cut in B. cut off C. cut down D. cut out

375. Accidents and exhaustion may force more than half the cyclists to drop out before reaching the ______. A. dead line B. end line C. finish line D. finishing line

376. The research team decided to use an underwater ______ saw to cut the ship into sections before lifting it up. A. electric B. electrical C. electrifying D. electrician

377. My friend could hardly ________ his temper when he saw the state of his office. A. hold in B. hold up C. hold off D. hold onto

378. People were certain Thomas _____ his foot on the road to fame when he arrived in New York. A. put B. trod C. set D. placed

379. Our guess, that the managers would react ________ to our decision turned out to be wrong. A. solely B. utterly C. actually D. strongly

380. Please ______ your voice if you have any questions to ask the chairman. A. speak up B. rice C. raise D. lift

381. The new examination syllabus for English majors will _____ next week. A. come off B. come out C. come on D. come down

382. Shaka ________ power and became the king of the Zulus upon the death of his father. A. presumed B. resumed C. consumed D. assumed

383. Olivia obviously had no ______ of doing any work that day, although it was only a week before the Proficiency Test. A. willingness B. intention C. ambition D. desire


384. _____ People are contemptuous of those who make obscene calls. A. Respectable B. Respectful C. Respective D. Respected

385. Students are not allowed to o_____ the final exam if they have missed one third of the classes. A. make B. sit C. offer D. go

386. The National Gallery in London has more visitors than _____ any other because of its free admission. A. practically B. really C. actually D. completely

387. Doctors’ efforts to develop a new way see the brain working have so for _____ with satisfaction. A. found B. shown C. given D. met

388. Department of Agriculture rules say farmers _____ sell their grain for human use if it contains no more than two insects per kilogram. A. must B. may C. should D. ought to

389. ________ happens in the world, the National Geographic Society records the changes. A. Whatever B. Whenever C. However D. No matter

390. On that bitterly cold winter night, few people walked along the now ______ narrow street. A. deserted B. lonely C. isolated D. neglected

391. A well-meaning lady gave Robert a wrong _____ and he finished at the theatre instead of the school. A. advice B. information C. direction D. way

392. If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could be _____. A. deceptive B. defective C. deficient D. ineffective

393. Researchers claim it’s all the high-rises in this area that make the _____ on television sets so poor. A. station B. reaction C. programme D. quality

394. Robert says he bought these books in a _____. A. disposal B. sale C. production D. reduction

395. By exercising some _____, Jeff, though hungry managed not to eat the steak in front of him. A. thought B. influence C. restraint D. belief

396. Mr Johnson had a terrible cold and could not stop ______. A. sneezing B. sighing C. yawning D. spitting

397. Jack, the Boxer, who was seen stretched out on the canvas, had been _____ for five minutes. A. insensitive B. insensible C. unconscious D. unknowing

398. Clive, a student at Cambridge, will come home next week as university _____ for the summer holidays on the 5th of July.

