
M: Yes, I can relate to that.

W: Well, that’s more like how it is to work at Trader Joe’s. The employees are the children…and I’m the mother.

M: Are you the only parent at this store? I think I’d rather be adopted by someone else… Text 8

M: Hey, Erica. I saw that you were working hard this morning.

W: Yes, I got a lot done. It’s nice to be able to sit down and relax for a little while. M: I was about to go get some lunch. Would you like to join me?

W: No, thanks. I brought my own. I used to eat out all the time, but I got tired of waiting in line.

M: How do you always have so much energy? If I woke up early to make my own food, I’d be tired all day.

W: Once you get into a routine, it’s not so bad. Do you work out?

M: I usually go for a run four times a week, sometimes less. What about you?

W: I work out in the gym twice during the workday and I run on Saturday every week. Do you drive to work?

M: Yes. I could walk, and then take the subway. But then I’d have to wake up earlier. W: If you want more energy, you need to be healthier. You have to make some sacrifices. Text 9

M: Can you believe this is our last summer before we graduate?

W: I know. We have to make some real tough decisions soon. Have you given any


thought to your future?

M: My father would like to pass the family business on to me. My grandfather started it, and he made my dad really admire him.

W: That is understandable. My family has always been involved in education, and they’re trying to convince me to do the same. I want to be a doctor, though.

M: You should follow your dreams. My brother is an excellent engineer. He’s my hero. W: So what’s yours? Is there anything that excites you?

M: I’ve lived in America my whole life. I’ve seen parts of Canada, but it’s not that different. I’d love to travel to France, Spain, Italy, or Germany…

W: Cool. I grew up in Asia, and I had the chance to travel through several different countries.

M: I need to have money before I do that, though. That’s why I’m getting a job this summer. Are you working, too?

W: I thought about it, but I decided to take some classes over the summer. I want to get a head start on my studies.

M: It sounds like we’ll both be busy. I hope we can still hang out. W: Of course. I always make time for my friends. Text 10

W: I really must get on my exercise bike. I have a rule that every day I must burn off 300 calories on the bike. It keeps me fit and makes me feel happy. Some people might think that sounds like a piece of cake but the problem is that I have to force myself to do it. 300 calories only equals one bar of chocolate, but it takes at least 40 minutes of ridingon


my bike at home to burn off that much. It’s hard work and I get very sweaty in the process. Before I get on the bike, I have to do battle with myself first. I find my mind thinking of other things I need to do — water the plants, check the post, read the news, wash some vegetables —anything but exercise. If I had to go out to a gym for exercise, I don’t think I would ever arrive there. Some people say they listen to music to make their exercise pass more quickly. I find that too boring. However, lately I have found something to aid my bike routine. Taking pictures is my hobby, so now I watch photography videos on my laptop while I exercise. It takes some of the pain out of keeping fit and I’m also improving my camera skills.

If I don’t do exercise for some days, I will feel guilty for myself.Without exercise, my life wouldn’t be so joyful.


