

7.The meeting was ______ over by the mayor of the city.

A.presumed B .proposed C .presented D .presided

presume 假设,主观臆; presumption 推测;放肆,傲慢; pre 提前-sume 认为;propose 提议,建议;求婚;

present 陈述,表达,赠送礼物;preside 主持;系列:president 总统,董事长,校长; presidency 总统等的职

位;管辖,支配; presidence 总统等的职务;管理;

8.The crowd ______ into the hall and some had to stand outside.

A.outgrew B.overthrew C.overpassed D.overflew

overflow 挤满; outgrew 长的太大以至于不合适 The girl has outgrown the dress. overthrow 推翻,打翻; overpass 高架桥,立交桥; overlive 活的比? 长;overrun 超过;

overeat 吃得过多; over- out- 超过的意思;

9.It was clear that the storm ______ his arrival by two hours.

A.retarded B.retired C .refrained D.retreated retire 退休; retreat 后退,撤退;retract 收缩,收回 (尤指把整体中的部分收回去);retard 延迟,迟缓;尤

指人发育比较迟缓;refrain 克制,抑制; refrain oneself from 节制;尤指欲望的克制;refrain oneself from

drinking. arouse 唤醒;激起,引起(情感和欲望);wake up 叫醒; re- 1.再一次,重复;2.back 回来;

refresh 更新,刷新;使某人精神爽快,使恢复记忆; resume 重新开始,恢复;

remarry 再婚;bigamy 重婚(bi 二+gamy 婚姻);remove 除掉,移除;redecorate 重新装修;

prerequisite 前提条件,先决条件;reinstall v.重新安装;reinstallation n.重新安装;

installment 分期付款=instalment;reinstallment 重新分期付款; regenerate 再生,重生;

10.This problem should be discussed first, for it takes ______ over all the other issues.

A.precedence B .prosperity C .presumption D .probability

precedence 先例,前例(pre 先+ced 走); take precedence over 优先于; People’s intrests take precedence over everything. 人民的利益高于一切。 unprecedentedly 史无前例的,空前的;

pre- 源自 private 私人的;(什么最重要?自己的最重要) pre- pri- 前面的,首要的

primary 首要的;prime minister 首相; prime time 黄金时间;primrose 迎春花prim-rose ;

pristine 原始的,清纯的,纯朴的;pristine snow 第一场雪; pristine air 清新的空气;

11.Her sadness was obvious, but she believed that her feeling of depression was ______.

A.torrent B .transient C.tensile D.textured transient 暂时的,临时的;temporary 暂时的;tensile 拉伸的,拉长的;torrent 洪流;

text 课文,文本,文字;纺织;texture 纹理,质地;textile 纺织的,纺织品;pretext 借口;

18. With its anti-terrorism campaign taking _______ over anything else, the government is extending its job and

running in more affairs.

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翁华 词汇

A. superiority B. priority C. majority D. polarity

priority 优先权 ; superiority 优越性 ; majority 多数 ; minority 少数;55minorities 55 个少数民族;polarity 极性;



2、联想记忆法(弥补了词根词缀记忆的枯燥和不足) (1)板块记忆法 (2 )谐音记忆法 (3)图像记忆法 1、词根词缀记忆法

amb ambition 野心

amb 周围 around 两者 two sides

it 走[exit : ex(out)+it(go)能走出的地方:安全出口]

ion 名词后缀 ambition 到处走动->好男儿志在四方 ambulance 救护车(流动的医院) ambiguous 有歧义的 ambivalent 心情矛盾的

ambience 氛围(尤指浪漫的气氛,怡人的) ambler 慢慢走

ambidextrous 非常灵巧的;(dextrous 敏捷的,惯用右手的;ambi+~双手都灵活的)

amphibian 两栖动物 ambassador 大使

走:march 行军 Long March 长征; brave a.勇敢的 v.勇敢的面对,敢冒犯; slip 溜走; stumble 踉踉跄跄

的走;stagger 蹒跚学步;(双写辅音+er 表重复)


