


Figures of speech (修辞)are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech.

Figures of Resemblance and Relationship


Metaphor(暗喻) (隐喻) Metonymy(转喻) (借代) Synecdoche(提喻) Personification(拟人) Antonomasia (换称)

一 Simile(明喻)

Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.

Simile is a comparison between two different things that resemble each other in at least one way. In formal prose the simile is a device both of art and explanation, comparing an unfamiliar thing to some familiar thing (an object, event, process, etc.) known to the reader. For example,

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.

1. Simile通常由三部分构成:本体(tenor or subject),喻体(vehicle or reference)和比喻词(comparative word or indicator of resemblance)。 eg: My love is like a red red rose. tenor comparative word vehicle 2.句型


★A联系动词(以to be 居多)+like

Eg: Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标犹如航行没有指南针 ★实意动词+like。

They will never be able to save money to buy a new house——they both spend money like water. ★ as 型


英语里有不少含有明喻的成语,其结构为as+形容词+as+名词(第一个as可省略)。例如: (as) firm as a rock 坚如磐石 (as) light as a feather 轻如鸿毛 (as) close as an oyster 守口如瓶 (as) mute as a fish 噤若寒蝉 (as) strong as a horse 强壮如牛 (as) cool as a cucumber 泰然自若 (as) sober as a judge 十分清醒



(as) sure as a gun 千真万确


最常见的是as if/though,另外还有其他一些形式。

Eg: He was a beautiful horse that looked as though he had come out of a painting by Vealsquez. 这匹马真雄俊,看起来仿佛是从一副维拉斯奎兹的油画里跑出来的一样。 ★ what型

A. A is to B what X is to Y

Eg: Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.


Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers. 明智的表扬对于孩子的作用,就像阳光对于花朵的作用。 B What X is to Y, A is to B.

Eg: What salt is to food, that wit and humour are to conversation and literature.

妙语与幽默对于会话与文学,恰似盐对于食物一样。 ★than型

A home without love is no more than a body without a soul.


Man can not help craving for expression any more than birds can help singing.



这是一种特殊的明喻句,常见于英语谚语。其中and的作用相当于like. Eg: A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 说出的话犹如抛出的石,是收不回的。 Love and cough can not be hid. 恋爱如同咳嗽,难逃他人耳目。

Words and feathers are tossed by the wind.


Truth and roses have thorns about them.


King and bears often worry their keepers. 国王跟熊一样,总使照料者坐立不安。


Metaphor:(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the world is a stage.

Metaphor compares two different things by speaking of one in terms of the other. Unlike a simile or analogy, metaphor asserts that one thing is another thing, not just that one is like another. Very frequently a metaphor is invoked by the to be verb: Metaphor is compressed simile(简缩了的明喻)。






最常见的句式是“甲是乙”,喻体一般体现在句子的表语部分。 All the world?s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.


Money is a bottomless sea, in which honour, conscience, and truth may be drowned.

金钱是无底的海洋,荣誉、良心和真理都可以淹没在其中。 ★动词型

The boy wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it. 那男孩儿一抓到食物便狼吞虎咽般地吃了下去。

Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested 。 书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。 ★形容词型

She has a photographic memory for detail. 她对细节有照相机般的记忆力。

The mountainous waves swallowed up the ship. 山一般的巨浪吞没了那艘航船。 ★-of短语型

-of-短语构成的英语隐语很普遍,根据其结构及用法特征又可细分为两类: A. a/the+N1+of+N2

Eg: the bridge of friendship, the valley of despair.

B a+N1+of+a+N2 (N1和N2前除a外,还可用the或人称代词的所有格形式) Eg: a flower of a girl, a fox of a man

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

自由之树需要爱国者和暴君的鲜血来浇灌。鲜血是养育自由之树的天然基肥。 A policeman waved me out of the snake of traffic and flagged me to stop. 一位警察招手要我从长蛇般的车流中出来,并招呼我停下。

三、Metonymy(转喻) (借代)

Metonymy (转喻) It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the mane of one thing for that of another. For instance,. Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword.

该修辞故意不用需要说明的人或物的本称,而是借与该人或该物密切相关的事物名称来代替,即借乙名代甲称。Metonymy的运用基础是联想,两个相互借代的事物必然紧密相关,存在某种现实的联系。 如:What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave(幼小所学,终生不忘),句中的the cradle与the grave是跟birth与death密切相关的事物,因此两者之间形成了借代关系。 :


A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breast. 千条汉子能共处,两个婆娘难相容。 ★以工具代替动作或行为者

A hundred bayonets were marching down the street. 100把刺刀正沿街前进。




Whenever my husband has a bad day at the office, he hits the bottle. 每当我丈夫在办公室不顺心,他就会喝得酩酊大醉。 ★以人体器官代替其功能

The practiced ear can recognize a classic flavour. 有音乐修养的人能够听出古典音乐的韵味。 She has the eye for the fair and the beautiful. 她有审美眼光。

I have an opinion of you, sir, to which it is not easy to give the mouth. 我对你有一个意见,先生,不过很难用话语表达出来。 ★以人或动物代替其特性

There is still much of the schoolboy in him. 他身上还有许多小学生的气质。

The wolf and the pig mingled together in his face. 凶残与贪婪交织在一起,浮现在他的脸上。 ★以原材料代替制成品

The 25th Games in Barcelona saw 4golds and 5 silvers in swimming fall into China?s pockets. 在巴塞罗那举行的第25届奥运会上,游泳项目有4枚金牌、5枚银牌落入了中国队的囊中。 And as he pluck?d the cursed steel away, 当他拔出那可恶的凶器的时候 Mark how the blood of Caesar followed…瞧,恺撒的血是怎样跟着它流出来 ★以作者或生产者代替作品或产品

The captain…had fallen in possession of a complete Shakespeare. 船长…得到了一整套的莎士比亚作品。 We drove a Ford to Hyde Park.

我们驾驶一辆福特到海得公园去。 ★以具体事物代替抽象事物

Although his plan had not completely succeeded, she gave him a pat on the back for having tried so hard.

尽管他的计划未获完全成功,但她对他作出的努力表示赞许。 ★以抽象事物代替具体事物

In the present instance, it was sickness and poverty together that she came to visit.

在目前这种情况下,她一并前来探望的是病人和穷人以事物活动的处所代替事物或活动者 She is an ageing opera singer who has retired from the stage to teach. 她是一位年迈的歌剧演员,现已退出舞台从事教学。


Kremlin(克林姆林宫,俄罗斯政府) The Pentagon(五角大楼,美国国防部) Hollywood(好莱坞,美国电影业) Downing Street(唐宁街,英国政府) Foggy Bottom(雾谷,美国国务院) Buckingham Palace(白金汗宫,英国皇室) 等等。


Note: Synecdoche can easily be mistaken for metonymy

█Synecdoche (提喻) It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part. In another word , a part is made to represent the whole, or vise versa. For instance, they say there's bread and work for all. She was dressed in silks.

