
课题: Unit8 Topic2 section C (第三课时) 班级: 学生:

【学习目标】 1. Learn some new words: ceiling, soldier, hide, pilot, airport, police, officer 2. Learn different jobs, different uniforms. 3. Learn the purposes of different uniforms. 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏 【知识链接】 1. 让学生回忆以前学过的关于服装的单词。 2. 讨论“What do you know about uniforms ?” 【预习达标】 汉译英 消防人员 士兵 飞行员 警察 警官 【学习流程】 ● 自学指导 1、自读1a了解文章大意,做1b. ● 合作探究 讨论1a的两个问题。 ●展示升华 (让学生读1a , 判断下列句子正误。) T: Now please read 1a, then mark the following sentences True (T)or False(F). (1) Firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect them. (2) Soldiers wear green clothes to protect them from heat. (3) If we have a car accident on the street, we can get help from pilots. (4) Different jobs, different uniforms, uniforms have many uses. 【盘点收获】 1. 再次归纳服装有关的单词。 2. 根据课文内容复述制服的作用。 【当堂检测,点击中考】 85 根据适当形式填空。 1、Soldiers wear green clothes help them to hide in the

forest. A to B at C in 2、I see a boy (cry). 3、Others help us (find)the special people who wear them . 二、听录音,回答2的问题。 【点评检测结果】


课题: Unit8 Topic2 section D


班级: 学生:

【学习目标】 1. Review useful expressions. 2. Review the pattern of“It is + adj. + that …”. 3. Review object clauses. 4. Learn something about the art of dressing. 【知识链接】 1、让学生写两个宾语从句。 2、提问本单元的句型和单词。 【预习达标】 1、自读91页1,然后做1b. 2、找出含有if 的句子,复习条件状语从句。 【学习流程】 ● 自学指导 1. 学生读3a,并提问背诵。 2. 读3b复习句型。 ● 合作探究 (复习巩固3a和3b中语法重点。) T: Read 3a and then make sentences using“It is + adj. + that …”. a. necessary, we, It, that, the elderly, is, help b. is, that, you, It, important, on, different, clothes, wear, suitable, occasions c. It, is, tie, that, doesn’t, go, true, with, a T-shirt, well, a T: Read 3b and then make sentences using “Object clauses”. a. who, it, designed, asks, Tom b. tell, you, where, is, could, me, hospital, the c. you, tell, can, how, me, I, get, the, center, shopping, to 【盘点收获】 “It is + adj. + that …” object clauses.


教师复备栏/学生笔记栏 (选项不全!)

【当堂检测,点击中考】 选择填空。 1. - Would you like to go swimming in the river with us? - Sorry, I won’t. Our teacher don’t allow us _________ that. A. do B. to do C. did D. done 2. We don’t allow _____________ in the classrooms. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate 3. You should take off your shoes before you ________ someone’s home in Japan. A. enter into B. leave for C. go to D. enter 4. You should stop your classmates __________ on the wall. A. to draw B. draw C. from drawing D. of drawing 5. Your sports wear is too dirty. I think it requires ________. A. to wash B. washing C. to buy D. buying 6. Mr. Green gave us _____________ on how to lean English well. A. some advices B. some advises C. some pieces of advices D. some pieces of advice 7. It’s very warm inside, you can ____________ your coat. A. take on B. take out C. put on D. take off 【点评检测结果】

