
Äã? You? Ëû? Him? ËûÊÇÖ»ÐÜè ÐÜè! He's a Panda.

ÄãÏëÔõôÑù ´ó¼Ò»ï ³ÔÎÒ°¡?

You're a Panda. What are you going to do, Big Guy? ±ðС¿´ÎÒ ÎÒÓоíÖá Sit on me. Don't tempt me.


Now, I'm going to use this. You want it. Come get it. ÖÕÓÚ Finally.

ÁúÖ®µäÊÇÎÒµÄ That Scroll is mine!

ÁúÖ®µä¸øÁËËûÁ¦Á¿ The Scroll has given him power. ÖÕÓÚ ÁúÖ®µäµÄÁ¦Á¿ÊÇÎÒµÄ Finally.

Oh yes. The power of the Dragon Scroll is mine! ʲô¶¼Ã»ÓÐ It's nothing! û¹ØϵµÄ ÎÒµÚÒ»´Î¿´Ò²Ã»ÁìÎò It's okay. I didn't get it the first time either. ʲô? What?


There is no secret ingredient. ¶øÊÇ×Ô¼º It's just you.

Í£ÏÂÀ´! ÎÒÅÂÑ÷...... ±ð! ±ð! Stop it! Ho, ho, ho. I'm going to pee. Don't...don't...don't. Ha...ha...ha... Äã²»¿ÉÄÜ´ò°ÜÎÒµÄ You can't defeat me. ÄãÊÇÒ»Ö»ÓÖ´óÓַʵÄÐÜè

You...you're just a big fat Panda!

ÎÒ²»ÊÇÒ»Ö»ÓÖ´óÓַʵÄÐÜè ÎÒÊǶÀÒ»ÎÞ¶þµÄ·ÊÐÜè I'm not a big fat Panda. I'm the Big Fat Panda! °¡! ÎÞ¼«Ä黨ָ The Wushi finger hold? Ŷ! ÄãÖªµÀÕâ¸öÖ¸·¨? Oh, you know this hold.

ÄãÖ»ÊÇÔÚÐéÕÅÉùÊƶøÒÑ Ê¦¸¸²»»á½ÌÄãÕâ¸öµÄ

You're bluffing. You're bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you that! ÊÇûÓÐ! ÊÇÎÒ×Ô¼ºÁìÎòµÄ

No, I figured it out. Skedush...! Ŷ! ¿´ÄÄ...Áú¶·Ê¿!

Ah... look! The Dragon Warrior.

ÄÇÊÇÎÒ¶ù×Ó! ÄǸöÓÖ´óÓÖ¿É°®µÄÎäÁÖ¸ßÊÖÊÇÎÒ¶ù×Ó! That's my boy! The big lovely Kung Fu warrior is my son! Ò®! Yes. лл ÀÏ°Ö Thanks Dad. àË! ʦÐÖʦ½ãÃÇ Hey guys. ´óÏÀ Master. Master. ´óÏÀ? ʦ¸¸!! Master? Master Shifu?

ʦ¸¸! ʦ¸¸? ʦ¸¸? Ä㻹ºÃ°É? Master! Shifu! Shifu! Are you okay? °¢²¨! Ä㻹»î×Å°¡ »¹ÊÇÎÒÁ©¶¼ËÀÁË? Po. You are alive. Or we are both dead.

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²»! ʦ¸¸ ÎÒûËÀ ÎÒսʤÁËÌ«ÀÉ No Master, I didn't die. I defeated Tai Lung. ÕæµÄ? You did?

ÍÛ! ¹ûÕæºÍ¹êÏÉÈ˵ÄÔ¤ÑÔÒ»Ñù ÄãµÄÈ·ÊÇÁú¶·Ê¿ ... Wow!

It is as Oogway foretold. You are the Dragon Warrior. Äã¸øɽ¹È´øÀ´Á˺Íƽ Ò²ÈÃÎÒµÃÒÔƽºÍ You have brought peace to this Valley. And to me. ллÄã ллÄã °¢²¨! ллÄã ллÄã Thank you. Thank you, Po. Thank you. Thank you... ²» ʦ¸¸ No, Master...

²»... ²»ÒªËÀʦ¸¸ °ÝÍÐ No, no, no! Don't die Shifu, please!

ÎÒûËÀ ÄãÕâ¸ö´Àµ° Ŷ! Áú¶·Ê¿

I'm not dying, you idiot! Aah... Dragon Warrior... ÎÒÔÚ¾²Ïë...ÖÕÓÚ

I'm simply at peace. Finally. Ŷ ÄÇÎҸñÕ×ìÁË

Oh...So I should stop talking. Èç¹ûÄã¿ÉÒÔ If you can.


Do you want to get something to eat? °¦... ºÃ Yes

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