

年级 : 五年级 科目: 英语 编号: 15 备课教师 课 题 白伟强 时间 2015年4月3日 Culture 1: Study Tour 知识与技能 1.认识本课著名的地方。 过程与方法 运用图片帮助学生认识这些著名的地方。 情感态度 使学生学会欣赏这些著名的地方。 教 学 目 标 和价值观 Yangtze River, Mount Tai,Beijing University,Sha’anxi 教学重点 会读The History Museum,USA ,Australia , Canada, UK等词。 教学难点 Museum, Australia等词的发音 教具准备 图卡,多媒体 教 学 过 程 Ⅰ、Warm-up 1. Free talk: T:How are you going to??? S:I’m going by ??. Ⅱ、Presentation (Page 44-45) 1.Let the Ss look at the pictures on the book。 2.T points to The Yangtze River. Then teaches the Ss to read it. Then asks one student like this: T:Where are you going? (引导学生回答) S1:I’m going to Mount Tai. 3.Using the same way to teach other words.


课时 1 备 注 4. After teaching all the words,Ss read them together. 5. Ss practice in groups. Ⅲ、Ask and answer (Page 45) 1.T: Where is Tim going to do during his vacation? Ss:He's going to Mount Tai. T:What about Amy? Ss:She's going to have a study tour in Australia. T:Great. How is she going to Australia? Ss:She's going by plane. T:Where is she going to stay? Ss:She's going to stay with an Australian family. 2.Listen to the tape,Ss follow the tape to read it. Ⅳ:Homework. Where do you want to go for a study tour? Make a plan for it. Culture 1: Study Tour 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思


The Yangtze River Mount Tai, Beijing University Sha’anxi History Museum USA Australia , Canada UK


年级 :五年级 科目:英语 编号: 16 备课教师 课 题 白伟强 时间 2015年4月6日 Unit 4 Going Outing 1. 学会Vocabulary 的4个频率副词和4种交通工具。 知识与技能 2. 学习Target。 3. 学会歌曲Every day I take the bus 过程与方法 通过介绍Tony,Jenny,Gogo和Ben如何上学引出新词。情感态度 让学生使用频率副词描述自己的生活。 和价值观 never ,sometimes, usually ,always,教学重点 Vocabulary 的4个频率副词:和4种交通工具:subway, a car, a taxi, a bike。 教学难点 教具准备 PPT 教 学 过 程 I.Warm-up 1. Free talk :T: How do you go to school? S1: ??. II. Presentation (Page 47) 1.T:Gogo never takes a subway to school.(教学never和subway) 2.T:Jenny sometimes takes a car to school. (教学sometimes和a car) 3.T:Tony usually takes a taxi to school. (教学usually和a taxi) 4.T:Ben always rides a bike to school. (教学always和a bike) 5.Ss follow the tape to read all the words. 6. T:Now talk about how you go to school with your desk mate.


教 学 目 标 频率副词的使用 课时 1 备 注 III. Practice (Page 47) 1. T: How does Tony get to school? Does he ever take a taxi to school? Let’s listen to the tape, then answer my questions. 2. Let’s listen to the tape. 3. Have some Ss to answer my questions. 4. Ss read after the tape. 5. Ss practice the dialogue, then read together. IV. Chant activity (Page 52) 1.Ask the Ss to listen to the song:Every day I take the bus 2. Ss follow the tape to sing the song. 3. After practicing several times,Ss sing together. 4. Ask the Ss to finish the lyrics. 5. Check the lyrics. V. Homework 1.Copy the vocabularies. 2. Read the Target. Unit 4 Going Outing 板 书 设 计 4个频率副词:never ,sometimes, usually ,always, 4种交通工具:subway, a car, a taxi, a bike 教 学 反 思

