
You should say: Where you went

How long the trip took Who you went with

And explain why you remember this trip.

第三部份:long-distance trip / the development of tourism

Describe a famous person in your country who has influenced you. You should say:

How you knew this person What made him or her famous What achievements he or she had

And explain how this person influenced you.

第三部份:influence of famous people, pros and cons of being famous

Describe a situation you were congratulated. You should say:

What the situation was

Who were there to congratulate you Why you were congratulated

And explain how you felt about it.

第三部分:different stages of life / success and achievement / competition

Describe a child you know. You should say:

How you know him or her

What kind of person he or she is What you know about this child

And explain how you feel about this child.

第三部份:children vs. teenager, upbringing of a child, one child policy

Describe a couple who you think have a happy marriage. You should say: Who they are

How long they have been married How they live their lives

And explain why you think they are happily married. 第三部份:the art of marriage, role of husband and wife

Describe your ideal home you would like to live in. You should say:

What types of house it would be Where it would be

Who you would like to live with

And explain why you would like to live in this home.

第三部份:development of architecture / housing problem

Describe a place of natural beauty. You should say: Where it was

When you went there What you saw there

And explain how you felt about it.

第三部份:environment protection, tourism

Describe a work of art you have seen (a painting or sculpture) You should say:

When and where you saw it What it looked like Who made it

And explain how you felt about it.

第三部份:art education, art and daily life

Describe a foreign culture you are interested in. You should say: What this culture is

How you knew about this culture What you know about this culture

And explain why you are interested in it. 第三部份:culture shock

Describe a useful website you like to visit. You should say: What website it is

How you knew it

How often you visit it

And explain why it is useful. 第三部分:distance learning

Describe a group activity you took part in (at school, university or work). You should say:

What the activity was Who was with you

How you took part in it

And explain how felt about being part of the group. 第三部份:team spirit

Describe a small business you would like to own.

You should say:

What business you would like to own What made you want to own it How you would like to start it

And explain why you would like to own this business. 第三部份:self employment vs. working for others

Describe a difficult thing you did well. You should say: What it was How you did it

Who were with you

And explain how you felt after you did it.

第三部份:past vs. present, difficulty and ambition

Describe a bad weather you experienced. You should say:

What bad weather you experienced When it happened Where you were

And explain how it affected you.

第三部份:natural disaster / climate change

Describe a recent change to your hometown. You should say: Where is the change

How it has changed What it used to be like

And explain how you feel about the change.

第三部分:city plan / positive change vs. negative change

Describe a popular band or musician in your country. You should say: Who they are

What kind of music they perform How you knew them

And explain why you think they are popular.

第三部份:copyright vs. piracy, music and culture

Describe a product from another country that you bought. You should say: What it was

Where you bought it What you used it for

And explain why you bought it.

第三部份:west vs. east / international trade

Describe a song which you heard in a particular time. You should say:

What was the name of the song What was the song about

When was the particular time that you heard the song And explain how you felt about the song at that time. 第三部份:music and culture

Describe a book you read at least twice. You should say: What book it was

What the book was about

When was the first time and the second time you read it And explain why you read it more than once.

第三部份:new way of reading – the Internet, Ipad

Describe an advertisement you think is successful. You should say:

When and where you saw or heard it What kind of advertisement it was What the advertisement was about And explain how you felt about it. 第三部份:the impact of advertisment
