
285. A dictionary of the English language, _______ by Dr Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic and interestingly written survey of English usage. A. construcked B. composed C. compiled D. collected

286. After I heard that I took a deferred pass in botany, I was in a _____ emotional state. A. highly B. doubtfully C. greatly D. nervously

287. Since I could not see anything through the microscope, _______ my careful adjustment, I gave up. A. for all B. above all C. after all D. in all

288. When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts went ______ their way to entertain the guests. A. in for B. over C. out of D. back on

289. Peter ________ his breath in wonder when he saw the Christmas tree in the sitting room. A. kept B. held C. blew D. grasped

290. Our school singing group is going to give ______ performance next month: don’t miss it. A. an alive B. a living C. a live D. a life

291. The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect ________, so a walk along Huai Hai Road is an enjoyable discovery. A. harmony B. order C. control D. action

292. The news, though not wholly bad was so _____ that I could no longer concentrate on my work. A. disastrous B. anxious C. regretful D. disturbing

293. The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the right to enable the necessary chemical reactions to ______ in his body. A. pr B. proceed C. progress D. practise

294. It is very likely that the Martian will also be ________ to underground existence, for conditions are much more equable underground. A. adopted B. acquired C. admitted D. adapted

295. When Pilot Officer Peter Thwaites was away on business, his neighbour gave his wife _____ with the housework. A. an aid B. a help C. a hand D. a lift

296. It is bad manners to ______ other people behind their backs. A. do up B. do by C. do away with D. do down

297. Samuel has curly hair but his twin sister’s is quite __________. A. even B. straight C. uneven D. regular

298. ―No, thank you, I don’t _______ sugar in tea.‖ Val said firmly. A. use B. drink C. take D. put


299. My classmate stood there looking uneasily at me, puzzling why I hadn’t go annoyed this time when I couldn’t get my own ________. A. way B. wish C. will D. desire

300. Grandmother was watching T.V. calmly, even though there was a series of shrieks down the hall because she was as deaf as a _________. A. pole B. wall C. post D. pin

301. The Martian surface temperature is a 100 degrees C below zero at night, so that butter put outside will not ________. A. thaw B. dissolve C. melt D. fuse

302. Whose _______ was it to pay a visit to Lake Erie? A. dream B. purpose C. thought D. idea

303. There is a _____ of vegetables in Shanghai at the moment because of the cold weather. A. shortage B. want C. need D. desire

304. Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel _______ so the service is rather show and inefficient. A. learning B. instructing C. teaching D. training

305. Fred doesn’t like white coffee, nor does he like to put cream on his strawberries, because he prefers them __________. A. natural B. plain C. simple D. ordinary

306. The economists are not quite optimistic about the economic _______ for Europe. A. outlook B. lookout C. foresight D. project

307. To say that all Americans wear _____ coloured clothes is a generalization. A. well B. brightly C. gloriously D. radiantly

308. Could you please help me to ________ this wondrobe because it is A. remove B. carry C. pick up D. shift

309. Don’t leave your brand-raw sweater and pajamas on the floor; please hang them on the ________ behind the door. A. rod B. pole C. hook D. log

310. Christopher couldn’t tell us the name of the monster he read about in the newspaper although it was on the _____ of his tongue. A. tip B. end C. slip D. back

311. It is ________ whether Sam will come to attend his best friend’s funeral as he has taken the town’s money and made off with it. A. unlikely B. doubtful C. improbable D. unexpected

312. To attend the grand dinner party, the French cabinet minister had a new suit made to _________. A. order B. direction C. instruction D. command


313. When Jim was tidying up his drawer, he ____ his mother’s prize possession the tri-coloured glazed miniature terra-cotta warrior. A. came round B. came across C. came over D. came into

314. Present at the Christmas party were the two princesses and their ________ husbands and the Duke of Edinburgh. A. respectable B. respectful C. respective D. respected

315. Jean is slow but he brother, on the contrary, is quick at _______ the point of an argument. A. snatching B. capturing C. grabbing D. grasping

316. In an attempt to get to the _____of the problem, the reporter interviewed every eye-witness. A. root B. gist C. base D. center

317. The narrow, sunless hall smelled _______ of slake cabbage. A. uninterestingly B. unpleasantly C. uninvitedly D. unpleasingly

318. In the headmaster’s office, exercise—books kept ________ owing to the fact that he had marked very little recently. A. heaping on B. growing up C. piling on D. piling up

319. My journey to Croydon proved to be a miserable one as the rain did not _____. A. dear up B. got off C. let up D. slow down

320. The ordinary Zulu fighters were not _______ to Shala’s plan of throwing away their sandals. A. opposed B. objected C. opposing D. conflicting

321. Shakespeare’s ploy ―The Taming of the Shrew‖ is on _______ 3 tonight. A. wavelength B. post C. band D. channel

322. The tourists ________ through the fog, trying to read what was engraved on the gravestone Shakespeare had chosen for hiself. A. glanced B. glimped C. peered D. peeped

323. After visiting the Holy Trinity Church, the boys _______ leaving so long that they almost missed the last train to London. A. put off B. delayed C. stopped D. halted

324. Having kissed her son, Eve gave him a dismissive _________ towards the car. A. push B. pull C. draw D. drag

325. There is _________ telling what the tiger will do when it is cornered. A. nothing B. none C. no D. no

326. The members in the testing team were quite _______ and could change their schedule upon request. A. lenient B. supple C. flexible D. gentle


327. As Mr Best was passing the bookshop, he thought he’d just _____ to see whether any interesting books were on sale. A. look in B. look up C. look round D. look for

328. Marge’s bedroom was in a ________, with books and papers covering every possible surface. A. little B. mess C. rubbish D. disorder

329. Burton said he could not swim until the ________ came in because the sea was too for out. A. current B. tide C. water D. flood

330. The highest _______ of the Himalayas can scarcely be seen from below as it is usually hidden in cloud. A. peak B. top C. view D. plane

331. Tim, the footballer, always scores ______ at football matches, but he feels frustrated at each examination. A. points B. games C. goals D. targets

332. After the cameraman had taken three or four photographs of the solider ants, he found they had _______ all over his feet. A. gathered B. flocked C. crowded D. swarmed

333. Sylvia was in low spirits because her throat infection left her very _____ and made her solo at the party impossible. A. dumb B. hoarse C. silent D. speechless

334. It’s not for to the village if we take the short _____ through the jungle. A. pass B. corner C. turning D. cut

335. Lenny advised me to have a ________ of brandy because it will make me less nervous. A. bite B. lick C. sip D. touch

336. If we let our eyes glide _____ the lines of a book, we will probably be unable to come up with an understanding of what we have read. A. across B. in C. from D. with

337. At the party the _______ shy Chelsea felt comfortable enough to offer to give the guests a piano solo. A. always B. ordinarily C. never D. completely

338. Working under the new expert who always encourages creativity in young people, we have been _______ with better ideas in test design. A. coming down B. coming out C. coming along D. coming up

339. This performance is a big stride, ________, towards adapting the western mind to the traditional Chinese opera. A. as it is B. as it was C. as it were D. as it has been

340. If one slat in a Venetian blind is ________ in the wrong direction, Murray can’t have a moment’s peace until he has fixed it. A. tipped B. topped C. tapped D. toyed

341. The Chairman was evidently _____ by Jim’s words and glared at him for a few seconds. A. put down B. put across C. put away D. put out

