
the supervising and administering of safe production and civilized execution, timely inspect, supervise, punish and stop people from doing unsafely at site and issue notices for remedial, and re-check the same; to supervise and inspect the civilized production at site and keep the inspection records.、材料员The Material Man:负责项目物资的统一管理工作:编制采购计划,依据程序及采购计划购买,确保施工生产顺利进行;监督各分包方进场材料的验证、复试、并记录存档;及时组织自供材料的选择、送审,并跟踪及时将审定结果报项目经理部;负责对项目材料成本核算负责;负责对项目主要材料进场时间、进场计划的安排;负责进场物资库存情况,制定和物质管理办法,做好各类物资的标识;负责进场物资的报验及在使用过程中的监督工作;协助保安负责对进场供应车辆的记录出门条的开放,在场时间的记录等工作;以场内各类物资的装车、卸车的计划时间确定及统计。To be responsible for the centralized administering work of the project materials; to work out the program for procurement, the procurement procedures and make the procurement properly so as to ensure the smooth progress of the site execution; to supervise the sub-contractors on materials brought into site, to verify, test and keep well all the records; to timely organize self-supplied materials for selection and examination, and follow up the same so as to report the same to the project management; to be responsible for the project materials cost accounting; to work out the program and make the arrangement for bringing the major materials into site; to be responsible for the storage of the materials having brought into site, to work out the administering measures for the same; to make well the marks of different materials; to be responsible for the submission of the materials at site for inspection and the supervisory work on the usage of the same; to assist the security men to issue the order for those vehicles bringing in materials and keep the records of the same; to identify the timetable for those vehicles to load and unload and make the statistics of the same.、资料员The Documenter:负责整个项目施工、管理、技术、质量资料的搜集管理工作;做好施工技术资料的管理工作;To be responsible for the information collecting and administering work regarding the project execution, administration, technologies applied and quality control; to do a good job in handling all those relation to the execution and technical information.

4.2项目管理网络图(见下图) The Network of the Project Management


The Network of the Project Management and the Site Organization

项目经理Project manager

项目副经理Assistant project manager

施工员 Builder 木 工 钢 筋 泥 工 架 子 机 械 油 漆 水 电 消 防 网 架 质检员 Quality 技术员安全员材料员Material 核算员Accounti资料员 File Technical Securit 各 班 组 施 工 人 员 五、土建部分主要施工方法The Main Construction Method for the Civil Work

5.1施工工艺流程Technological Process for Site Execution

5.1.1基础施工工艺流程The Foundation Work 测量放线 砼垫层

测量弹线 基础钢筋绑扎 基础立模 基础浇筑砼 基础墙砌筑 预埋管线、设备 回填土、平整场地。

Make the alignment—Plain concrete blinding, and make curing—make the alignment—foundation






concrete—make curing, remove the form--lay the foundation wall, embed the pipes and what ever required—backfill, level the site

5.1.2主体施工施工工艺流程The Super-Structure

测量弹线 柱筋 柱模 柱砼 梁、板钢筋、模板 梁、

板砼浇筑 拆模 墙体砌筑。

Make the alignment—set up the column reinforcement steel –make the form work—cast the concrete—make curing, remove the form--fix the beam and slab reinforcement steel and the form —cast beam and slab concrete—make curing, remove the form—lay block work for the wall

主体施工时,以支模、浇筑砼为中心合理组织劳动力进行施工,具体施工时应尽量使各工种能连续施工,减少窝工现象,本工程在施工中进行流水施工,由项目部统一协调各工种、各队进行流水穿插施工。当主体封顶后,便可由下而上进行填充、围护墙的砌筑。为了保证总体进度计划按时完成,室内初装修和外墙装饰应插入施工。During the execution of the super-structure, reasonably organize the work force with the form work and concrete casting as the core. We will have our work forces of different trade to work continuously to avoid them from sitting idle. The project management will carry out the execution in a way as the assemble line works and various groups will work orderly and in turns. When the main structure is completed, block and brick laying for the walls will be executed from the ground floor to roof. Indoor decoration and exterior work may start in the early stage in order to guarantee timely completion as planned.

5.2主要分部分项工程施工方法The Method for the Main Items

5.2.1土方工程 The Earth Work

本工程基础主要为独立柱基,基础尺寸和砼量大,强度等级高,施工工序多,技术复杂,质量要求高,工期紧迫,因此要求做好施工前期准备工作,采取有效的技术组织措施,确保基础施工快速优质地完成,为上部结构尽快施工创造条件。The foundation of this project mainly consists of separate piers. The concrete volume of the foundation work is considerably large. The working procedures are numerous, the techniques are complex, high qualities are required and the time is pressing. So it is necessary to do well the pre-construction preparations, and to adopt effective technical and organizational measures so as to ensure the foundation work to be completed soonest possible with high qualities and thus creating favorable conditions for the super structure’s execution.土方开挖采用正铲挖掘机和人工修整相结合,挖土方向顺序按循环式顺序。The excavation will be done by excavators and manual trimming. The excavation will be done in
