
should take it slowly. Maybe you could build an exercise program that becomes more and more difficult as time goes by. W is that what your doctor said?

M no. it is just common sense. Everyone knows you shouldn?t overwork yourself when you start exercising.

W thanks for the concern. But tell Ma and Pa that I?ll be fine with what I?m doing.

Understanding a passage

It is very important to exercise. Many studies have shown that regular activity and exercise can improve overall health substantially. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 35%, stroke by about 28%, certain cancers by 20% and more, and high blood pressure by an amazing 52%. Exercise can also help you to build healthy bones and muscles. Athletes must do physical training on a regular basis to increase their level of performance. Exercising includes walking, running, biking and plenty of other activities as well. My advice would be to pick something you enjoy doing and wouldn?t mind pursuing on a regular basis. Then, you must stick to a schedule. You can even pick a few different activities to mix things up and keep it interesting. Also, always stretch before physical activity! This is very important as you do not want to pull muscles. Most importantly, to keep a healthy body you must stay


Understanding a radio program

Here at this Chicago High School and others, there has been so much emphasis on the quality of school menus, but this new study says that none of that really matters when fast food is just a short walk away.

How can a cafeteria ever hope to compete with this? A new Harvard study says more and more schools now have to. Eighty percent of schools in Chicago with a fast food restaurant less than half a mile away, raising concerns about how easy it is for kids to eat poorly, and whether fast food companies are moving into the neighborhood on purpose.

“ they take into account the demographics of neighborhoods, the roadways in neighborhoods, and where the access is to the consumer base.”

Doctor Bryn Austin is the study?s lead author and says on a typical day, nearly a third of American kids eat fast food. When they do, they consume more fat and calories, fewer vegetables and fruits than on days when they don?t.

Overall, nearly nine million children in the US are overweight or obese, more than one in every seven kids, a number that has tripled since 1980. McDonald?s criticized the Chicago study, saying most restaurants are in heavily trafficked areas. Schools said their spokesmen have nothing

to do with it. But child health advocates like Doctor Matte Longjohn say the study shows how recent attempts to improve school menus, even remove soda vending machines, may not be enough to improve children?s eating habits.

Listening and speaking

People talk endlessly about the benefits of exercise. And when they aren?t talking about it, they?re reading about it in health magazines, watching programs about it on television, or listening to recordings about it. People can become so concerned about exercise that they begin to go insane with worry.

It is easy to understand why people attach great importance to exercise. Exercise can not only improve your health, but also enhance your mood and reduce depression and anxiety. People who do regular exercise often achieve an overall sense of well-being.

But this concern about exercise has gone too far. Some people are so obsessed with exercise that they give little time and attention to other aspects of their personal lives. I know a guy who spent all his spare time in the gym. Finally, he found himself estranged from his family. What?s more, if you do it in the wrong way, exercise can actually harm your body. Some people work out hard and pull their muscles; some even hurt a joint

or break a bone. Unit 3 ways to win

1 W: The president has decided that the current education system must be changed.

M: Yeah. But the question is what to change and how to change it. I?d

like a leader who has real ideals for how things could be done! Q : what can we infer from the conversation?

2 W: A new language school from England gas gotten a lot of attention

because of it success in teaching students English.

M: I saw something on the news about it. I should ask my teacher what he thinks.

Q : How does the man know of the English language school?

3 W : My daughter? college entrance exam is coming up, and I don?t think she?s ready.

M : You might want to send her to a test preparation school, modelled on the schools in Japan. Students there do quite well.

Q : why does the man recommend the test preparation school? 4 W: Our school has started offering classes in Chinese philosophy and religions.

M: I?ve actually taken some of these classes, as well as a Chinese cooking class. And now i want to visit China to see how the people live. Q: What does the man want to learn about when he travels to china?
