PETS3英语试题 - B

………………○○……………………线线…………………考点 …○ ○…………考场 …… ……订订……考号 …… …………○考生 ○…… ………………装装……………………○○……………………外内……………………○○……………………○○………………绝密★启用前




I. Choose the best answer. (每小题1.5分,共15分)

1. The No. 6 Bus ________ to Fenghui, and not to Daxiang. A. is gone B. gone C. goes D. has gone

2. ________ your best? Your exercise is not satisfactory. I?m afraid you?ll have to do it again.

A. Did you try B. Do you try C. Are you tried D. Will you try 3. The students in my class never need to be made ________. They all work hard. A. to learn B. learning C. to have learned D. learn 4. It was a great surprise to everyone ________ John changed his mind so soon. A. why B. how C. that D. when

5. ________ Battle of Waterloo, which finally led to Napoleon?s defeat, was fought in ________ year 1815.

A. X, the B. The, X C. X, X D. The, the

6. The first room I had of my own was a small one, only 3 ________ 4 meters square. A. by B. with C. in D. of

7. I heard London has a larger population than ________ in the United Kingdom. A. any city B. any other city C. all cities D. all other city

8. –Jack, do you think the Gibbs will mind if I turn down the invitation? I?m just too busy.


– ______. There?s nothing wrong with your refusing the invitation.

A. No, I don?t B. Of course not C. Never mind D. Don?t mention it 9. The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels ________ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for literature.

A. earned B. obtained C. owned D. owed

10. – Xiao Zhang, I can?t play ping-pong at all. I wonder if you could teach me. – ________. Just name the day.

A. Let me see B. Go ahead C. As you like it D. With pleasure

II. Close . (每小题1.5分,共15分)

You asked me how to take successful photos of animals? Well, the secret is ___11___. Unlike people, who generally are ___12___ to stop what they are doing and say “cheese” before a camera, camera-shy animals are more likely to take off in the ___13___ direction. Patience, however, can prove worthwhile. One photographer spent the better part of a hot ___14___, hid behind a tree, ___15___ to snap a close-up of a lawn. Despite the high ___16___ of late summer and frequent attacks by mosquitoes, the photographer kept her ___17___. After four hours, before sunset, she finally ___18___ her goal, shooting half a roll of film ___19___ her white-tailed subject disappeared into the woods. The photographer later sold three of her photos she took to a well-known ___20___ magazine. 11. A. patience B. skill C. techniques D. tools 12. A. nervous B. happy C. shy D. calm 13. A. same B. wrong C. right D. opposite 14. A. morning B. afternoon C. day D. week 15. A. insisting B. imagining C. hoping D. planning 16. A. task B. light C. spirit D. heat 17. A. watch B. animal C. camera D. secret 18. A. realized B. achieved C. give up D. put off


19. A. when B. since C. before D. after 20. A. beauty B. fashion C. health D. nature

A. was sleeping in Pearl?s room B. broke into the house to wake up Pearl C. was barking outside the room D. jumped out of the fire

III. Reading comprehension (每小题2分,共24分)


Pearl Carlson was shaken awake at 03:30 am by a forceful pull. King, the family dog, was trying to pull her out of bed. Then she smelled smoke and head the sound of the fire from her parent?s room. Pearl?s screams awaked her mother, Fern, and father, Howard, who had recently been in hospital for lung disease. Helping Howard to a first-floor window, Fern told him to climb out, then ran to her daughter.

Still inside, King appeared at Pearl?s window, making squeaking sound. When running toward Pearl?s bedroom, Fern realized her husband hadn?t yet escaped. She made her way back through the smoke and flames, following King?s sound to where Howard lay semiconscious (半昏迷) on the floor. Fern helped him get outside. King came out only after bother were safe.

As day dawned, the Carlson saw that King?s paws (爪子) were badly burned, and his entire body was burned too. His chain collar had gotten so hot that it burned his throat, making it impossible for him to bark normally. Only after the seven-year-old dog refused food did they find pieces of wood in his mouth and realized that King, who slept outside, had bittern through a wood door to warn his family.

21. According to the story, who was the first to get out of the house? A. Howard B. Fern C. King D. Pearl

22. When the room caught fire, King ________.


23. Which of the following is TRUE about King according to the story? A. King died soon after the fire B. King was the first to run away

C. King was burned so much that he couldn?t eat

D. King made a big hole in the door 24. Who was Pearl in this story? A. The husband B. The daughter C. The father D. The Mother


The 400 phone messages said it all. Veterans (退伍老兵) wanted to talk, and Jeff Beers, a military history buff and the son of a retired Navy man, was ready to listen. Beers had volunteered for the Veterans History Project, a program at the Library of Congress dedicated (专注于) to preserving the oral histories of America?s 19 million veterans. Local newspapers listed Beers? number, and the response was tremendous (非同寻常的) . His videotaped 52 vets and counting.


