
57、上排污阀 surface blow-down valve 58、底部排污阀 bottom blow down valve

59、上(下)吹除阀 surface(bottom)blow-off valve 60、浮渣盘 scum disk 61、烟管smoke tube 62、烟箱smoke chamber 63、烟道smoke flue一

64、烟囱chimney(funnel) 65、烟喉furnace uptake 66、牵条 stay

67、支承管support tube 68、牵条管stay tube 69、波形管 sinuflo tube 70、麻花管 swirlyflo tube 71、吹灰器soot blower

72、单层盘管single-layer tube 73、燃烧器oil bure

74、燃油预热器oil preheater 75、雾化器 burner atomizer 76、雾化片sprayer plate

77、喷油嘴 burner tip(nozzle) 78、喷油嘴管架 nozzle support 79、喷油嘴体nozzle holder

80、喷孔nozzle hole(nozzle orifice) 81、旋涡室swirl chamber 82、点火器 ignition

83、点火喷油嘴 ignition nozzle

84、点火喷油嘴 ignition transformer 85、预燃室 precombustion chamber 86、调风器 air register 87、调风门 air damper

88、风门 throttle(air intake flap)

89、风门伺服器servomotor for throttle regulation 90、风口 draught door 91、风箱 burner wind box 92、风机 blower

93、手调风门 hand regulation 94、空气调温器 air attemperator 95、空气扩散盘 air diffuser 96、导流器 air director

97、空气调节器 air regulating(air register) 98、强制通风机 force draught fan 99、火焰检测器 flame detector

100、火口 fire hole(combustion head)

101、比例操作器 proportional ratio apparatus 102、压力比例调节器 pressure ratio regulator 103、停汽阀 steam stop valve 104、集汽管 steam receiver

105、蒸汽分配器 steam distributor 106、阻汽器 steam trap 107、过热器 super-heater 108、减热器 desuper heater

109、旋风汽水分离器 cyclone steam separator 110、除氧器 deaerator

第六部分 液压甲板机械

Hydraulic deck Machinery

1、液压泵 hydraulic pump

2、径向柱塞泵 radial plunger pump 3、中央阀 center valve

4、配油轴 oil distribution shaft 5、配油盘 oil distribution disc 6、配油套 oil distribution sleeve 7、配油口 oil distribution port 8、配油壳 oil distribution casing 9、浮动环 floating ring 10、压力管 pressure pipe 11、伺服活塞 servo-piston

12、差动活塞 differential piston 13、配油阀 oil distribution valve 14、倾斜盘 swash plate

15、液压放大器 hydraulic amplifier 16、液压马达 hydraulic motor

17、高速小扭矩油马达 high speed low torque oil motor

18、齿轮式(叶片式,轴向式)油马达 gear-type(vane-type,axial-plunger type)

oil motor 19、低速大扭矩油马达 low speed high torque motor 20、柱塞式油马达 plunger-type oil motor

21、径向柱塞式油马达 radial-plunger-type oil motor

22、单作用径向柱塞式油马达 single-acting radial-plunger-type oil motor 23、轴向双斜盘式油马达 axial double-tilting frame type oil motor 24、液压油缸 hydraulic oil cylinder

25、单作用柱塞油缸 single-acting plunger oil cylinder 26、摆动油缸 oscillating oil cylinder 27、差动油缸 differential oil cylinder

28、转叶式油缸 rotary-vane-type oil cylinder 29、定叶 fixed vane 30、转叶 rotary vane 31、密封条 sealing strip 32、定子(叶)stator 33、转子(叶)rotor

34、压力控制阀 press control valve 35、顺序阀 sequence valve

直控~ direct-control~ 单向~ one-way~ 卸载~ off-load~ 遥控~ telecontrolled~

液控~ hydraulically controlled~ 36、减压阀 pressure-reducingvalve

定压~ constant pressure~ 定差~ constant difference~ 定比~ constant ratio~ 37、溢流阀 overflowvalve

先导式~ pilot~

直动式~ direct-acting~ 差动式~ differential~

38、流量控制阀 flow controlvalve

节流阀 throttle valve

调速阀 speed-regulating valve 39、方向控制阀 direction control valve

40、单向阀 one-way valve(check valve)

直通式~ straight one-way valve 直角式~ angle one-way valve

41、手动截止阀 hand stop valve(hand cut-off valve)

42、双路油压自锁阀 double-circuit oil pressure self-closing valve 43、换向阀 change-over valve(change valve)

电磁~ electro-magnetic~ 电液~ electro-hydraulic~

44、转阀(滑阀)rotary valve(side valve)

三位四通阀 three-position four-way valve 45、主阀 main valve 46、辅阀 auxiliary valve 47、先导阀 pilot valve

48、阻尼孔 damper hole 49、节流缝隙 throttle slot 50、舵机 steering gear

51、定量泵开式系统 open oil system of the constant delivery pump 52、变量泵闭式系统 closed oil system of the variable delivery pump 53、撞杆式舵机 ram type steering gear

54、转叶式舵机 rotary vane type steering gear 55、工况选择阀 operating mode selector valve 56、手动旁通阀 hand by-pass valve 57、反馈杆 feed back rod

58、自锁阀 self-locking valve 59、防浪阀 storm valve 60、舵 rudder

舵柱 rudder post 舵柄 rudder tiller

舵托(承) rudder carrier 舵杆 rudder stock 舵叶 rudder blade 61、撞杆 ram

62、操纵系统 control system

63、机械杠杆反馈式追随机构 follow-up system of the mechanical lever feedback type 64、应急手动操纵装置 emergency hand control device 65、浮动杆 floating lever 66、副杠杆 auxiliary lever

67、遥控操舵装置 telemotor steering gear 68、起货装置 cargo handing gear 69、起货绞车 cargo winch

70、回转起货机(克令吊) crane 71、吊杨索(千斤索) topping lift 72、吊货杆 boom(derrick boom)

73、吊臂 jib (crane jib) 74、吊臂止动器 jib stopper

75、机械制动器 mechanical brake

76、防索松保护器 slack wire protection 77、变幅绞车 luffing winch 78、货物定位装置 cargo spotler

79、差动型限位开关 differential limit switch 80、旋转绞车 slewing winch 81、带式刹车 band brake 82、旋转底盘 slewing rim 83、起锚机 windlass 84、止链器 cable stopper 85、锚 anchor

86、锚链 anchor chain(anchor cable,chain cable)