car - 车

cart - 平板马车

scar - 伤疤(即可指身体上的也可指心理上的) scarf - 围巾

scarlet - 猩红色的,血红色的;也指女子名字 career - 职业(一生的职业,正式的职业) caress - 抚摸(feel 触摸,感觉;caress 爱抚) carnivore – n.食肉动物 (carn 肉的)

carnivorous –a. 食肉的;(herb 草的 ) herbivore - 食草动物;herbivorous - 食草的 carnival - 嘉年华,狂欢节

reincarnation - 投胎(re-in-carn-ation 灵魂重新回到肉体) aunt 姑姑系列:八大姑 daunt - vt. 恐吓,吓唬

dauntless - 大无畏的,无所惧怕的;近义词:fearless

jaunty - 得意洋洋的;rejoice - 欣喜,欢乐(飘柔洗发水上有;多注意生活) j+元音:常表欢乐

jaunt - vi./ n. 短途旅游journey 长途旅行 taunt - 讽刺,挖苦,奚落,嘲弄(踢姑姑)

haunt - 闹鬼,神鬼出没;萦绕在耳畔,回响在耳边;(房子里的姑姑) (girl 阴ghost)

gaunt - 憔悴的,苍白的; flaunt - 飘扬,招摇, 炫耀 vaunt - 吹嘘, 自夸

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翁华 词汇


lynch - 酷刑,私刑;(谐音:凌迟) morbid - 有毛病的 amateur - 业余爱好者(矮模特->业余的) girder - 横梁,大梁(歌德) boff - 狂笑,大笑(暴富)

quaff - 狂饮,痛饮(夸父追日)

elixir - 灵丹妙药,长生不老药(一粒克死) starch - 淀粉

purposeful - 有目的的(儿媳妇的目的:婆婆死) arena - 竞技场(啊,人呢)

abracadabra - 咒语, 胡言乱语(cad 落下:咒语一念两边各掉一个bra)


Unit 2

12.Nobody knew how he came up with this ______ idea about the trip.

A.weary B .twilight C.unanimous D .weird、 weary 倦怠的,疲倦的; worn out 精疲力竭的; wear and tear 耐磨(经得起穿和撕)

twilight 黄昏,暮年,暮色; unanimous 全体一致的,一致的; weird 奇怪的,古怪的;

13.The flower under the sun would ______ quickly without any protection.

A.wink B .withhold C .wither D .widower wink 使眼色,眨眼; withhold 拒绝给予,抑制,保留;wither 枯萎;

widower 鳏夫;widow 寡妇 14.The ______ of gifted children into accelerated classes will start next week according to their academic


A.segregation B.specification C.spectrum D.subscription

segregation 种族隔离,分离;separate 分离,一般意义的分离;split

se- sex 性别->se-词根:分离,分开; greg –词根:一群,一组;(另见Uint 3 7) specific 具体的,明确的;specification 说明书,明细表;

special 特殊的;specialty (speciality)专业; specialization 专业化;

spectrum 光谱;spec-词根:看; subscribe v. 签名(文件,有法律效率);订购,认购,订阅;sign 签名(无法

律效率);subscription n.

20.She made two copies of this poem and posted them ______ to different publishers.

A.sensationally B.simultaneously C.strenuously D.simply

simultaneous interpretation 同声传译;sensationally 引起轰动效应地,极其轰动效应地; strenuously 非常费力气地;simply 仅仅,只是,简单地; -ous 系列

instantaneous 昙花一现的,瞬间即逝的,美好而短暂的;instant 瞬间的,快的;instant noodles 方便面;

contemporaneous 同时期的,同时代的(同年同月生的);temporary 临时的;contemporary 当代;

extraneous 外来的,外部的,外面的; subterraneous 地下的(比喻意义的);terrane 地 underground 地下(一般意义的); homogeneous 同种的,同类的,同质的;

heterogeneous 异种的,异类的;词根:homo-相同;heter-不同,相异; spontaneous 自然的,自发的,天然的;(very very natural); righteous 正义的; Unit 3
