
呼吸机相关性肺炎 (ventilator-associated pneumonia,VAP)

.概念:是指无肺部感染的患者,在气管插管或气管切开行机械通气治疗48 h后所并发的肺部感染。接受机械通气患者最常见的医院内感染。国外报道VAP发病率为9%~ 70%,病死率可高达50%~69%。国内据文献报道,VAP发生率在18%~60%,病死率高达30%~50%。 VAP集束化管理:也称VAP bundles,采用各种被循证医学证明行之有效的措施对VAP进行诊断、治疗和预防。

呼吸机相关性肺炎的集束化护理 一、严格执行手卫生措施

二、加强口咽护理,每日至少2次洗必泰口腔护理。 三、重视气道湿化,采用人工鼻、加温湿化器等方式 四、定时监测气囊压


六、呼吸机管路的管理,.根据1项2级临床试验,得出的结论是:呼吸机通气管道的更换频率不影响VAP的发生率。较少更换呼吸机通气管道并不与害处相关,而较多更换呼吸机通气管道与费用增加相关。.指南意见:建议每例病人都使用新的通气管道;如果管道被污染,则也要进行更换;但不要定期更换通气管道。 七、维持30-45°半坐卧位,定时翻身

.研究目的:确定机械通气病人半卧位的可行性以及预防VAP效果的实验研究,研究认为平卧位胃肠营养病人较半卧位病人胃液反流增加.取半卧位可将胃内容物误吸降到最低程度,半卧位能减少VAP的发生。 八、正确有效的吸痰


1.气管内吸痰仅仅是在病患有痰的时候,而不是常规性的。也就是说病 患有需要吸痰的指征时才吸痰 (It is recommended that endotracheal

suctioning should be performed only when secretions are present and not routinely) ;

2.如果病患在吸痰时,临床上有明显的血氧饱和度下降的问题,建议吸 痰前提高氧浓度

(It is suggested that pre-oxygenation be considered if

the patient has a clinically important reduction in oxygen saturation with suctioning);建议在吸痰前的30-60秒,向儿童和成人提供100%的氧; 向婴儿提供基础氧浓度的10%(10% increase of baseline in neonates); 3.建议在给呼吸机上的病患吸痰时不要让病患与呼吸机分离(Performing suctioning without disconnecting the patient from the ventilator is suggested);

4.基于对婴儿和儿童所做的研究证据,建议使用浅吸痰而不是深吸痰。 主要是避免深吸痰有可能会造成气管黏膜的损伤(Use of shallow suction is suggested instead of deep suction, based on evidence from infant and pediatric studies);

5.建议不要在气管内吸痰前常规的使用生理盐水滴注。(It is suggested that routine use of normal saline instillation prior to endotracheal suction should not be performed);




儿采用封闭式吸痰(The use of closed suction is suggested for adults with high FiO2,or PEEP,or at risk for lung derecruitment, and for neonates);

7.建议对婴儿采取封闭式的气管内吸痰(Endotracheal suctioning without disconnection(closed system) is suggested in neonates);

8.如果有急性肺损伤的病患发生由于吸痰导致的肺(泡)重新塌陷,建 议避免将病患与呼吸机断开和采用(吸痰后的)肺复张(Avoidance of disconnection and use of lung recruitment maneuvers are suggested if suctioning-induced lung derecruitment occurs in patients with acute lung injury); 9.建议成人和儿童使用的吸痰管

(直径)要小于他们使用的气管插管的直 径的50%,婴儿则要小于

70%(It is suggested that a suction catheter

is used that occludes less than 50% the lumen of the

endotracheal tube in children and adults, and less than 70% in infants);

10.建议每次吸痰的时间不要超过 15秒钟(It is suggested that the

duration of the suctioning event be limited to less than 15 seconds);





6小时监测胃残留量 (GRV)

–胃内储留量≤ 200 ml,维持原速度 –胃内储留量≤

100 ml,增加输注速度 20ml/h


200 ml,暂停输注或降低输注速度



Guideline Recommendation ADA guideline 2008: > 250 ml Canada CPG > 250 ml

ESPEN EN guideline 2006 NA ASPEN/SCCM 2009 > 500 ml
