
3.1.2布置好现场的工程概况牌、安全生产标志牌、劳动纪律牌等“二图六牌”。Set up at the site the two charts and six boards: the project plate, safe production marks, work disciplines board and etc.

3.1.3组织施工人员进场,并做好各项教育工作。Organize the work force, move into the site and do well educational work and others.

3.2施工技术准备Preparations for execution techniques

施工技术准备的主要内容,可以归纳为以下四个方面:一是组织图纸会审;二是编制开工前的各项方案、措施;三是进行工程定位,开展施工测量;四是完成技术、检验机制的建立。其具体内容是:The main thing in this regard are the following four parts: study and examine the drawings; work out the schedules for the commencement; start the project location and surveying work; establish the mechanism of the technique identification and quality inspection. The details are:

3.2.1及时组织技术人员,预算员认真熟悉施工图纸,参与图纸会审和技术交底; Timely organize the technicians and quantity surveyors to get familiar with all the drawings. They shall participate in the drawings studying and examining, and explain all the technical details.

3.2.2编制施工图预算和月旬作业计划,提供材料的需要量计划; Work out the project budget and the schedules for monthly and 10-day’s site work, and also the materials supply plan.

3.2.3商请建设单位组织移交、规划红线、座标、标高等;Consult with the Client to hand over the site, plot lines, bench marks and levels, etc.

3.2.4组织专业技术人员进行模板和钢筋的翻样工作; Organize the professional technicians to work out shop drawings for all the moulding board and steel work.

3.2.5做好各种进场材料的质量检验及砼配合比的试配等准备工作。Do a good job in

checking all those materials to be brought into the site and concrete mix preparations.

3.2.6根据工程施工需要,结合外围电网的情况和市政供水管网的情况,进行施工用电用水设计。Work out the consumption schedule for the water and power needed for the project as per the requirements of the project execution and the status of electricity grid and city water supply.

3.3主要机械设备、周转材料及劳动力资源配备Preparations of Major mechanical

equipments, cycling materials and work forces

根据本工程的施工规模及结构形式,为了顺利快速地完成本工程,交付给业主早日投产使用,拟投入的机械设备及劳动力详下表。As per the project scale and structural formation and in order to smoothly complete the execution so as to hand over to the client for the early operation, it is proposed to allocate of the following equipments and labor forces as the form listed below:


Major Machines and Materials for the Project

用电量/台序号S.No 名称Descriptions 型号 Model 数量Q’ty 单位(KW) Power Unit Consumption 挖掘机1 Excavator 砼搅拌机2 Concrete Mixer 砂浆拌和机3 Mortar Mixer UJ200 2 Unit JZC350 2 Unit 台2.2 日 4 Unit 台5.5 开 工 辆2.8 实 际 in 按 Date to bring 进场安排塔吊 4 Tower Crane 钢筋切筋机5 Cutting M/C 钢筋弯曲机6 Bending M/C 电焊机 7 Welding M/C BX-300-2 2 2 GJ5-40 2 QTZ60T.M 1 台 Unit 台7 Unit 台2.8 Unit 台23.4 Unit 台期 陆 续 进 场 Enter the site as per the requirements 7.5 on site 8 平刨机planer MB106 2 Unit 圆盘锯 9 Disc Saw 插入式振捣器10 Vibrators 平板振动器Plate 11 Compactor 镝灯Dysprosium 12 lamp 2 PZ-501 6 HZ6X-50 10 MJ106 2 台5.5 Unit 台1.5 Unit 台0.5 Unit 盏 Unit 台13 水准仪Level S3 1 Unit 经纬仪14 Theodolite J2 1 台 Unit 高压水泵High 15 Pressure Pump 3.4劳动力资源配备 Labor Forces

30m扬程 2 台7 Unit 劳动力安排一览表 Labor Forces List

序号 S.No. 1 2 工种名称 Trade 瓦技工Mason 木工Carpenter 钢筋工 3 Rebar man 4 架子工Scaffolder 20 人person 60 人person 数量 Number 80 100 单位 unit 人person 人person 按实际 开工日 期陆续 进场 Enter the site 6 塔吊司机Crane Operator 壮工Unskilled 7 Labor 8 后勤保卫Guard 4 人person 50 人person on site 2 人person as per the requirements 备注Remarks 5 机电工Electrician 10 人person 四、项目组织管理机构The Project Administration Organization

4.1项目管理组织机构的组建(具体人员名单附后) The set-up of the Project

Administration Organization (The detailed name list as attached)

