
5 W: do you have any ideas for how i could improve my study skills? M: there are a lot of special techniques and even classes on the subject of study skills, but I think you should forget about all of that. Just study more!

Q: what should the woman do?

6 W: I?ve been thinking a lot about how i could become happier. But i don?t know what to do.

M: Well, I think you should give up on the idea that money brings happiness. Try learning from poor, simple farmers. They always seem happy.

7 W: Well, I can?t see why you are travelling to Germany.

M: I know you want me to stay here, but my boss is sending me. I? m supposed to have a look at a factory there and learn sth from it. Q: Why is the man travelling to Germany?

8 W: When the meeting begins, I?d like you to introduce the method of negotiation you learned while you were in Japan.

M: OK. Do you have plans to discuss how these methods can be used, or can l do that?

Q: What are the speaker talking about?

9 W: While you?re away in Australia, I?d like you to learn all you can about Australian business, anything we can use to make our company better.

M: OK, I will. I?ll work hard and make the best of this opportunity Q: What is the problem relationship between the two speaker? 10 W: After trying new education methods from Germany, Japan, and India, I?m still shocked to find that nothing is helping our students here improve.

M: Maybe the methods aren?t successful outside of their our countries and we should stick to our local British ways. Q: where are the speakers? 1-5 DCBCC 6-10 BACBA

Understanding a long conversation::

M: Mandy has been working really hard to get into a good college. I wonder whether there’s anything we can do to help. W: Well, we could send her a juku. M: A what ? That sounds Japanese.

W: It is Japanese. A juku is a Japanese school that prepares students for the college entrance examination.

M: There are Japanese schools here in the United States?

W: Not quite. There are schools here that are in the style of the Japanese ones. And they are very successful in preparing students for big exams.

M: That sounds good, but i don’t think Mandy would want to leave

the school she’s at now.

W: She wouldn’t leave. Juku are attended in addition to regular schools. She’d go there every day in the evening. And she’d also attend on weekends.

M: You think Mandy would do that? it’d take a lot of her free time away.

W: Our daughter is a good student, and she wouldn’t mind the extra work involved.

M: OK, maybe we can go and visit one first before we make any decisions. How about tomorrow? Question for the dialogue above: 1 what are the speakers tailking about? B 2 what do juku schools prepare students for? C 3 what can we infer from the conversation? A 4 how does the woman feel about Mandy? B

5 what is the problem relationship between the two speakers? D Understanding a passage:

Young people go to school to gather information, become respectable members of society, and prepare themselves either for university study or for employment. And it is a teacher’s job to help students accomplish these goals. But are public school teachers doing a good job?

A recent report has an answer-NO. And the details are disturbing. For one, researchers claim that 57% of all class time is wasted. During this time, no teaching or learning is actually taking place, as teacher has given this time to students to do whatever that wish. If students want to talk to friends or play computer games, that is what they do. Secondly, teaching are neglecting their classes by sometimes not even being in the room with their students. According to the report, teachers spend 33% of the time outside of the classroom where their students can’t see them. Thirdly, and probably most disturbing of all, 10% to 12% of teachers are drunk when they are giving their lessons.

It is clear that sth must change if public schools wish to help students accomplish their goals. And it seems that teachers should be supervised if improvements are to be made. Questions for the passage above: 1what is the passage mainly about? A

2 according to the report, what happens during half of the class time? B 3 how much of class time do teachers spend out of the sight of their students? A

4 what does the speaker find most disturbing? C What is the first step toward improving schools? A Unit 4
