
4. Outline


Acknowledgements Abstract 摘要

Chapter One Introduction

1.3 Background

1.4 Research rationale and objective

Chapter Two Literature review 2.1 Studies on Euphemism

2.2 Studies on Euphemism in Journalism English Chapter Three Introduction to Euphemism 3.1 Origin of Euphemism

3.2 Definition of Euphemism

3.3 Function of Euphemism in English

3.3.1 Function of Politeness 3.3.2 Function of Concealment 3.3.3 Function of Humor

3.3.4 Function of Taboo………

Chapter Four Euphemism in Journalism English 4.1 Use of Euphemism in Journalism English

4.2 Classification of Euphemism in Journalism English 4.2.1 Altruism

4.2.1 Encompassing Euphemism

4.2.3 Self-interest

4.3 Reasons for Euphemism in Journalism English

4.3.1Religious Faith 4.3.2 Social Psychology 4.3.3 Behavioral Criterion 4.3.4Political Life

4.3.5 Commercial Activity Chapter Five Conclusion Bibliography


5. Research schedule

Nov.1st—Nov.21st: collect available date referring to relevant information and analyze all the materials.

Dec, 6th---Dec, 12th: hand in the research proposal Dec, 13th---Dec.19th: thesis defense for research Dec, 20th—the end of winter holiday: write the first draft 2010—second term of 2011

Feb.21st—Mar, 6th: hand in the first draft Mar, 28th—Apr, 3rd: hand in the second draft Apr, 18th—May, 24th: hand in the third draft Apr, 25th---May, 1st hand in the final research May, 16th—May, 22nd: thesis defense


6. Bibliography

[1] Bill Brohaugh.Cantankerous Commentary on What We Speak and Why We Speak It [M]. Euphemisms.Word misuse (at12:12 am 01.16.09.)

[2] Dr.Mustafa.Shazali.Mustafa.The Interpretation of Implicature: A Comparative Study Between Implicature in Linguistics and Journalism [M].Journal of Language Teaching and Research.(Vol.1,pp.35-43)

[3] Enright, D, J(Ed).Fair of Speech-The Uses of Euphemism [M].New York Oxford University Press 1985

[4] 哈特曼和斯托,《语言和语言学词典》黄长著译[M].上海辞书出版社1981,8,3。

[5] 谭梦玲.电子科技大学中山学院.《新闻英语中的委婉语》 [J].《青年记者》,2006年


[6] 马璟.四川大学新闻与文学学院.《浅谈委婉语》[J].德阳教育学院学报,第19卷第3期。 [7] 黄燕.罗定职业技术学院.《新闻报刊英语中的委婉语》[J]. 漯河职业技术学院学报,第8卷第3期,2009年8月.

[8] 束定方.《委婉语新究》[J].外研出版社,1989,(3). [9] 杨怀恩.《英语委婉语》[J].英语学习报,1999(3),54.

[10] 潘霁亮.《浅析英语委婉语之社会功能》[J].宁波大学学报(教育科学版),2004(3):8. [11] 樊晓丽.《英汉委婉语对比》[J].武汉:湖北经济学院院报(人文社会科学版),2008,(4).


