
you over there.)

9. 您预定的是哪个酒店? Which hotel have you reserved?

10. 这是英文版的北京/伦敦旅游指南

Here is the English version of Guidebook for Tourists in Beijing /London.

11. 我不敢确定。您最好去大厅问讯处问一下,他们会帮助您的。 I am not quite sure about that. May I suggest that you go to the Information Counter at the terminal building? They will provide assistance.

12. 您可以凭行李牌在进港厅领取您的托运行李。

You may claim your checked baggage in the Arrival Hall with your luggage tag.

13. 您需要去进港大厅办理入境手续。

You need to go through entry formalities in the Arrival Hall.

14. 您可以与地面人员联系,确认您的转机航班 You may confirm your transit flight with our ground staff.

15. 如果您转乘其他航班,请到中转柜台办理转机手续 You may go to the transit counter for your connecting flights.

16. 您的下一个航班在4小时后起飞,您的转机时间很充裕。 Your next flight will take off in 4 hours. You?ve got plenty of time to make 32

the transit.

4.3 中国和北京China and Beijing 1. 长城被认为是中国古代文明的象征。

The Great Wall is regarded as a symbol of the ancient civilization of China.

2. 故宫又名紫禁城,曾经是明清历代皇帝的宫殿,它的建筑风格非常独特。

The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, was once the palace for emperors in Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has a unique structural design.

3. 天安门广场是世界上最大的城市广场,面积44万平方米。 The Tian?an Men Square is the largest city square in the world with an area of 440,000 square meters.

4. 北海公园是有八百多年历史的皇家宫苑。

Beihai Park is an imperial garden with a history of over 800 years.

5. 雍和宫原为雍正皇帝的府邸,是北京最大、保存最完好的喇嘛寺。 Yong He Gong, once the palace for Emperor Yong Zheng, is the biggest and most well preserved Lama Temple.

6. 中国的传统文化博大精深,比如易经、气功、武术。

Chinese traditional culture is broad and profound, to name a few, Book of Changes, qigong and martial arts, etc.

7. 国家体育场位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区南部,是2008年第29届



Beijing National Stadium, the main competition venue of the 29th Olympic Games, is located in the south of Beijing Olympic Park.

8. 国家游泳中心也称作“水立方”,它的结构设计是基于自然形成的肥皂泡。

The National Aquatics Centre is also known as ?The Water Cube?. The building's structural design is based on the natural formation of soap bubbles.

9. 中国武术历史悠久,现在已成为世界性竞技项目。

Chinese Wushu has a long history. It has gradually become an international event.

10. 我建议您去参观长城,那是非常著名的景点。

I recommend the Great Wall, which is a well-known tourist resort.

4.4 机场服务Airport Service

1. 后面63#卫生间有些故障,麻烦您检修一下。谢谢!

Lavatory 63 in the rear doesn?t function well. Would you please fix it?

2. 请问今天有多少份餐食,有特殊餐吗?

How many portions of meal for this flight? Any special meal?

3. 头等、公务舱的器皿可以更换吗?餐车、烤炉的数量有变更吗? Can we change some utensils for First and Business Class here? Is there any change for the amount of meal carts or ovens? 34

4. 麻烦您,打扫卫生速度稍快一点,我们的航班晚点了。 Could you please speed up your cleaning? I?m afraid we?ll be late.

5. 您好,麻烦您通知上客吧! Sir, we are ready for boarding.

6. 请问今天有特殊客人吗?遣返客人是什么原因?

Is there any special passenger on this flight? What?s the reason for repatriation?

7. 请问今天在飞机延误期间你们为旅客做了些什么?你们与旅客解释的原因是什么?这样我们与旅客的解释会一致。

What did you do on the ground and how did you explain to PAX? We?d better give PAX the same explanations.