题答许不内线订装………………○○……………………线线…………………考点 …○ ○…………考场 …… ……订订……考号 …… …………○考生 ○…… ………………装装……………………○○……………………外内……………………○○……………………○○………………“Most of them are shocked that anyone would be interested in their small story,” says beers, 33, an assistant engineer for the city of Poway, Calif. “They aske, ?why now?? But it has to be now, before it?s too late.” The US department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 1 847 veterans die each day.

Beers and the other volunteers are collecting the I-was-there details. One of the most moving came from a World War II POW: “he had to march 500 miles through the Black Forest in winter. They ate bark soup and slept at local farms.”

The WWII generation comprises (包含) most the 700 histories gathered since the program began in 2001. But,says director Ellen Lovell, they want to hear from vets of every war. “I interviewed my brother-in-law, an army surgeon (外科医生) in Vietnam,” she says. “He said he shared things with me that he?s never told anyone.”

Want to help? Call 888 371 5848 or visit

25. What do we know from the text about the veterans? A. They they live a very happy life after the war B. They often told their stories to others C. They were highly respected by people

D. They are becoming fewer and fewer in numbers. 26. How did the veterans feel when were interviewed?


A. Happy B. Sad C. Surprised D. Disappointed

27. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to A. Veterans wanted talk B. Jeef Beers was ready to listen C. The veterans had many stories D. There were many phone messages

28. What kind of stories is Jeep Beers most interested in? A. Historical records of World War II. B. Stories written by newspaper reporters C. Stories most talked about by public

D. Personal experiences of people during different wars.


Cigarettes may damage more than just children?s lungs. According to researchers, teen smokers are much more likely to become depressed (消沉的)than their nonsmoking classmates. The findings contradict the widely held belief that teens often start smoking to deal with emotional disorders.


In a story published this month in the magazine Pediatrics, researchers tracked a group of young school children?s behavior. “Smoking within 30 days of the start of the study did predict 预言being depressed a year later,” says Elizabeth Goodman of Children?s Hospital Medial Center in Cincinnati. Teens who smoked were almost four times as likely to be depressed a year later as their nonsmoking classmates. Unexpectedly, the study also shows that nonsmokers who were depressed at the beginning of the study were no more likely to be smokers a year later than their happier classmates.

Though links between depression and smoking remain unclear, the study?s authors say nicotine 尼古丁and other tobacco byproducts may change brain chemistry. That finding is supported by the fact that anti-depression drugs can be helpful in helping people give up smoking.

The study suggests that teen smoking is a serious mental health problem, the authors say. “Smoking isn?t bad for children just because it gets them sick 50 years later,” says coauthor John Capitman of Brandeis University. “It has a bad effect on them in the near future.”

29. The underlined word “contradict” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________. A. point to B. try on C. work out


D. disagree with

30. The study suggests that teen smokers are more likely ________. A. to be depressed B. to defeat depression

C. to be sick when they reach old age

D. to give up smoking when they become adults

31. Which of the following is TRUE to the research findings on teen smokers? A. Sick children are not likely to find comfort in smoking B. Happier children are not likely to become smokers. C. Smoking does not help children who suffer from depression

D. Smoking is not bad for children because it makes them sick in the future 32. What is the effect teen smoking on teenagers according to the last paragraph?

A. Smoking is a bad habit

B. Smoking should be banned immediately

C. Smoking is only bad for children when they are after 50 years of age D. Smoking is bad for children in the near future.

IV. Translate the following Chinese into English. (每小题2分,共20


33. Welcome to Beijing Capital International Airport . 34. Here is your ticket and change.


题答许不内线订装………………○○……………………线线…………………考点 …○ ○…………考场 …… ……订订……考号 …… …………○考生 ○…… ………………装装……………………○○……………………外内……………………○○……………………○○………………35. You can get a drink from the vending machines over there, or the retail in the Departure Hall.

36. Could you tell me where the closest bank is ? 37. Flight MU2045 is scheduled to depart at 3:00 pm. 38. 你好,请通过安全门接受安全检查? 39. 值机大厅里有问询柜台。

40. 你想要头等舱、商务舱还是经济舱? 41. 请问机场快轨在哪呀?

42. 很遗憾的告诉你这是危险物品,你不能把它带上飞机。

V. Correct (每小题1分,共10分) : 见答题卡

VI. Writing(满分16分) 请在下列题目中任选一个题目写作 要求字数在100字以上

1. What?s the weather like in Beijing? 2. Which one is more important: house or love?


