
13.—There are seats in Town Cinema. —Yes,you can sit there .

A.comfortable;comfortable B.comfortably;comfortably C.comfortably;comfortable D.comfortable;comfortably

14.My friend was very ________ because he got first prize in the English competition. A.bored A.to play A.find

B.glad B.play B.find out

C.sad C.playing C.look for

D.worried D.played D.look

15.It was a fine day . We decided _______ volleyball . 16.Let's ________ who broke the window. 17.What about _____out for a walk? A.go B.going C.went D.to go

18.Movie theatre has the service, but we can sit the there. A.worse; most comfortable B.worse; most comfortably C.worst; most comfortable D.worst; most comfortably 19.What is she going to do when she _____the news? A.is going to hear C.hears

B.hear D.will hear

20.He arrived late for school because there were _____________ cars on the street. A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many too 二、单词填空


1)I like to h______ out with my parents after supper. 2)The No.9 bus is coming in five minutes.Can we c______ it? 3)The famous pianist gave a piano c______ in our city last month.

4)You’d better write everything you have to do next week on the c______. 5)We really felt s______ at the news. 三、句型转换 22.完成句子(10分)

1)The store wascrowded. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ the store?

2)They stopped working at 7: 00 yesterday. (改为否定句) They ________ ________ working at 7: 00 yesterday. 3)We went toBeijingon vacation. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ you ________ on vacation? 4)[11·本溪中考]夏季,人们喜欢到凉爽的地方度假。

________________________________________________________________ 5)尽管很累,但我们感觉很幸福。

We are very tired, but we ________ ________ . 四、完成句子

23.根据汉语意思完成句子 1)你爸爸和你妈妈谁更聪明一些?

Who is ______ ______, your father ______ your mother? 2)你和你弟弟学习一样刻苦吗?

Do you study ______ ______ ______ your brother? 3)迪克比汤姆跑得快多了。

Dick ______ ______ ______ ______ Tom. 4)你游泳没有你朋友好。

You can’t swim ______ ______ ______ your friend. 5)这个问题不如那个问题难。

The problem ______ ______ ______ ______ that one. 五、完形填空

24.No leaves are exactly (确切地)the same in the world .Nobody in the world is the same 1 you .You are unique (唯一的),Everybody is 2 from others .That is good , 3 it makes the world an interesting place .

Some people are taller than you ,but others are 4 than you .Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend’s ,but it 5 be longer than hers .I am sure you have 6 friends who are smarter than you .And you also have some friends who are as 7 at sports as you .But there are also some people around you who are not good at some things . 8 does your best friend look like ? Do you both 9 to finish your homework at school ? Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day ? I think 10 some ways you are the same ,but in many other ways you are different .So say loudly to the world ,“I am I am–I’m unique !”

1)A.in B.as C.of D.from

2)A.difficult B.different C.smart D.far 3)A.because B.however C.although D.but 4)A.funnier B.shorter C.heavier D.nicer 5)A.should B.must C.may D.need 6)A.any B.some C.much D.few 7)A.bad B.sad C.well D.good 8)A.Where B.What C.How D.When 9)A.like B.enjoy C.practice D.run 10)A.through B.by C.in D.on 六、用所给的词正确形式填空 25.

1)I'm looking forward to ________(hear)from you soon. 2)Tom ________(can)come to my party because he is ill. 3)Thank you for your ________(invite).

4)Please keep quiet!My sister's trying ________(study). 5)He would love ________(have)a cup of tea.


26. Brad,Kevin and Tina are three kids from America. They like watching different TV shows. Let's learn about what they like watching.

Brad: I like cartoons very much,such as Mickey and Donald. They're very fun. I'm a player so I also like watching sports games,such as soccer games,basketball games,tennis games and so on. The games are exciting,and the players are great. Zhang Jike is my favorite player. I can learn a lot from him.

Kevin: I like Animal World best,because I like animals. I watch the program about animals on weekends. The program tells us something about animals. We can know lots of animals from it. We can also know how to protect(保护)them.

Tina: As a girl,I like soap operas and sitcoms. I like watching them because they can make me feel happy.

1)The three kids are from ________. A.China A.game shows A.Zhang Jike A.on weekends A.Frank

27.Dear Kitty,

I am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I was very busy. I was helping with a charity show to raise(筹集)money for Project Green Hope.(绿色希望工程)A lot of work needed to be finished, so I did not have much free time.

I felt very happy when I was chosen to(被选为)be the host. It was exciting,but I was also very nervous. I know that lots of people would come to the show and many pop stars would come, too. My job was to introduce each star and I also had many other duties.

We practiced a lot before the show. I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time. At first, I thought I would never be able to remember all the words. Slowly,everything became easier.

The big day came very quickly, and I was so excited. Twenty minutes before the big event, we opened the doors and many people came into the theatre to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudly.

30,000 dollars has been given to Project Green Hope. I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charities and I think more people should be invited to take part in them. See you soon. Best wishes! Ricky

1)What was Ricky doing these days?

A.Helping to raise money. B.Writing the letters. C.Watching the show. D.Inviting the pop stars. 2)How did he feel when he was chosen to be the host? A.Nervous. B.Happy.

C.Both nervous and happy. D.Neither nervous nor happy. 3)Which statements is NOT true according to the letter? A.Many pop stars would come.

B.They practiced a lot before the show.

B.America B.Animal World B.Yao Ming B.on Monday B.Tina



2)Brad is a player and he likes ________.

C.cartoons and sports games D.soap operas C.Deng Yaping C.on Friday C.Kevin

D.Ma Long D.every day D.Brad

3)________ is Brad's favorite player.

4)Kevin watches the TV show Animal World ________. 5)________ likes watching soap operas and sitcoms.

C.Ricky had to speak loudly because of the noise.

D.The door was open thirty minutes earlier before the event. 4)What does the underlined word charity mean? A.慈善 B.招待 C.明星 D.服务

5)How much has been given to Project Green Hope?

A.3,000 dollars B.30,000 dollars C.3,000 pounds D.30,000 pounds



① I want to be popular with our classmates, and I will be ______________ to others. ② To be a popular student, I ____________________________________________. ③ _________________________________________________________________.


一、选择题 题号 1 答案 D 答案 C 二、单词填空

21.1)hang 2)catch 3)concert 4)calendar 5)surprised 三、句型转换

22.1) How was 2) didn’t stop 3) Where did; go

4) In summer, people like to go somewhere cool /to cool places to take a vacation/ for a vacation. 5) feel happy 四、完成句子

2 B B 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 B A D D B A B B D 题号 19 20
