
15、light rain 小雨--(反)heavy rain 大雨,暴雨 heave snow 大雪,暴雪 heavy work 繁重的工作

16、物做主语时,用expensive或cheap The car is very expensive. 价格(price)做主语时,用high或low The price of the car is very high. 17、not only... but also...不仅...而且...

also可省略,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词就近原则。 Not only you but also he likes the film very much. 18、traffic jam 交通堵塞 复数 ~ jams

19、have to 不得不 (客观上) It’s late. I have to go home now. muse 必须 (主观上) You must study hard. 20、carry 拿,提,扛,抬 不强调方向 He is carrying a big box.

bring 拿来,带来 Please bring me a cup of tea.

take 拿走,带走 Please take my schoolbag to the classroom. 21、(1) change n. 变化,改变 (可数名词) 零钱(不可数名词) Great changes have taken place here. I have no change with me.

(2) change -v. change A into B 把A变成B We change ice into water by heating it. change A for B 用A换B I’m thinking of changing my car for a new one. 22、play with 和……一起玩 The boy is playing with a toy plane.

He doesn’t like to play with others. Don’t play with fire. 语法:一般将来时 will

肯定句结构:主语+will +动词原形+其他. 否定句结构:主语+will not +动词原形+其他. 一般疑问句:will提到句首

Will +主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+will.

否定回答:No,主语+won’t(will not).

注意:be going to 表示自己打算做某事,计划做某事或有意做某事 will 则表示对未来的猜测

写作1:Talk about what your school will be like in 10 years.(不少于60词)

Our school will become more beautiful in ten years. There will be a lot of computers in the classroom for students to study. So students will study better than before. There will be more trees and gardens in the school yard. Therefore, students can get good relax after class. In a word, our school will be more and more popular in the future.


话题写作2:请根据下面的提示,以“Our Life in the Future”为题,展望一下我们未来的生活。

提示:1.学生在家里学习,使用电脑和网络。2. 科学家会制造机器人。 3. 将来人人有车,污染也很少。 Our Life in the Future What do you think our life will be like?

I guess there will be computers in our houses in the future. We will study at home. We don’t use books and we’ll use the Internet. We students will use computers to talk to our teachers. Scientists will make many robots. In the future we will have less work to do. The robots will do many different kinds of things for us. They can help us to do some cleaning , do some cooking and so on. Each of us will have a car in the future and there will be less pollution.

Our life in the future will be better, so we should study hard. We will make our dreams come true.

Module 5 Shopping

1、buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物

I’ll buy my mum a present tomorrow. = I’ll buy a present for my mum tomorrow. make sb. sth.=make sth. for sb. 为某人做某物 cook sb. sth.=cook sth. for sb. 为某人做... 2、on Mother’s Day 在母亲节 3、购物相关句型

What can I do for you?= Can I help you?

What colour does she like? What size does she take? May I try it on? There’s a sale on today.

How many/much would you like? How much+ be + sth? I’ll take it.

I’ve got some food to buy.

4、What about...?=How about...? ...怎么样?

5、try on 试穿 宾语是代词,要放在try与on的中间;宾语是名词可放on的前或后。 put on 穿上 trun on 打开

hold on 等一下(电话用语)=wait a minute 6、Certainly. = Sure. = Of course.当然。

7、too much 太多(修饰不可数名词) too many 太多(修饰可数名词)


much too 太(修饰形容词或副词) 8、a sale on 打折、降价出售,相当于on sale

There is a sale on today. 今天降价出售。 She buys the skirt when it is on sale. for sale 待售 There are a lot of goods for sale. 有许多待售商品。 9、half a kilo 半斤 half price 半价 half a month 半月 half an hour 半小时 一个半小时的两种说法: one and a half hours = an hour and a half 10、What else 还有什么 Who else 还有谁 11、五个感官系动词,后面接形容词

look、smell、sound、taste、feel look happy smell delicious feel soft

12、life n. 生命,生活 复数lives all one’s life 某人一生 live a … life 过着…的生活 Is there any life on the moon? My uncle lives a happy life. 我叔叔过着幸福的生活。 13、online shopping 网上购物 Online shopping is very popular now. 14、one of ... ...之一,后接名词复数 ,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 Jim is one of the tallest students in our class.

15、a few days later 几天后 a few days earlier 几天前

16、advantage-反义词disadvantage Online shopping has several advantages. 17、at any time 在任何时间 At any time, the shops are always open.

18、compare A with B 把A和B做比较 Parents often compare their children with others’. 19、save money 省钱 make money 赚钱 save one’s life 救 save the document 保存 20、pay over the Internet 网上支付

21、way of life 生活方式 Online shopping is changing our way of life.

22、one day 一天(过去或将来) One day I will leave the city. One day last week I met him. some day 一天(只表示将来) I will fly to the moon some day. 23、no one 做主语,谓语动词用单数 No one likes lazy child. 24、because 后面接句子 He was late for school because he got up late.

because of 后面接名词或动名词 He was late for school because of the heavy rain. 25、and so on 相当于省略号 We study Chinese, maths, English and so on.

语法:特殊疑问句 相当于特殊疑问词加一般疑问句

what 什么 what colour 什么颜色 what size 多大号 what time =when 什么时间 how many 多少,对数字提问 How many books do you have? how much 多少,提问价格或不可数名词 How much is the book? how often 提问频率 how soon 多久(以后) how long 多长


how far 多远 how high 多高(多用于问不与地面接触的东西) how tall 人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,多高 which 哪一个 who 谁 whom 谁(宾格),一般情况下可用who代替 whose 谁的 where 哪儿 why 为什么, 多用because 回答

随着互联网的发展,网购成为一种时尚,然而网络购物有优点也有缺点。请根据以下提示说说网络购物的利与弊,并发表你的观点。 网购的优点:24小时营业,很便捷;便宜;节省时间。 网购的缺点:看不见物品,不能检查质量;不能享受和朋友一起购物的乐趣;有时会被骗(cheat). 你的观点:…(至少两点)

Shopping on the Internet is being more and more popular. More and more people are using the Internet to buy things. In my opinion, Internet shopping is very convenient, and we needn’t worry about wasting time, we can just stay at home and shop for anything that we want at any time, day or night.

What’s more, the products on the Internet are usually cheaper than those in the Shopping Center. However, everything has two points. Internet shopping also has some disadvantages. For example, we can’t see the true product, and we lose the chance to enjoy shopping with friends. Sometimes, we can be cheated. Anyway, Internet shopping is very important in our life. Module 6 1、问路相关句型

(1) Could you tell me how to get to...? (5) Can you tell me the way to ...? (2) Can you show me the way to ...? (6) Is there a ... near here? (3) How can I get /go to...?/get there? (7) How do I get to...?/get there? (4) Where is the ...?

2、get to + sp.= reach + sp. = arrive at sp. (小地点) / in + sp. (大地点) 到达某地 3、in front of 在(外面的)前面 in the front of 在(内部的)前面 4、go across = cross 穿过(横穿)

5、go along = go down = walk along = walk up = follow 沿着 6、turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 turn around 转身 7、at the third street 在第三条街 8、over there 在那边

9、on the right/ left 在右边/左边

10、opposite...在...的对面 There is a shop opposite the school. 11、tour 旅游—tourist、visitor 游客

