
14、successful—动词 succeed---名词 success ---副词 successfully

15、sometime 某时

sometimes 有时=from time to time=at times some times几次

some time 一段时间

16、risk v. 冒险 n. 危险,冒险;

冒险做某事 risk doing sth.

冒险一次失去一切 risk losing everything all at one time

有被杀的危险。There is a risk of being killed. 17、practice n.练习、实践、训练 v 练习

熟能生巧。 Practice makes perfect . 练习做某事 practice doing sth.

碰你 touch you 触动了我 touch me 二、重点词组、句型用法

1、你是什么意思?What do you mean?

mean-过去式 meant --过去分词meant —ing meaning

mean-名词meaning -形容词meaningful -形容词meaningless 这个单词是什么意思?

What does the word mean?=What is the meaning of the word?=What do you mean by the word?

2、活到老学到老。 You are never too old to learn. 3、到处扔垃圾 drop litter everywhere

让水龙头流淌 leave the tap running 摘花 pick flowers

遵守交通规则 obey traffic rules

排队等候轮到你 queue for your turn 4、在书上写 write in the books

写在一张纸上write on a piece of the paper 写在报纸上write in the newspaper 5、阅读完将它们放回 put them back

6、邀请珍妮谈论英国的礼仪 invite Jenny to talk about manners in the UK

邀请他参加我的生日聚会 invite him to my birthday party 7、问候人的正确的方式 the proper way to greet people 做某事的方法the way to do sth.=the way of doing sth.

解这道题的方法(两种) the way to solve the problem= the way of solving the problem

8、与某人握手shake one’s hand=shake hands with sb. shake—shook—shaken-shaking

第一次遇到你meet you for the first time 9、用亲吻问候人greet people with a kiss

greet vt. 问候;打招呼 greet—noun. greeting

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greet somebody with …以……方式跟人打招呼

10、在公共场所表现有礼貌 behave politely in public

11、They think it’s rude to push in before others. 插队push in

It is + adj + (for sb) + to do sth. (对某人来说,)做某事……

句型中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do sth.

e.g. It is impolite to ask British people how old they are. 问英国人多大年龄是不礼貌的。

12、撞上某人 bump into someone

13、挡住某人的道 in someone’s way

在许多方面 in many ways 在某种程度上 in some ways

用这种方法 in this way 顺便问一下 by the way 在去邮局的途中 on the way to the post office 在我上学的途中 on my way to the school 14、 从你身边挤过去 push past you

15、“劳驾” “Excuse me” 对不起 I am sorry.

excuse既可以作名词,也可以作动词。作名词时,可意为“借口”;作动词时, 可意为“原谅”。

e.g. Mary explained why she was late, but we didn’t accept her excuse.

玛丽解释了为什么他迟到了,但是我们没有接受她的借口。 Please excuse him for arriving late. 请原谅他来晚了。

16、在公共场所保持你的声音很低keep your voice down in public

17、正如谚语所说:入乡随俗。As the saying goes:“When in Rome,do as the Romans do”. 18、偶然、意外地by accident

在别人面前排队 queue before others 19、加入讨论join the discussion

加入阅读俱乐部 join the Reading Club 加入我们的行列 join us

加入我们游泳的行列join us in swimming

参加运动会(两种)join the sports meeting/take part in the sports meeting

参加会议 attend the meeting

20、写下所有的要点 write down all the points 将它写下 write it down

21、忙于做家庭作业be busy doing homework=be busy with homework

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忙于她的舞蹈课 be busy with her dancing lessons 他太忙于和他的朋友谈话而没有看电视。

He is too busy talking with his friend to watch TV. 22、在公共场所 in public places

公开地、在别人面前 in public 公共标识 public signs

23、颜色明亮 be bright in colours

保持我们安全远离危险 keep us safe from danger 24、严禁拍照 No photos 严禁吸烟 No smoking 严禁停车 No parking 严禁扔垃圾 No littering

25、刚才我没有注意到那个标志。I didn't notice that sign just now.

26、不久以后 soon after

28、早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 The early bird catches the worm.

不雨则已,一雨倾盆。/祸不单行 It never rains but it pours.

人多活轻/众人拾柴火焰高 Many hands make light work.

人人皆有得意时 Every dog has its day .

孤注一掷 Put all your eggs in one basket . 邻家芳草绿/风景在别处 The grass is always greener on the other side.

行动胜过语言 Actions speak louder than words. 一份耕耘一份收获 No pain,no gain .

患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend indeed .

熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect .

蜡烛烧两头/过度劳累 Burn the candle at both ends .

实现他的梦想 realize his dream

30、在数年艰苦的工作之后 after years of hard work 31、持续不断地练习讲英语 keep practising speaking English

32、良好的餐桌礼仪 good table manners 33、演讲的目的是教学生吃饭的规矩。

The purpose of the talk is to teach students rules for eating.

34、吃喝时弄出太多声音 make too much noise while eating or drinking

35、张着嘴吃 eat with your mouth open 嘴里含着食物说话 talk with food in your mouth

36、越过别人的盘子夹东西 reach over someone’s plate for something

37、等每个人吃完 wait for everyone to finish 38、我们应该知道这些规则以确保主人和客人在桌旁都很舒服。

在餐桌旁 at the table 就餐,用餐,吃饭 at table

39、举办一个有关良好餐桌礼仪的演讲 hold a talk on good manners


The basketball game will take place next Tuesday .

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昨天下午王先生发生了一个车祸。 A car accident happened to Mr Wang yesterday afternoon. 41、将有很多关于餐桌礼仪的建议。 There will be a lot of advice on table manners 42、首要的是 above all 三、语法规则 ⑴ 你年龄足够大了可以了解礼仪了。You are old enough to learn about manners. Enough+noun./adj./adv.+enough ⑵英国人太有礼貌而不会在公共场所大叫。 British people are too polite to shout loudly in public. …enough to do … 足够…而做某事 too..to do.. 太..而不能做某事 so…that… 如此…以致… such…that… 如此…以致… 他太小了不能上学。(三种)He is too young to go to school.=He is not old enough to go to school.=He is so young that he can’t go to school. 这个房间太小了十个人住不下。(四种) The room is too small for ten people to live in.=The room is not old enough for ten people to live in.=The room is so small that ten people can’t live in it.=It’s such a small room that ten people can’t live in it . 补充练习: ( ) 1. Jack is ______funny_______make us happy after class. A so; that B too; to C / ; enough to D enough; to ( ) 2. This skirt is____long____wear. I want to change a shorter one. A so; to B too; to C so; that D such; that ( ) 3. Daniel is_______to help his friends at all times. A kind enough B enough kind C too kind D very kind 四、语篇复习 A、任务型阅读。(先让学生阅读8Bunit 5Reading部分,再完成练习,每空一词。) 1 in the UKBritish people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. They only greet 2 relatives or ___3____ friends with a kiss. They like to start a ____4____ with subjects like weather, holidays, music, books. They ___5____ talking about age, weight or money. What British They always queue. people do in They say sorry if 7 into someone. . They say “excuse me ”if someone is in their way. 8 / 10 Topic
