
a way of orderly cycle.机械挖土深度宜控制在设计垫层底标高上20CM,严禁挖深扰动持力层,剩余部分由人工进行修整,对于土质情况与地质勘察报告不符时或出现意外情况时,及时与建设单位、设计单位联系并进行处理。The excavation will be controlled as 20cm higher than the blinding bottom level and then the rest will be done manually. And the bearing layer of the soil is never to be removed. We will get in touch timely with the Client, the designing institute in case that the soil conditions do not comply with those in the soil investigation report or any accidents happen.回填土进行场内堆土,堆土坡脚至坑边距离不小于3m。The soil for backfill will be piled up at site and the edge of the pile should be away from the foundation pit less than 3 meters.基坑挖好后,应及时邀请设计单位,监理单位等有关人员进行验收,验收合格后,及时进行下道工序的施工。It is imperative to invite those from the designing institute, the supervisor and other related units to check the work as the excavation of the foundation pit is completed. The following work can not be started until the result of the said check is ok.土方回填The Backfilling:基础工程结束后,邀请监理,质监等单位进行验收,合格后方可进行回填。基础内外回填应同时均匀进行,防止产生不均匀侧向荷载.并夯打密实。We will invite the supervisor and quality control unit to check the foundation work when the same is done. When the check gives ok, the backfill is to be carried out. The backfilling shall be done simultaneously both in and out of the foundation pit to avoid from the uneven side load. And compaction is made well.

5.2.2模板工程The Moulding board Work模板必须尺寸准确,板面平整;具有足够的承载力。刚度和稳定性,能可靠地承受新浇筑砼的自重和侧压力,以及在施工中所产生的荷载;构造简单,装拆方便,并便于钢筋的绑扎,

安装和砼的浇筑,养护等要求。在满足起重量要求,施工便利和经济条件下,应尽可能扩大模板面积,减少拼缝。The dimensions of the moulding board shall be correct and surfaces even, having sufficient bearing capacity, rigidity and stability to reliably bear the weight of the concrete newly cast and its side pressure, and other load during the execution. The moulding board should be easy to be fit and dismantle. The moulding board work shall facilitate the reinforcement steel to be bound and fit, the concrete cast and curing. The moulding board work shall be made economically to the extent to satisfy the lifting demand and to reduce the joints with largest possible area.模板体系的选用The Adoption of the Moulding board System:根据工程的特点充分考虑模板选型的以下方面:一是选择的模板体系要先进,合理,适用;二是能用效控制工程质量,使结构达到清水砼的效果;三是降低成本少投入。总之要综合考虑经济性,适用性,选择科学,合理的模板体系。要加强背楞和对拉螺栓的设计,保证其刚度,其可周转的次数低于钢模板。 The moulding board work system is selected and decided as the following: firstly it should be advanced, reasonably economic and applicable; secondly, it should be of help in control the project quality and of benefit to the effect of fair face for the main structure; thirdly, it is low in cost with less investment. All in all, we have to consider the economics and applicability and thus adopt the scientific and reasonable form work system. It is imperative to improve the design of the washers and the counter bolts so as to ensure the rigidity of the form but the cycles less than steel moulding board.模板支模前必须搭好相关脚手架,浇筑砼前必须检查支撑是否可靠,扣件是否松动。浇筑砼时必须由模板支设班组设专人看模,随时检查支撑是否变形,松动,并组织及时恢复。经常检查支设模板吊钩,斜支撑及平台连接处螺栓是否松动,发现问题及时组织处理。Scaffolds shall be mounted tightly before doing the form work. Before casting, it is imperative to check all the support if they are strong, and if the clips and clamps are

properly tightened. When casting, those who have made the moulding board work have to be on the spot and watch the ongoing form work, check the supports now and then to see if there any movable or deformed, and mend in time if needed. It is also imperative to frequently check the crane hook, and see if the bolts and nuts are loose between the slant supports and the platform. Timely removal is needed if any happens.在支模时现浇钢筋砼梁,板,当跨度等于或大于4M时, 模板就起拱;当设计无具体要求时,起拱高度宜为全跨长度的确1/1000-3/3000。When making the form work for RCC beam and slabs and their spans are more than 4 meters, the arch shall be made. If there is no specific requirement, the height of the arch shall be 1/1000-1/3000 length of the span.拆模时不得使用大锤或硬撬乱捣,如果拆除困难,可用撬杠从底部轻微橇动;保持起吊时模板与墙体的距离,保证砼表面及棱角不因拆除受损坏。When removing the form, neither big hammer is used nor other unreasonable ways. If it is difficult to remove the form, claw bar may be applied gently at the bottom. Proper distances shall be maintained between the form and the walls when lifting so as to ensure no breaks made to the concrete faces, edges and corners.梁侧模板的拆除以不破坏棱角为准。为了准确地掌握拆模时间,必须留置同条件试块,试块强度达到1.2MPA时才允许拆模。施工中要积累不同强度等级的砼,不同水泥,在不同气温条件下多长时间达到1.2MPA的经验。When removing the side moulding board for beams, neither edges nor corners shall be broken. Concrete cubic for testing shall be kept with the same conditions to facilitate the removal of board at the correct time. The board shall not be removed until the cubic is as strong as 1.2MPA. Experiences to tell when 1.2MPA shall be gained during execution for different grades of concrete with various cement, on different temperatures and etc. Finally one can tell when to get 1.2MPA by his experiences.模板拆除后,立即对模板的板面及缝隙进行全面彻底清理,保证下次使用不出现粘模现象。模板使用后要进行维修清理,如模板清理,变形的校正,模板配件的更换等。The surfaces and joints of the board shall be cleaned immediately after the removal to ensure no stick occur for the next casting. The board shall be repaired and cleaned after using. Remedies shall be made if any deform happens and parts shall be replaced, etc.

5.2.3钢筋工程The Reinforcement Steel Work对进场钢筋必须认真检验,检验内容包括查对标志,外观检查,并按现行国家有关部门标准的规定抽样复试合格后方可使用。在保证设计规格及力学性能的情况下,钢筋表面必须清洁无损伤,不得带有颗粒状或片状铁锈、裂纹、强疤、折叠、油渍和漆污等,钢筋端头保证平直,无弯曲。对经调直处理钢筋加箍筋等,应搭设棚架,集中码放,防雨淋锈蚀。其它钢筋应架空分规格码放,其架空高度不小于10CM。It is a must to check and test the reinforcement steel brought into site. The checking shall be made including: to check its marks, outlook and take random samples to be tested as per the present state standards. The steel can only be used until the check is ok. The surface of the steel shall be clean and no damage on the conditions that the specifications and mechanics are ensured. Besides, there shall be no rust, no scales, no cracks, no collapse, no paint, no oil and etc. The end of the steel bar shall be straight and even without any bend. The hut shall be set up for those steel bars already straightened or bound with stirrups, and pile them up to avoid from rain and becoming rusted. The other steel bars shall be kept as per their diameters and be supported with the bottom height no less than 10cm.钢筋在加工前应洁净,无损伤,油渍,漆污和铁锈等应在使用前清理干净。Before fabricating, the steel bars shall be cleaned without any damage. Paint stains and rust shall be cleaned up before using.为保证钢筋加工形状,尺寸准确,可制作钢筋加工的定型卡具控制钢筋尺寸。In
